Helpful Score: 6
This is Rachel Caine's (author of the Weather Warden books) young adult series. It's in the third person but follows the story of Claire, a young college student going to school at what turns out to be a town run by vampires. Claire lives with 3 other teens (Shane, Michael and Eve) in a unusual house. The three others are all older than Claire and grew up in Morganville, and they all know more about the town and it's history than Claire does, but everyone seems to have some secrets and history with the vamps. It's a very interesting premise and the story is never dull, one surprise follows another and there is a lot of action going on. I did notice that the author likes to end her books with cliffhangers, so the series is addictive, but if you hate cliffhangers, make sure you have book 2 around if you start reading book 1. Meanwhile the heroine is smart and thoughtful while sounding like a teenager. I'm glad this is not another "teen girl with bubblegum brains falling for a vampire" story. The book has surprising depth, and even bad guys seem to have another side.
Helpful Score: 2
The first book was Ok, but I struggled through it, and even worst gave up on this second one. It seems like all the characters do is hide in their house and worry about what to do next becasue they lost their prtection. It just feels like they keep re-playing the same scene over and over and over. Stay up all night, eat, play guitar, hide out during the day. Repeat.
I wont be following the rest of this series.
I wont be following the rest of this series.

Helpful Score: 1
Fast read. Always seems like the Glass house is a magnet for trouble. Just when they get through one crisis another appears.

Helpful Score: 1
More adventures in the creepy town of Morganville. Just as good as the first one, it makes you eager to read more of the series. As Claire and company get drawn deeper into the danger of living in Morganville, they're up for another dangerous adventure. But when Claire manages to anger the most powerful vampires in town, can any of them survive? Definitely a great source of entertainment, and a very fun read.

Helpful Score: 1
I started reading young adult books, prescreening them for my 13 y/o daughter who has newly found the joy of reading. However, she only likes the teen vampire romance novels. And some of the "young adult" are not so innocent. But, this is a cute book. She however did not like the first one and will not read any others. But, I will.

We get to know the characters better and see the return of Shane's father. There's big trouble in Morganville.

Reviewed by Karin Perry for TeensReadToo.com
Hold on to your fish-net stockings because the action in THE DEAD GIRLS' DANCE starts on the first page and never lets up. The story begins exactly where the first book in the Morganville Vampire series, GLASS HOUSES, left off. Claire, Eve, and Shane are in shock over what Shane's father and his buddies have done to Michael.
Shane's father has returned to Morganville with one thing in mind: He wants to kill as many vampires as he can, even if he gets killed in the process. After the trauma Shane's family went through with the loss of his sister, and, subsequently, his mother, Shane and his father have cooked up a plan for revenge. Shane's phone call to his father sets the plan in motion and once his father arrives, Shane realizes what a mistake he's made.
The protection Claire, Eve, Shane, and Michael have under the Founder is in jeopardy now that Shane's dad is causing problems. If they are thought to be involved in any kind of plan to kill the vampires, their protection will be removed and it will be open season on the occupants of the Glass House -- and believe me, there are plenty of vampires and people in Morganville who want to see them dead. When one of the most powerful vampires in town turns up dead, Shane is accused of the crime and sentenced to death, and it is up to Claire and Eve to find a way to save him.
Readers will enjoy it when Claire's nemesis, Monica, gets a little of what's coming to her when the tables are turned and she is put in the victim role. Also be looking for relationships to blossom over the course of THE DEAD GIRLS' DANCE, both in love and friendship. We also meet a new, likeable character named Sam. He offers aid to Claire and Eve when they are in desperate need of help.
The only drawback with this book is that it isn't a stand-alone story. In order to understand the reasoning behind much of the action it would be better to read the first book in the series, GLASS HOUSES. However, in my opinion, this isn't a major drawback at all since it leads you to another great book by Rachel Caine. THE DEAD GIRLS' DANCE is one of the best books I've read, and the shocking ending will leave you panting and begging for the next installment.
Hold on to your fish-net stockings because the action in THE DEAD GIRLS' DANCE starts on the first page and never lets up. The story begins exactly where the first book in the Morganville Vampire series, GLASS HOUSES, left off. Claire, Eve, and Shane are in shock over what Shane's father and his buddies have done to Michael.
Shane's father has returned to Morganville with one thing in mind: He wants to kill as many vampires as he can, even if he gets killed in the process. After the trauma Shane's family went through with the loss of his sister, and, subsequently, his mother, Shane and his father have cooked up a plan for revenge. Shane's phone call to his father sets the plan in motion and once his father arrives, Shane realizes what a mistake he's made.
The protection Claire, Eve, Shane, and Michael have under the Founder is in jeopardy now that Shane's dad is causing problems. If they are thought to be involved in any kind of plan to kill the vampires, their protection will be removed and it will be open season on the occupants of the Glass House -- and believe me, there are plenty of vampires and people in Morganville who want to see them dead. When one of the most powerful vampires in town turns up dead, Shane is accused of the crime and sentenced to death, and it is up to Claire and Eve to find a way to save him.
Readers will enjoy it when Claire's nemesis, Monica, gets a little of what's coming to her when the tables are turned and she is put in the victim role. Also be looking for relationships to blossom over the course of THE DEAD GIRLS' DANCE, both in love and friendship. We also meet a new, likeable character named Sam. He offers aid to Claire and Eve when they are in desperate need of help.
The only drawback with this book is that it isn't a stand-alone story. In order to understand the reasoning behind much of the action it would be better to read the first book in the series, GLASS HOUSES. However, in my opinion, this isn't a major drawback at all since it leads you to another great book by Rachel Caine. THE DEAD GIRLS' DANCE is one of the best books I've read, and the shocking ending will leave you panting and begging for the next installment.

