Dirty Talk Speak the Language of Lust Author:Lynne Stanton Say it loud and say it proud! — Or say it low and say it slow. Anyone can learn to speak the language of lust. Here to help is Dirty Talk, an ultra-feminine, far-from-prim primer that pulls together everything a lady needs to know to loosen her tongue. With a velvety cover and enticing illustrations throughout, this little handbook starts... more » off with loads of techniques to build erotic vocabulary and tips to tackle stage fright, then moves on to mastering the art of talking dirty à deux. To wrap it all up, the book shows how a minx-in-the-making can raise dirty talk to the next level, with tips for taking erotic lingo outside the boudoir. Even the most ladylike will find lots of seductive options, proving that dirty talk doesn't have to be cheap, unless, of course, it's meant to be...« less