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Book List - Discworld - Witches

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<?=$who;?> Discworld - Witches
List created by Ronni N. (yoursandmine) - , on Aug 12, 2011
List Votes: 1 Books: 5 Contributors: 1 Watchers: 0 List Type: Closed
Ronni N. (yoursandmine) - ,
Equal Rites (Discworld, Bk 3) by Terry Pratchett
Plodding through the eternal void is the great turtle A'Tuin. On his back (or hers -- the question is unresolved) stand four elephants. And supported on the elephants' shoulders is... Discworld, planet of magic and misadventure! Predicting his own death, the wizard Drum Billet sets out to...  more

Ronni N. (yoursandmine) - ,
Wyrd Sisters (Discworld, Bk 6) by Terry Pratchett
Kingdoms wobble, crowns topple and knives flash on the magical Discworld as the statutory three witches meddle in royal politics. But Granny Weatherwax (of Equal Rites) and her fellow coven members find it's all a lot more difficult than playwrights would have you believe . . Everything you'd...  more

Ronni N. (yoursandmine) - ,
Witches Abroad (Discworld, Bk 12) by Terry Pratchett
Be careful what you wish for... Once upon a time there was a fairy godmother named Desiderata who had a good heart, a wise head, and poor planning skills -- which unfortunately left the Princess Emberella in the care of her other (not quite so good and wise) godmother when DEATH came for...  more

Ronni N. (yoursandmine) - ,
Lords and Ladies (Discworld, Bk 14) by Terry Pratchett
Although they may feature witches and wizards, vampires and dwarves, along with the occasional odd human, Terry Pratchett's bestselling Discworld novels are grounded firmly in the modern world. Taking humorous aim at all our foibles, each novel reveals our true character and...  more

Ronni N. (yoursandmine) - ,
Carpe Jugulum (Discworld, Bk 23) by Terry Pratchett
It is rare and splendid event when an author is elevated from the underground into the international literary establishment. In the case of England's best-known and best-loved modern satirist, that event has been long overdue. Terry Pratchett's profoundly irreverent Discworld novels...  more

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Comment added 8/12/11 by Ronni N. (yoursandmine) - , :
Equal Rites: Read, own

Comment added 8/12/11 by Ronni N. (yoursandmine) - , :
Wyrd Sisters: Read

Comment added 8/12/11 by Ronni N. (yoursandmine) - , :
Witches Abroad:

Comment added 8/12/11 by Ronni N. (yoursandmine) - , :
Lords and Ladies:

Comment added 8/12/11 by Ronni N. (yoursandmine) - , :

Comment added 8/12/11 by Ronni N. (yoursandmine) - , :
Carpe Jugulum: own