This is the second book in the Morganville Vampires series. For some reason I just cannot get into this series. The story is okay, but the characters aren't all that engaging. I didn't finish this book thinking "Oh, I just can't wait for what happens next!".
This book starts out exactly where the last book left off, which is good considering the last book left off with a knife plunging toward Michael's heart. In this book Shane's father, a crazy vampire hunter, shows up and starts creating trouble for the residents of Glass House. It's up to Claire to try and figure out how to fix everything, especially when Shane gets imprisoned for a murder he didn't commit.
I will start out with the good stuff in this book. The Founder of Morganville, Amelie, is a great character; in fact I think she is the only interesting character in this book. She is intriguing and must have a very interesting past indeed. I also liked the addition of Sam the newest vampire in Morganville; although he wasn't in the story much. Okay, well that was the good stuff. I think the other characters are very stereotypical. The story is okay, but not all that engaging. The writing style is fine but nothing special.
I thought the title and synopsis of the book were both a bit misleading. The Dead Girl's Dance doesn't happen until almost the end of the book and the main characters have nothing to do with the preparation of it. The Dance just happens to be a place where some bad stuff happens. I also thought it was a bit strange that Claire rarely goes to class; I mean I understand that she is in danger, but Claire's actual classwork is really pushed into the background and dealt with as an afterthought...it's kind of weird since the whole reason she stayed in Morganville initially was to go to school. I also thought that Claire's parents were dealt with in a clumsy way; it was like Caine didn't really know what to do with them so she made them magically forget and left it at that.
Overall, this book was okay. I just didn't really get into it all that much. Everything about it remains average. The nice thing was that this book wrapped up the plot somewhat instead of leaving it wide open like the last book. I won't be reading anymore of this series. I just am not enjoying it; there is not enough creativity and the characters are not engaging enough.
This book starts out exactly where the last book left off, which is good considering the last book left off with a knife plunging toward Michael's heart. In this book Shane's father, a crazy vampire hunter, shows up and starts creating trouble for the residents of Glass House. It's up to Claire to try and figure out how to fix everything, especially when Shane gets imprisoned for a murder he didn't commit.
I will start out with the good stuff in this book. The Founder of Morganville, Amelie, is a great character; in fact I think she is the only interesting character in this book. She is intriguing and must have a very interesting past indeed. I also liked the addition of Sam the newest vampire in Morganville; although he wasn't in the story much. Okay, well that was the good stuff. I think the other characters are very stereotypical. The story is okay, but not all that engaging. The writing style is fine but nothing special.
I thought the title and synopsis of the book were both a bit misleading. The Dead Girl's Dance doesn't happen until almost the end of the book and the main characters have nothing to do with the preparation of it. The Dance just happens to be a place where some bad stuff happens. I also thought it was a bit strange that Claire rarely goes to class; I mean I understand that she is in danger, but Claire's actual classwork is really pushed into the background and dealt with as an afterthought...it's kind of weird since the whole reason she stayed in Morganville initially was to go to school. I also thought that Claire's parents were dealt with in a clumsy way; it was like Caine didn't really know what to do with them so she made them magically forget and left it at that.
Overall, this book was okay. I just didn't really get into it all that much. Everything about it remains average. The nice thing was that this book wrapped up the plot somewhat instead of leaving it wide open like the last book. I won't be reading anymore of this series. I just am not enjoying it; there is not enough creativity and the characters are not engaging enough.

Shane's father, Frank, the vampire killer, came to town and started some major shit. Shane is caught in the middle and arrested. When Frank abducts Monica Morrell, Claire's mortal enemy, a mexican standoff ensues. Claire, Eve and Michael join forces with the human cops to plot a rescue.
It's very exciting and action packed right from the first page. I really enjoyed this installment of the Morganville Vampires.
It's very exciting and action packed right from the first page. I really enjoyed this installment of the Morganville Vampires.

