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Book Reviews of Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15)

Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15)
Finger Lickin' Fifteen - Stephanie Plum, Bk 15
Author: Janet Evanovich
ISBN-13: 9780312383282
ISBN-10: 0312383282
Publication Date: 6/23/2009
Pages: 320
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

4 stars, based on 846 ratings
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Book Type: Hardcover
Reviews: Amazon | Write a Review

98 Book Reviews submitted by our Members...sorted by voted most helpful

romabellaroma avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 12 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 13
This was a major disappointment. The last 2 or 3 books have been very much to the formula and this is the same. I can remember when I first discovered Stephanie Plum and really enjoyed the first books of the series. Now its just feels like evanovich is using the same formula and changing the dates/times/places. The characters haven't grown and its just more of the same. Glad I borrowed it rather than bought it.
irishlass avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 12 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 8
Is it just me, or is the Stephanie Plum formula getting monotonous? Except for a few laughs, I thought this book was mediocre. The Rrangeman vs. Morelli thing is getting old. And how many times does a person's apartment get firebombed? I think this will be one of the last Stephanie Plum novels I read.
fightingillinifan avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 42 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 8
Excellent Stephanie Plum adventure! I have been reading the series since it began and even though the mayhem changes, it is still laugh-out-loud fun with Stephanie and Lula. This book has more car explosions, a return of the big blue Buick and more of Stephanie working for Rangeman. I found this story to be very quick-paced, I didn't want to put it down! If you are a true Stephanie Plum fan, you will no doubt chuckle out loud to her latest mishaps.
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on
Helpful Score: 8
I've loved reading about Stephanie's adventures since book "1", but this book was disappointing in comparison to the others. Same thing different day... There was NO romance!!!! No really laugh out loud moments... How many cars can she go through? Imagine her insurance rates! Lula wasn't as "amusing" this time... Seems like Joe and Ranger were after-thoughts... I don't know, but WHAT HAPPENED! I still gave it "3" stars because I didn't outright DISLIKE it, but I think from now on I'll just borrow from the library!
Angeleyes avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 217 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 4
This book was not up to the usual Plum standards. It sounded canned. The characters were flat, no evolution over the past few books. No tension between Ranger and Joe. Just the same ol', same ol'. I think when 16 comes out, I'll skip it. Stephanie needs to retire.
quiltnut60 avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 19 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 3
This latest of the PLUM series was very disappointing to me. There was no real "story", no tension between the two men in her life, she didn't get together with either of them........ no suspense about Romance or Bounty hunting. I'm very disappointed in this one!!!!!!!!! Rent it from the library before you buy a copy of it. You may not like it at all.
Just Dumb...
azcontessa avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on
Helpful Score: 2
Darn it, I wanted it to be funny... I wanted it to be good, I REALLY wanted to laugh out loud. It wasn't funny, it wasn't good & it certainly didn't make me laugh out loud.

I am not a romance fan, yet the 'tension' with the characters was always entertaining; that has lost its allure as well. Sorry Janet, you let your readers & Stephanie down.
Cycle304 avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 135 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 2
I like to take a break from serious books by reading a Stephanie Plum book. For some reason, this one just wasn't as funny as the others. Maybe I'm just getting tired of her, I don't know.
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on
Helpful Score: 2
Finglickin Fifteen was an enjoyable read. It wasn't as exciting or humorous as the previous stephanie plum novels but enjoyable none the less.
mitabird avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 188 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 2
Unfortunately, Finger Lickin' Fifteen was just another Stephanie Plum novel. Everything that happens is exactly the same as other books: her ineptitude at capturing FTAs, her car and/or house getting blown up, Lula eating constantly, etc. It's not funny anymore. I don't care what happens with Stephanie nor whom she decides to choose to date/marry/whatever. I am done with this series.
luv2cook avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 6 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 2
I was so excited to get this book. I don't know what it is but this book and 14 were huge let downs. Its like Evanovich has lost her flair for comedy. There were a couple of places I chuckled but I used to laugh out loud through a good 50% of her books. Actually the in between the numbers novel that came out right before this was way better. Oh well here's hoping that with number 16 she'll be back up to her usual standard.
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 85 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
Better than the last few!
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 65 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
Always enjoyable, this latest book did a better job at wrapping up the mystery than some of her later ones. Stephanie in a hot dog suit was classic Evanovich.
daedelys avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 1218 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
Maybe it's just me, but this series has gotten rather stale. I just don't find it as funny anymore. Lula used to really crack me up, but now I just find her ridiculous and she can only get me to chuckle a couple of times in this book. Stephanie is so TSTL in that it just isn't even plausible she's still alive... and speaking of alive: What's up with the freaking hamster still being alive after all this time? I mean seriously, who's ever had a hamster to live as many years (even when you consider story time-lime) as the one in this series? By now it should be Zombie-Rex.

