The Reality of Heaven is the cord that keeps pulling us onward and upward in life. Yet, if eternity is not the habit of our heart, life soon becomes hollow and unsatisfying. The frantic pace and seductiveness of this present world threaten to blur our focus on eternity. We are left with a nagging sense of meaninglessness that haunts our souls.
"When Heaven is clearly in view, our actions and responses become radically, wonderfully rearranged. Once we lift our eyes and glance down the road to eternity, life and its faith-threatening questions take on new meaning."
"When Heaven is clearly in view, our actions and responses become radically, wonderfully rearranged. Once we lift our eyes and glance down the road to eternity, life and its faith-threatening questions take on new meaning."
By Moody Bible Institute -- Joseph Stowell is the president.
From the back cover: The reality of Heaven is the cord that keeps pulling us onward and upward in life. Yet, if eternity is not the habit of our heart, life soon becomes hollow and unsatisfying. The frantic pace and seductiveness of this present world threaten to blur our focus on eternity. ...
From the back cover: The reality of Heaven is the cord that keeps pulling us onward and upward in life. Yet, if eternity is not the habit of our heart, life soon becomes hollow and unsatisfying. The frantic pace and seductiveness of this present world threaten to blur our focus on eternity. ...
"Eternity" is a wake-up call for us to turn our thoughts and desires aways from material things and to focus more upon what ultimately will matter in the end - eternity.