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Topic: Drug Addiction Memoirs

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Subject: Drug Addiction Memoirs
Date Posted: 7/13/2016 7:08 PM ET
Member Since: 4/2/2016
Posts: 2
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I'm writing a book and I decided before I write too much I need to read all the Drug Addiction memoirs written.

Or any books about drugs or addictions.


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Date Posted: 7/24/2016 10:58 AM ET
Member Since: 11/28/2007
Posts: 9,228
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David Sheff's book "Beautiful Boy" is his memoir of his son Nic's descent into drug addiction. It was gut-wrenching and heart-breaking, as the addiction affected the entire family.

When he sobered up (for a time) the son also wrote a book, chronicling his experiences while addicted to meth. "Tweaked" I think it was called. In my opinioin this book was much less gut-wrenching simply because I couldn't get past the out-and-out debauchery. While addicted, Nic gave little thought to anything but his next high. His book was written when he was merely 18 months sober. I would be very curious to read a book written by him when he was 15 years sober, with plenty of time to really reflect.