Helpful Score: 11
The only problem I ever have with Charlaine Harris' Sookie Stackhouse books is that they're so damn good, I devour them in a heartbeat and am once again left morosely staring at the calendar, trying to figure out how long I have to wait until the next series installment. Dead in the Family was no exception.
In Dead in the Family, Sookie is recovering from her brutal attack during the war with the fairies. She and Eric are settling into a normal relationship pattern, and she's come to terms with her feelings for him, admitting that she loves him and wants to be with him.
Of course, nothing is that simple in Bon Temps. This time, family issues cause stress on her relationship -- both from her own family, in the form of her 5-year-old nephew and fellow telepath, Hunter, and from Eric's sire and brother, who come into town without warning in need of help. (Incidentally, these new characters were a real treat, and must have been fun to write. I enjoy the nuggets of history readers are provided through these immortal characters -- and it's always fun to see what famous figure Harris will throw in to the mix next.)
More plot tension is also provided when "ghosts" from the past pop up again to cause trouble for Sookie, and add even more drama to her life. You can't help but feel sorry for the poor girl.
We say goodbye (at least temporarily) to series regulars like Amelia, Sookie's roommate, but meet other new and interesting additions to the Bon Temps community -- like Judith, a vampire "sibling" of Bill's who bears a surprising resemblence to his Civil War-era, human wife. Harris is once again expert in keeping the action moving through use of supporting characters, without neglecting her fan favorites, and I'm especially intrigued to see where this storyline will go in future novels.
It's no secret that I am hugely "Team Eric" when it comes to Sookie's love life, so I'm cautiously optimistic about the path Harris seems to have her herione on. However, since Ms. Harris is also a genius of mystery and surprising twists at the end, I won't get too comfortable as I settle in for the long wait for her next book.
In Dead in the Family, Sookie is recovering from her brutal attack during the war with the fairies. She and Eric are settling into a normal relationship pattern, and she's come to terms with her feelings for him, admitting that she loves him and wants to be with him.
Of course, nothing is that simple in Bon Temps. This time, family issues cause stress on her relationship -- both from her own family, in the form of her 5-year-old nephew and fellow telepath, Hunter, and from Eric's sire and brother, who come into town without warning in need of help. (Incidentally, these new characters were a real treat, and must have been fun to write. I enjoy the nuggets of history readers are provided through these immortal characters -- and it's always fun to see what famous figure Harris will throw in to the mix next.)
More plot tension is also provided when "ghosts" from the past pop up again to cause trouble for Sookie, and add even more drama to her life. You can't help but feel sorry for the poor girl.
We say goodbye (at least temporarily) to series regulars like Amelia, Sookie's roommate, but meet other new and interesting additions to the Bon Temps community -- like Judith, a vampire "sibling" of Bill's who bears a surprising resemblence to his Civil War-era, human wife. Harris is once again expert in keeping the action moving through use of supporting characters, without neglecting her fan favorites, and I'm especially intrigued to see where this storyline will go in future novels.
It's no secret that I am hugely "Team Eric" when it comes to Sookie's love life, so I'm cautiously optimistic about the path Harris seems to have her herione on. However, since Ms. Harris is also a genius of mystery and surprising twists at the end, I won't get too comfortable as I settle in for the long wait for her next book.

Helpful Score: 9
A FILLER BOOK....Super-Disappointing. Wasn't even worth my time.
No suspense, no mystery, no plot really. No romance, no sex, barely a mention of all the major characters.
It was like she wrote this book just because her publishers said "Hey, write us up about 300 pages to be published next May"....and boom, there it was--a BORING book.
I was waiting to find out what would happen with Sookie & Erik. With Sookie & Bill. With Alcide....and what did I find out with this book? NOTHING.
She left more loose ends than she tied up. I was left feeling emotionally void after reading it. YAWN.......don't waste your time!
No suspense, no mystery, no plot really. No romance, no sex, barely a mention of all the major characters.
It was like she wrote this book just because her publishers said "Hey, write us up about 300 pages to be published next May"....and boom, there it was--a BORING book.
I was waiting to find out what would happen with Sookie & Erik. With Sookie & Bill. With Alcide....and what did I find out with this book? NOTHING.
She left more loose ends than she tied up. I was left feeling emotionally void after reading it. YAWN.......don't waste your time!
Helpful Score: 9
This has so far been the most atrocious book in the series. I was so incredibly disappointed. The book felt like there was no real story. It seemed to drag on to no end. I love the rest of the series and this one falls short horribly. The characters weren't remotely recognizable. It appears that Ms. Harris has lost a good amount of interest in the series. I had so much hope and anticipation for the book and it was a huge let down. There were some interesting points in the book. Overall though it all seemed to blur together. I am hoping the next book is far better.

Helpful Score: 6
I've come to expect great things with each book in the Sookie Stackhouse series and simply put Charlaine Harris' latest was a disappointment. Yes, I liked it but at times it was boring and I found myself having to read bits and pieces because I would just simply drift off. This book just fell flat on her usual suspenseful writing style. I must say though, best comment of the book goes to Pam with her, "F**k a zombie!"
Helpful Score: 5
Just finished this tonight. Much as I loved the other books this one seemed to drag on and on and on. Too much politics and too little action for lack of a better word. It wasn't a bad book but it definitely wasn't one of the best. I wish I had waited for the paperback. One other thing I did notice is that with every new book it gets a bit more explicit regarding sex. Could have done with the exposition in this book in one case.