Helpful Score: 7
Enslaved by Ducks is the story of how the author Bob Tarte (a bonafide city slicker) gave in to his country girl wife, Linda when it came to getting a rabbit named Binky. Binky ends up being a terror on 4 legs for Bob. Bob ends up getting attached to Binky despite his relentless testing of Bob's temper. Bob ends up allowing Linda to expand their "herd". Pretty soon they have ducks, parrots and turkeys. Soon Bob realizes he's at the very bottom of the pecking order in his own home. He ends up sharing his dinner with parrots, nursing ducks back to health in his living room, building perches for turkeys and being used as a chew toy for a parrot.
I really enjoyed this book and I'm now reading the sequel to it called "Fowl Weather" by Bob Tarte.
I really enjoyed this book and I'm now reading the sequel to it called "Fowl Weather" by Bob Tarte.

Helpful Score: 4
This is by far one of the most entertaining books I have ever read. Anyone who loves animals will truly enjoy this book. You will laugh, cry, be angry and wonder at the patience of these amazing people who take in everything with feathers and fur. They care for them with love, kindness, tolerance for bad behavior for some ungrateful winged guests and just plain have fun with their critters. I loved this book and didn't want it to end. Fortunately, as we speak, the sequel, "Fowl Weather" is on its way to me for more laughter and enjoyment.

Helpful Score: 2
This is the story of how a man and his wife add a number of parrots, rabbits, ducks, geese, wild turkeys and starlings to their family. Fortunately the author is a freelance writer so apparently had enough time to care for all the animals. Many of the anecdotes are heart-warming, and will bring a smile to animal lovers. Other parts of the book are kind of depressing though, particularly those dealing with the author rather than focusing on the animals. He describes his experiences as his shrink tries to get his Zoloft dosage right, and I got the feeling that he and his wife should focus less on animals and more on each other. Still, this book is worth a read if you are interested in unusual pets.

Helpful Score: 1
Very endearing! Bob Tarte's household grows slowly and earnestly with mammals and birds. They are all named and have different personalities. I love the author's wife, Linda, and her never-ending love of living creatures. There isn't much mention of her in the reviews but she is very much part of Bob Tarte's country living life. Worth the read.

Helpful Score: 1
One of my all time favorite books. A book I will not ever trade! I usually steer clear of animal books because so often the endings are just too sad. This book however was heartwarming but not depressing. Many parts had me laughing out loud. After returning it to the library I decided I had to have a copy of my own so that I could share it with my husband and friends. Well written and a lot of fun to read!