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Book List - Edgar Award Winners

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<?=$who;?> Edgar Award Winners
List created by Vivian Q. (bellasgranny) - , on May 7, 2011
List Votes: 1 Books: 1 Contributors: 1 Watchers: 0 List Type: Closed
Vivian Q. (bellasgranny) - ,
The Black Echo (Harry Bosch, Bk 1) by Michael Connelly
For LAPD homicide cop Harry Bosch -- hero, maverick, nighthawk -- the body in the drainpipe at Mulholland Dam is more than another anonymous statistic. This one is personal. The dead man, Billy Meadows, was a fellow Vietnam "tunnel rat" who fought side by side with him in a...  more

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Comment added 5/7/11 by Vivian Q. (bellasgranny) - , :
1993 Edgar winner for Best First Novel. **** Great start to the Harry Bosch series.