Claire Danvers faces more challenges from both college and the undead in thissecond entry in the Morganville Vampires series.
he story continues where Glass Houses left off with the arrival of Shane's dad who has brought some friends with him in stopping the vampires. Things get worse for Eve when she hears that someone she obviously does not want to see may be in town. Also that Shane has been captured after the death of one of the vampires. With help from a vampire name Sam they must think of a way to help Shane. Which brings Michael to make a decision. All the while Claire finds she's invited to the Dead Girl's Dance and the reason behind it...
College should be an exciting time, but for brainy 16-year-old Claire Danvers that's too mild a word. Due to advanced placement, Claire can start college early, but her parents refuse to allow her to go to the distant Ivy League school of her dreams. She goes to Texas Prairie University where she is tormented by the popular girlsbut that's the least of her worries. Morganville, home of the university, is also home to vampires and vampire hunters. Claire finds protection from the horrors of the town in the Glass House with three fellow outcasts, Goth girl Eve, rebellious Shane, and Michael, who disappears during the day. Claire falls for Shane and would do anything to protect her friends, including facing down bloodthirsty vampires and dangerous bikers. Rachel Caine's first two books (Penguin, 2006, 2007) in the series flesh out the characters and the setting, allowing listeners to really visualize the town. These suspenseful titles are filled with violence, language, and sensual situations.
he story continues where Glass Houses left off with the arrival of Shane's dad who has brought some friends with him in stopping the vampires. Things get worse for Eve when she hears that someone she obviously does not want to see may be in town. Also that Shane has been captured after the death of one of the vampires. With help from a vampire name Sam they must think of a way to help Shane. Which brings Michael to make a decision. All the while Claire finds she's invited to the Dead Girl's Dance and the reason behind it...
College should be an exciting time, but for brainy 16-year-old Claire Danvers that's too mild a word. Due to advanced placement, Claire can start college early, but her parents refuse to allow her to go to the distant Ivy League school of her dreams. She goes to Texas Prairie University where she is tormented by the popular girlsbut that's the least of her worries. Morganville, home of the university, is also home to vampires and vampire hunters. Claire finds protection from the horrors of the town in the Glass House with three fellow outcasts, Goth girl Eve, rebellious Shane, and Michael, who disappears during the day. Claire falls for Shane and would do anything to protect her friends, including facing down bloodthirsty vampires and dangerous bikers. Rachel Caine's first two books (Penguin, 2006, 2007) in the series flesh out the characters and the setting, allowing listeners to really visualize the town. These suspenseful titles are filled with violence, language, and sensual situations.

Rachel Caine is one of my favorite authors I love the morganville books. They keep your attention and it seems you can not put the book down. Claire is one of the many people and she does go through a lot in the books but I like how it shows you how good friends stick together no matter what.
"Want to play baseball? she asked.
Shanes eyes opened, and he stopped stroking her hair. What?
First base, she said. Youre already there.
Im not running the bases.
Well, you could at least steal second.
Jeez, Claire. I used to distract myself with sports at times like these, but now youve gone and ruined it."
I swear, I am really not sure if this kid will ever actually reach 18, or even 17 for that matter. This book picks up right after the first and she is subjected to more pain, bruises, danger, and terror. I wonder if this kid can ever just have a normal week now that she is privy to all she is.
The plot was pretty good throughout the book but definitely predictable. Still totally enjoyable though, action packed, and full of some funny interactions like the one above!
I won't read the next book for a while since my TBR pile is HUGE and I don't have the next book yet, but eventually I will definitely continue on with this series!
Shanes eyes opened, and he stopped stroking her hair. What?
First base, she said. Youre already there.
Im not running the bases.
Well, you could at least steal second.
Jeez, Claire. I used to distract myself with sports at times like these, but now youve gone and ruined it."
I swear, I am really not sure if this kid will ever actually reach 18, or even 17 for that matter. This book picks up right after the first and she is subjected to more pain, bruises, danger, and terror. I wonder if this kid can ever just have a normal week now that she is privy to all she is.
The plot was pretty good throughout the book but definitely predictable. Still totally enjoyable though, action packed, and full of some funny interactions like the one above!
I won't read the next book for a while since my TBR pile is HUGE and I don't have the next book yet, but eventually I will definitely continue on with this series!
it was a pretty good series
I enjoyed the second book in this series. The characters really start to evolve in this one.

Good continuation of the story of Claire, a young college student living in a vampire-run town. (Epsilon Epsilon Kappa, EEK, is the fraternity...)