There's also the same ole ridiculous love-triangle involving Stephanie, Morelli, & Ranger. This drawn-out story-line is getting just as old and boring as the series. Don't look for any conclusions to it in this book because all it is, is the author teasing us because she needs to keep something going to readers keep wanting to get the next book she publishes. (It's probably the only reason I keep getting these books.) In my opinion, Evanovich should just really close up this series and maybe try to start afresh, because this is really the type of series someone would only truly like if they like characters that never grow or learn from their mistakes. Of course, I'm not sure what the author would do if she gave up writing her money-maker series... goddess forbid she have to get original.

I'm not sure why I keep reading this series, but I am really glad I haven't gone out to buy the last few that I've read when they were new. It would have really been a waste of money, especially with the wide spacing that's used and the blank pages between chapters that give it the illusion of being a bigger book that it actually is. I know I'll never actually buy another book by this author again. Although, granted, there were a couple of laughs in this book, but nothing like the laughing-until-I-cried stuff that was in the earlier books.
scrappingal avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on
Helpful Score: 1
I have followed this series from the beginning and all I can say about Fifteen is it was FLAT. The story didn't have any ups or downs, no hilarious episodes, no great romance between Stephanie's two prospects, Ranger and Morelli. There wasn't any great mystery or suspense either. Not worth buying or keeping. Maybe sixteen will have a plot!
farrah avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on
Helpful Score: 1
I think this was the funnest "Stephanie Plum" Book of them all!! I laughed until I cried at some parts!!!!
1PilatesMom avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on
Helpful Score: 1
I would call this Stephanie Plumb lite. It's not as good as prior stories and definitely not as deep and interesting. It does have all the key players (Lula, Grandma, Ranger and a little bit of Morelli) but the story kind of meanders. There is no tension with Ranger or Morelli. It will satisfy your immediate craving for Stephanie Plumb, but not long enough for #16 to be released. Gave it 3 stars.
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on
Helpful Score: 1
I agree with most of the previous reviews: this series is getting weaker, not better, and this will be my last to read. More of the same, less action in and out of bed, stumbling upon the criminal in the last few pages without any effort on Stephanie's part, only one true laugh out loud, and everything just a bit more crass. And does anyone else notice how large the font has become, how wide the margins? This so-called book is actually just a generous short story! It feels like Evanovich is just riding the popularity wave and has lost her excitement for this character. Just my opinion...
Sunflower09 avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on
Helpful Score: 1
Laugh out loud funny! Enjoyable and entertaining... just what I was waiting for. I have enjoyed all of the Plum books and this one is no exception. It's a quick read, predictable, but oh so funny.
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 11 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
I was very disappointed in the last two books in the series, but I decided to give this one a try. It's definitely better than the last, but still has some problems. The build-up of the plot was much better, and there was some real conflict. My favorite character, Lula, was in rare form, and I was pleased to see her as the center of the plot. The issues Ranger was having with his company were very well done, too.

