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Topic: Fairy Tale Eggplant?

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Subject: Fairy Tale Eggplant?
Date Posted: 7/12/2012 8:48 AM ET
Member Since: 11/28/2007
Posts: 9,228
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I bought aFairy Tale Eggplant plant at a local garden center.  Never saw one before, so I am wondering if any gardeners out there have any experience with this plant?   It's about a foot tall, leafy, and all over it are teeny tiny purply/white eggplants, about an inch in size, or smaller.  The plant is too small to allow the eggplants to grow much larger--to 3 inhes or anything, I don't think so anyway.  It's got too many of them on it.  But I wonder what to expect?  And when are the eggplants ready to be picked?  And are they tasty?

I know, I know, I can google it, or even call the garden center and ask them.  But I am curious if any of you PBS gardeners have ever seen a Fairy Tale Eggplant?


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Date Posted: 7/22/2012 9:25 PM ET
Member Since: 11/2/2005
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I grew these last year and loved them so much I planted 3 this year.  The eggplants are tiny but  delicious.  Keep them picked at about 2 or 3 inches and you will keep getting more.  I just sliced them up a little and sauteed them with whatever else was ready to go (onions, peppers, summer squash, etc.)  YUM

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Date Posted: 7/23/2012 9:01 AM ET
Member Since: 11/28/2007
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Linda, thank you!  I am so excited about this little plant, and even more so now, now that you have replied.  Can't wait to pick and eat.  Thank you!!