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Book List - Discworld - Death

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<?=$who;?> Discworld - Death
List created by Ronni N. (yoursandmine) - , on Aug 12, 2011
List Votes: 1 Books: 5 Contributors: 1 Watchers: 1 List Type: Closed
Ronni N. (yoursandmine) - ,
Mort (Discworld, Bk 4) by Terry Pratchett
In "Mort", Terry Pratchett returns to "Discworld", the setting for his popular series of comic fantasy novels, "The Colour of Magic", "The Light Fantastic", and "Equal Rites". Mort is an unpromising, gangling teenager who becomes as apprentice toDeath, but proves less than gifted at his new...  more

Ronni N. (yoursandmine) - ,
Reaper Man (Discworld, Bk 11) by Terry Pratchett
Death is missing - presumed... er... gone. Which leads to the kind of chaos you always get when an important public service is withdrawn. Ghosts and poltergeists fill up the Discworld. Dead Rights activist Reg Shoe - 'You Don't Have to Take This Lying Down' - suddenly has more work than he...  more

Ronni N. (yoursandmine) - ,
Soul Music (Discworld, Bk 16) by Terry Pratchett
When her dear old Granddad -- the Grim Reaper himself -- goes missing, Susan takes over the family business. The progeny of Death's adopted daughter and his apprentice, she shows real talent for the trade. That is until a little string in her heart goes "twang." With a head...  more

Ronni N. (yoursandmine) - ,
Hogfather (Discworld, Bk 20) by Terry Pratchett
Who would want to harm Discworld's most beloved icon? Very few things are held sacred in this twisted, corrupt, heartless -- and oddly familiar -- universe, but the Hogfather is one of them. Yet here it is, Hogswatchnight, that most joyous and acquisitive of times, and the jolly old,...  more

Ronni N. (yoursandmine) - ,
Thief of Time (Discworld, Bk 26) by Terry Pratchett
Everybody wants more time, which is why on Discworld only the experts can manage it -- the venerable Monks of History who store it and pump it from where it's wasted, like underwater (how much time does a codfish really need?), to places like cities, where busy denizens lament, "Oh...  more

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Comment added 8/12/11 by Ronni N. (yoursandmine) - , :
Mort: read

Comment added 8/12/11 by Ronni N. (yoursandmine) - , :
Reaper Man:

Comment added 8/12/11 by Ronni N. (yoursandmine) - , :
Soul Music:

Comment added 8/12/11 by Ronni N. (yoursandmine) - , :
Hogfather: own

Comment added 8/12/11 by Ronni N. (yoursandmine) - , :
Thief of Time: