Starhawk continues to create a movement of her own with her words. She's a continual advocate for action in a world where many only see racism, sexism, poverty, environmental disasters, etc. Starhawk gives you inspiration and hope.
Dreaming the Dark covers many different areas. It is the authors journey from despair to action. It considers politics, the enviornment, society, as well as internal strength and knowledge.

This is a great book for those interested in paganism and pagan perspectives on politics and activism

I really tried hard to like this book, mostly because so many others like Starhawk but this book is so full of fluff, it gave me a stomach ache just trying to get past chapter 7. Most of the book is centered around male-bashing (which is odd since the author says she's married to a man) and insisting everything from hangnails to cancer and schizophrenia can be cured with love and acceptance toward the individual while everyone sits in a circle and sings. She mixes up simple concepts like abstract and concrete thinking so they book is sometimes hard to follow unless you have the context of the paragraph and some of the book is the same scare tatic propaganda she accuses everyone else of using. I know this book was written in the '80's but most of the psychiatric field stopped doing electro-shock therapy in the '50's.
This book is really just one big, bad point.
This book is really just one big, bad point.
Fifteenth Anniversary Edition with a new Preface