The last book in Wolfes Book of the Long Sun. Although it was definitely good, I do feel that at times the story kind of got bogged down in the politics. It also ended on a rather unsatisfactory note, with the reader never finding out what happens to the main character, after a dramatic juncture. (Of course, having already read them, I know that the next three books rather deal with that question, although without answering it) but it still makes for an odd ending, with issues that were brought up, especially regarding Silk and Hyacinths relationship, unresolved. I also feel like the afterward in which it is explained that the entire preceding book was written by Patera Silks student, Horn, was unconvincing (and added on because Wolfe had decided to write the following books from Horns perspective.)
Ah well. It was still very enjoyable reading.
Ah well. It was still very enjoyable reading.