Helpful Score: 6
I gotta say, I am really disappointed with this book. Unlike the other books, this one is not packed full of action and adventure, instead it's like Al Gore wrote the book to explain to us the dangers of global warming. There's hardly any action until the end if you can even call it that. I only kept reading the story because you already know the flock pretty well and it's just like reading a boring part of a diary but you keep reading because it's something you don't know, and you keep hoping the next page will get better. What happened to James' ability to keep the series as great as it used to be..I'm not sure. I know he said he would make this into a 12 book series, but if he's going to keep writing books in the series like this one, I don't see any point in reading them anymore.
Bring back the flock I knew and loved and then I'll pick up the next book when it comes out.
Bring back the flock I knew and loved and then I'll pick up the next book when it comes out.
Helpful Score: 4
I absolutely LOVE the Maximum Ride series, and had been anxiously awaiting this latest addition. I even pre-ordered the book before it was released. Unfortunately, after having read it...its not even close to being as good as the other novels before it. Another reader described this novel as being more like an editorial from James Patterson concerning his views about Global Warming - with a few familiar Maximum Ride characters thrown in just to make it seem fictional. That sums it up! I forced myself to finsh the book only out of loyalty to the series.
I don't normally write reviews, but this one had to be written. I've read every Maximum Ride book written so far. "When The Wind Blows" and "The Lake House" were awesome!! When I began the "Maximum Ride" series, I wasn't sure I would like it because I fell in love with the characters in the first two books. As the Max Ride series progressed however, I began to thoroughly enjoy the 'new' characters and looked forward to each new book with anticipation.
Believe me, I am a huge James Patterson fan and I am always picking up another of his books as soon as I finish one. So, when "The Final Warning" came out I was anxious to get my hands on it and read it. Unfortunately, all the other reviews on PaperBackSwap are true. Mr. Patterson sadly used an enjoyable series and lovable characters to preach a sermon to a captive audience. Regardless of your opinion about global warming, it should not have been forced upon readers under such pretenses as "A Maximum Ride Novel".
Sorry James! I do love your books and as stated earlier, I'm a huge fan, but this book was substandard, in my humble opinion.
Believe me, I am a huge James Patterson fan and I am always picking up another of his books as soon as I finish one. So, when "The Final Warning" came out I was anxious to get my hands on it and read it. Unfortunately, all the other reviews on PaperBackSwap are true. Mr. Patterson sadly used an enjoyable series and lovable characters to preach a sermon to a captive audience. Regardless of your opinion about global warming, it should not have been forced upon readers under such pretenses as "A Maximum Ride Novel".
Sorry James! I do love your books and as stated earlier, I'm a huge fan, but this book was substandard, in my humble opinion.
Helpful Score: 2
The book doesn't follow the story line as well as previous ones in this series. Patterson uses it as a platform to relate 'his' issues on global warming.
Helpful Score: 2
when I bought this book I was disappointed, I loved the first three books in the seres because of the nonstop action but this book had more about global warming and protecting the environment then action. It also seemed that Patterson was making to much of an effort to make the book "child friendly", sometimes it seemed like the editors changed the original words to ones that were more kid friendly. however there still was action and max had as much attitude as ever (but allot less cursing) so it's worth a read but it will never compare to the first three Maximum Ride books.
Helpful Score: 1
Let me start out by saying i love this series, but not this book. Global warming was never mentioned in the other 3 books, but all of a sudden Max and Flock are very concerned about it, i felt like it did not flow with the rest of the books.
Helpful Score: 1
Great book! I loved it as much as the other Maximum Ride books.
This book was ok compared to the rest in the series but not great..... I feel it was to much based on global warming......
Love this book.
This was a waterdowned version in this series---not as exciting as the previous three.
Great book! My 12 yr old and I both loved this series
Having enjoyed the previous books in this series, I was very disappointed with this book. The story is weak, the climatic show-down with the bad guys happens over the course of only a couple of pages and is even more unbelieveable than those in previous books. At one point it was hard to know whether the bad guys (other then by their appearance) were truly bad because they were supposedly working toward the same goal as Max--fighting global warming. That part of the storyline wasn't fully developed. Also, I tend toward sarcasm so that doesn't bother me however, the manner in which Max is sarcastic I almost feel as though the author is belittling the reader. I've given up reading James Patterson books that involve a joint venture with other writers because they aren't up to the initial quality of James Patterson books. I'll give the next book in this series a try but if it's more of the same, I'm done and will strictly stick to the Alex Cross series.
I really love all the maximum ride books, this one was kinda boring.
like the book alot... but the story seems very sketchy and the book was very short. personally i am doing my best to help reduce global warming but the book was ridiculously just all about
Wonderful read. Patterson at his best.
4th book in the series, a great, funny read with new developements and a surprising twist in the series.
