In 2 words this book is: DISGUSTING RUBBISH
Here is why:
Main points:
Lets blame everyone ELSE for our own failures. And Make them believe it.
FORCE everyone to hate them selves. The same way the "failed-to launch-moralizers" hate them selves and everyone else for working hard and achieving something.
If the achievers dont submit, then they need to be beaten into submission.
ALL violence by the peaceful rioters, burning looting and murdering is justifiable because the much put upon FAILED-to-LAUNCH claim moral high-ground.
What is their (the FAILED-to-LAUNCH) evidence of being superior? They self identify as superior, therefore they are.
And of course this iLogic is helped by Intersectionality: the more victimhood subscriptions they can come up with the more valid their status, the more superior they FEEL
The result is that a Man of color, a drug addict, hiding behind and holding heavily pregnant woman at knife point while robbing a convenient store is not a thug, he is a celebrated national hero, a victim of everyone who is not suffering like him.
But an old WHITE veteran beaten to death by "morally superior" BLM/ANTIFA members (living in their moms basement at 32yr) is an evil white supremacist, nationalist, chauvinistic, masagonistic, homophobic, race hater who deserves to have his skull kicked open on the sidewalk for the crime of picking up his wife's medication.
Here is why:
Main points:
Lets blame everyone ELSE for our own failures. And Make them believe it.
FORCE everyone to hate them selves. The same way the "failed-to launch-moralizers" hate them selves and everyone else for working hard and achieving something.
If the achievers dont submit, then they need to be beaten into submission.
ALL violence by the peaceful rioters, burning looting and murdering is justifiable because the much put upon FAILED-to-LAUNCH claim moral high-ground.
What is their (the FAILED-to-LAUNCH) evidence of being superior? They self identify as superior, therefore they are.
And of course this iLogic is helped by Intersectionality: the more victimhood subscriptions they can come up with the more valid their status, the more superior they FEEL
The result is that a Man of color, a drug addict, hiding behind and holding heavily pregnant woman at knife point while robbing a convenient store is not a thug, he is a celebrated national hero, a victim of everyone who is not suffering like him.
But an old WHITE veteran beaten to death by "morally superior" BLM/ANTIFA members (living in their moms basement at 32yr) is an evil white supremacist, nationalist, chauvinistic, masagonistic, homophobic, race hater who deserves to have his skull kicked open on the sidewalk for the crime of picking up his wife's medication.

Excellent; a ray of hope in these dark days!