Are you afraid to walk down Fear Street? Maybe you should be. They say that wierd things always happen on that dark and twisting road. They say it's a place to be frightened of-that those who go there never return the same. And some never return at all... What happens when someone decides to build an amusement park on Fear Street?

The thrill of amusement parks turns into chills in this "Fear Street" trilogy, featuring "The First Scream": Dierdre's father just opened an amusement park on Fear Street, and the screams of joy will soon change to screams of terror; "The Loudest Scream": Dierdre doesn't know that her new boyfriend, Robin Fear, has a plan to destroy Fear Park--a plan that may cost Dierdre her life; and "The Last Scream": Robin has almost achieved his dream of destroying Fear Park, but he doesn't know that someone has been watching him--and waiting for revenge.