Helpful Score: 2
Awesome read. I enjoyed if from cover to cover. Fast paced, not a boring chapter in the book. Vastly different from your normal apocalyptic zombie novel. This actually had a villain and that made it interesting and a little more creepy. Good book!
Helpful Score: 1
The swift pacing and interesting telling gave this zombie invasion a fresh take. I like the Deathbringer and how it affected the inhabitants of Dandridge. Even bloodthirsty and crazed with homicidal violence, the characters were likable. If you understood their single-minded mission that is.
Was very B-movie-ish for the first half of the book, but the author pulled it together by the end with some interesting developments. Nothing mind-blowing, mind you, just interesting. Overall a decent book if you're into zombie movies and/or books.
First Bryan Smith read.......can't wait to receive House of Blood.....different Zombie slant which was interesting.
Read in one day. Loved the story line! Page turner that I couldn't put down. I am looking forward to reading more of Smith's books. If they are anything like Deathbringer, he has a fan for life.
great zombie story if you like those. this one is published by leisure so if your familiar with what their putting out you know there is no holding back.
It's REALLY good. Not scary so much as intriguing. I couldn't put it down.
Good horror! Moves very fast and before you know it you're almost done! What an imagination Smith has, need a strong stomach to get through all the gore, sex and language but most of it can be skimmed.
Great zombie book,plenty of zombie action.Even mananged to creep me out a bit.
"Hannah Starke was the first to die. And the first to come back. In the small town of Dandridge they all come back. The buried claw their way out of their graves. The recently killed get up and kill. As the dead attack the living, the number of dead continues to grow.
And the odds against the living get worse and worse.
And the odds against the living get worse and worse.