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Topic: Delays in receiving books

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Subject: Delays in receiving books
Date Posted: 10/20/2020 7:49 PM ET
Member Since: 2/12/2009
Posts: 4
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October 18, 2020

Today when I ,mailed books I was informedby the clerk that waited on me that there could be a delay of up to 3 weeks for Media Book Delivery.

Being very curious,I inquired "why?".  I was told that media only travels by truck and it is the last to be loaded behind every other type of mail and if there is no room, that they have to wait.  Has onyone else be told that?  I thought that this might be interesting information for members and the PBW employees.

Kathy West 3818 S Frankwood Ave, Sanger, CA. 93657

lionrose avatar
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Date Posted: 10/21/2020 9:55 PM ET
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That possibility has always been the case; however, it does not mean it's what always happens. In fact, most times transit time is well under two weeks and often only a week or so. I don't think they strictly follow this and many times book packages get thrown in with the rest of it.

rainbowgirl28 avatar
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Date Posted: 11/1/2020 10:53 AM ET
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This has always been true. I have definitely noticed my media mail shipments slowing down since early summer, as the entire USPS system has experienced greater delays.