For Murder She Wrote fans, this storyline will not disappoint. I always enjoy these books: engaging story, well written, comfortable without undue attention re: gorey details relating to the murders. I loved the TV series and I have enjoyed the several books in the series as well. Quick, enjoyable read. Sit back, relax and enjoy Jessica's travels on a Canadian steam engine excursion.

This was a pleasant read, it was nice to "ride" a passenger train through British Columbia and "visit" in Vancouver. And only unpleasant people were murdered. But it didn't feel like the TV show to me, I found it hard to picture Jessica Fletcher in my mind. I think because the book gives the reader more access to Jessica's mind, and she isn't as sure of herself as she is in the show.

Just finished yet anther enjoyable read from "Jessica Fletcher" and Donald Bain. I like these books as an easy alternative read from the often too serious non-fiction books which make up most of my reading. Reading cozies is like watching TV, but you still get to use your brain. Still, it was obvious from early on who was going to figure in the murder, you just didn't know what name was being used.
But why did "Jessica" have to take the train trip I've always thought of taking?
But why did "Jessica" have to take the train trip I've always thought of taking?
Featuring Jessica Fletcher from the TV show Murder She Wrote. Jessica is on a train trip when someone dies and police begin interviewing the passengers and when all the suspects are gathered together Jessica decides to do some sleuthing of her own.

British Columbia and the beautiful Vancouver are the main settings for this Jessica outing.