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Topic: In dire need of credits....

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DayJaVu avatar
Subject: In dire need of credits....
Date Posted: 3/10/2009 4:12 PM ET
Member Since: 7/30/2008
Posts: 20
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Hello all,

So I recentally orded about 3 books from a spefic user and all they came in horrible condition. I reported them and they still refuse to refund me my credits.

Recentally I just got a message that a book I  been looking for years is aviable for me  now (retails $40)! Yet, i have zero credits!

Is anyone willing to give me free credits? I only need one for this book and to be honest I am super low on funds to afford buying it for retail price.

Any help would be greatly appricaited.

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Date Posted: 3/10/2009 4:14 PM ET
Member Since: 7/6/2005
Posts: 404
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still need it?  pm me at lupielady or cheryl r

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