Funny at times....but always thoughtful.
I first have to say that when I ordered this book I didnt realize I ordered it on Audio Cassette. I am now hooked on books on tape. This book was so inspiring that my nightly walks with my dog went from 20 minutes to a full hour. Ortberg is a Christian Minister and though I was brought up in a Christian household I dont actively practice my religion (i.e. church on Sundays, reading the daily word etc) so I wasnt sure if I would like his teachings. Boy was I wrong. I really laughed at some of the absurd things that Ortberg points out about our behavior toward each other. Ortberg points out what is unappealing and un-Christian about our churches and our culture today, but not in a hell and brimstone kind of way. He just has a way of presenting the truth about Christians Communitys in their failures and successes. His teaches are about community and accepting one another as is. I recommend this book/audio tapes to anyone who is struggling with getting along with others, forgiveness, accepting yourself and what it means to be part of a community. It has helped me a lot with my own judgments and forgiveness.