I've been reading this series since...gosh, before the third book came out. As much as I love the characters, I stopped buying the books because of the author's sudden, jarring use of the Flock as his personal soapbox against global warming and how IT'S GOING TO KILL YOU TOMORROW!!1!.
I read for fun, not to be preached at. It gets somewhat better after this, but be warned, fans: the Flock's story is, from this book on, all about facing new (crappy) villains, saving the world through helping starving children in Africa, and a massive romance plot that I won't spoil but you can probably guess.
I'll say it more clearly: THERE IS SO MORE STRUGGLING TO SCRAPE TOGETHER A LIFE FOR THEMSELVES. Sure, it's great for them, but...I kind of miss them pre-Final Warning.
I'm still reading the rest, and I'd encourage other fans to get it from the library or here...just don't pay full price until you're sure you're satisfied with the new direction.
I read for fun, not to be preached at. It gets somewhat better after this, but be warned, fans: the Flock's story is, from this book on, all about facing new (crappy) villains, saving the world through helping starving children in Africa, and a massive romance plot that I won't spoil but you can probably guess.
I'll say it more clearly: THERE IS SO MORE STRUGGLING TO SCRAPE TOGETHER A LIFE FOR THEMSELVES. Sure, it's great for them, but...I kind of miss them pre-Final Warning.
I'm still reading the rest, and I'd encourage other fans to get it from the library or here...just don't pay full price until you're sure you're satisfied with the new direction.
My problem with the story wasn't so much that James Patterson used it as a soapbox for global warming -- after all, it's his book, and he can do what he wants.
The problem, as I see it, is there was NO WAY he started writing this series with a plan to make Max's "saving the world mission" one that had anything to do with this topic.
If you go back and read the series from the beginning, starting with THE ANGEL EXPERIMENT, we all knew that Max and the gang had a special mission, a mission that would save the world. We knew it would be big, and no doubt unbelievable, as most of Mr. Patterson's plot lines are. But if this had been his plan all along, you have to think that there would have been SOME advance warning.
No, what really ticks me off is that it seems as if he decided, with the current state of affairs, to change the whole point of the books at the very last minute, as a way to promote his cause.
THAT'S what makes me angry.
(The only good thing about THE FINAL WARNING? Total's "I prefer canine-American" comment, which made me laugh until I cried.)
The problem, as I see it, is there was NO WAY he started writing this series with a plan to make Max's "saving the world mission" one that had anything to do with this topic.
If you go back and read the series from the beginning, starting with THE ANGEL EXPERIMENT, we all knew that Max and the gang had a special mission, a mission that would save the world. We knew it would be big, and no doubt unbelievable, as most of Mr. Patterson's plot lines are. But if this had been his plan all along, you have to think that there would have been SOME advance warning.
No, what really ticks me off is that it seems as if he decided, with the current state of affairs, to change the whole point of the books at the very last minute, as a way to promote his cause.
THAT'S what makes me angry.
(The only good thing about THE FINAL WARNING? Total's "I prefer canine-American" comment, which made me laugh until I cried.)
I did not think this book was as good as the previous Maximum Ride books. It was rather redundent and more of a "green" (environmental) advertisement than a good read. I think I'll skip the next one.
Global warming is the big "Saving the World" gig? What a disappointment. And where the Heck did the Uber-director sprout from? That was totally lame. I'll read the next book just because I do not think it could be any worse.
Although I believe geared towards more of the teen reader...I really enjoyed it. I have read all in the series, and this was one that I couldn't put down till the end. :)
One of His Best
This is a very good book.I just love it.Max and the gang are great.I have already got the new one pre-booked.They are great.
I loved this whole series, starting with LakeHouse, then the next 5. I'm reordering them to give to a friend...
After obtaining this series for DD to give to a special young friend I decided to see why he wanted it. It is exciting and has a theme that the very young will love since the key characters are children and young teenagers. I found the language too simple for the age since I know children reading more interesting novels for classes in school. Perhaps it's the characters and the plot that appeals to some children. Anyway if you have young readers this might be a choice particularly if they like science fiction. This one includes information and the theme of global warming so the readers will have this most important message.
Packed full of action and suspense. Great for tweens - boys or girls. They all love this series.
Another great book by Patterson. Different type of series from his other books
As always James Patterson does not fail to keep you racing through the pages of his books - this is no exception. If you can put it down without finishing you are the rare reader.
I have not kept up with this series so I thought it rather juvenile. A juvenile version of the X-Men series.
Not the best of the series, but as always a quick read (1 day). Some references to previous books in the series but a new reader will enjoy the references to specific books.
I love this whole series! Great book!!
Amazing book that exceeded my expectations!!
I like this series...always want to read the next one!
Typicial Bird Kids book.

i think i would have liked this book more but it takes place in antarctica and 4 of the main characters get hypothermia and almost die. my sister's dad just died from hypothermia so it was just too close to home. it pained me to read it. good book, better under other circumstances- but my least favorite so far in the series.