This is the 4th collection in the Fables series and it was my favorite one so far. Things really get epic in this installment with massive battles and goblins and spies...oh my!
When Red Riding Hood mysteriously passes into the Mundy world many Fables celebrate the arrival as a sign of hope for their old world. Bigby Wolf though suspects something is up; he smells treachery. When the Adversary finally gets an army of Wooden Men into the Mundy world the battle between the Adversary and the Fables is epic.
The first chapter in this book tells us all something we've been dying to know. Exactly how did the Fables get driven from their homeland? The rendition of the Fables exile is wonderful backstory and wonderful to read. Then things get even better; the long lost Red Riding Hood appears and gives the Fables both hope and trouble.
This is the installment in the series that finally pulls the whole Fables story into something epic and wonderful. Now we start to get a look at the Adversary, the very thing that drove the Fables into our world.
The plot is wonderfully twisty turny with betrayals, spies, and misunderstandings. There is also some intrigue as Prince Charming decides to run for mayor and positions himself as a benefactor of all Fables.
There is humor in here, action, and some wonderful answers as well as new questions. The final battle between the Fables and the Wooden Soldiers is incredibly well done and was an absolutely awesome read. The illustration is detailed and easy to follow (if a bit outdated looking at times..but that's my fault for not reading these sooner).
Overall I really, really enjoyed this installment in the Fables series. It really broadened the story and just made the whole thing more epic and fantastic to me. Highly recommended for fans of fantasy graphic novels. Recommended for adult readers because of violence, language, and nudity.
When Red Riding Hood mysteriously passes into the Mundy world many Fables celebrate the arrival as a sign of hope for their old world. Bigby Wolf though suspects something is up; he smells treachery. When the Adversary finally gets an army of Wooden Men into the Mundy world the battle between the Adversary and the Fables is epic.
The first chapter in this book tells us all something we've been dying to know. Exactly how did the Fables get driven from their homeland? The rendition of the Fables exile is wonderful backstory and wonderful to read. Then things get even better; the long lost Red Riding Hood appears and gives the Fables both hope and trouble.
This is the installment in the series that finally pulls the whole Fables story into something epic and wonderful. Now we start to get a look at the Adversary, the very thing that drove the Fables into our world.
The plot is wonderfully twisty turny with betrayals, spies, and misunderstandings. There is also some intrigue as Prince Charming decides to run for mayor and positions himself as a benefactor of all Fables.
There is humor in here, action, and some wonderful answers as well as new questions. The final battle between the Fables and the Wooden Soldiers is incredibly well done and was an absolutely awesome read. The illustration is detailed and easy to follow (if a bit outdated looking at times..but that's my fault for not reading these sooner).
Overall I really, really enjoyed this installment in the Fables series. It really broadened the story and just made the whole thing more epic and fantastic to me. Highly recommended for fans of fantasy graphic novels. Recommended for adult readers because of violence, language, and nudity.