He missed with this one, it's really not worth reading. I liked his 'The Last Crossing' very much so thought I'd try another one.
In college, I took a Canadian fiction course and this book was one of our first requirements to read and discuss. I skimmed it rather quickly - and can't recall many details at all. It is about a cast and crew filming a Western movie in Canada, and there seemed to be lots of jumps between present day and past memories. I would give a better review if I could remember much at all about this book - but maybe that in itself is the best review I could give?
Counterpointing the stories of Short McAdoo, a legendary Western cowboy ith and an ambitious story writer, Harry Vincent, commissioned to get the true story of Shorty's Indian adventures. Set in the 1920's in Hollywood, telling the story about each of them. Set in Canada, chasing Indians who steal some horses. Excellent historical fiction, very well written.