That said, I felt the ending was sort of slap dash. It felt like, "Ok, I have to get this done quick, so here's what will happen." I thought there were a lot of missed opportunities for romantic tension, comedy, and character development. Overall, it was worth the time, but I'm thinking that unless something pretty major changes for the characters in the series that they just may be played out.
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 301 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
I enjoyed the first ten or so Stephanie Plum books, but how many times can you tell the same one-note joke before it losses its pizzaz? I think it's safe to say that no one ever read these for the "mystery." It was always about the characters, but now they're more caricature than character. Lula, for me, was only ever good for two books before I started skimming scenes with her in them (I found her more annoying than funny.) Gramma Mazer, too, has lost her appeal. There is no growth in any of these characters. The only thing that ever kept me reading was the sizzle in the triangle between Steph, Morelli, and Ranger and even that falls flat here. This is probably my last Evanovich. Sure glad I didn't pay good money for this.
craftypatti avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 146 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
I liked this one better than 14. I tend to agree with the other reviewers in how it is basically the same plot. I did laugh in a few places, but there wasn't any romance. Come On Already!!! Throw us a bone!!! Will keep reading though..
suzyshadow avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 125 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
I think this was the funniest of the books...I laughed so hard at some of the scenes with Lula and Grandma...this series is like Chicken Soup...healing for the soul!
Bernelli avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 266 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
Another laugh-out-loud Stephanie Plum story. The characters are great, and Lula has some self revelations that crack up me. Not as much sexual tension in this one, but Morelli & Ranger are still dangled in front of my eyes like chocolate covered carrots that keep me rooting them both on.
lee avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 131 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
I love all the Janet Evanovich books. This is a quick read that is classic Stephanie Plum
pottergal avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 91 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
I laughed till I cried at some of the situations these two gals get into!

I can't get the picture of Sandra Bullock and Queen Latifah as Stephanie and Lulu out of my head. Makes the pictures very vivid as I'm reading.

It's light and fluffy read and far less harmful to my waistline than a Krispy Kreme!
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 130 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
Another great Evanovich book that makes me laugh and laugh!
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 9 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
This was a fun easy read from Janet Evanovich featuring Stephanie Plum as a bounty hunter who has bad luck with cars and capturing her skips to bring in to be rebonded. Stephanie and Morelli are on a break due to a fight about peanut butter and Ranger needs her help solving a series of break-ins that look like they could be an inside job from someone at Rangeman. Add in a cross-dressing fireman, Grandma Mazur, a severed head, a dancing chicken and a barbecue contest and you are in for so fun.

I've enjoyed this series since I found it a few years ago. I like how Janet runs a contest every year for someone to come up with a title based on the next number in line and then thanks them in her dedication. Her regular emails from one of the character POV are a nice add in. From the start it felt like I was sitting down with an old friend.

That said some of the antics are starting to get less plausible and how many cars can Stephanie really have burned to a crisp? I did laugh out loud on more than one occasion prompting my children to ask what was so funny, but none of the funny parts were really appropriate to pass along to them.

I would recommend this book to someone looking for a fun read.
dollycas avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 735 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
Janet Evanovich has done it again and FINGER LICKIN' FIFTEEN is the best yet. I was ROTFLMAO, my family thought I was losing it. This was the perfect book to lift my spirits. If you have not been hooked yet by the Stephanie Plum series you don't know what you are missing. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time, much less laughed out loud at a book. THIS IS A MUST MUST READ.
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on
I've read all the Stephanie Plum novels like most JE fans. I feel the series has been getting old and one note. But I have to say that I did find myself laughing out loud with this latest book. I too have been considering giving up on following the series, but after reading No. 15, I will probably continue. The characters have no growth, and I'm dissappointed in the relationship between Joe, Ranger and Stephanie. It's the same in every book. If I could talk to JE, I would say crap or get off the pot and lets have some of the characters evolve. Lets move on already. And the "between the number" books, I personally don't like the "supernatural" stuff that goes on. My impression of the series is more realstic, and gritty even if her adventures are a little far fetched.
cathyskye avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 2341 more book reviews
First Line: When I was a kid, I was afraid of spiders and vegetables.

Lula witnesses the beheading of a popular TV chef and finds that she's being followed by two of the most inept hitmen in the business. She and Grandma Masur then get the bright idea to enter the barbecue sauce contest that the dead chef was in town to promote. On the Stephanie front, she's behind in rounding up her skips, she and Morelli are on the outs, and she's moonlighting for Ranger trying to solve a series of break-ins at properties under the protection of Rangeman Security.

I think I've finally hit the wall. I thought this series was brilliant through the first six or seven books, but since then it's been limping along like a woman with a pebble in one of her stilettos. Evanovich's recycling has truly angered me for the first time. It would be heaven to read a Stephanie Plum mystery and not have her blow up a car, have her apartment set on fire, have her get something icky in her hair, or need help with all her skips. If I worked with this woman, either I'd be gone... or she would be. Everyone should be a sort of Peter Pan in some of their outlook on life, but not to the extent that they never learn, they never grow, they never change.

The only part of this book that was relatively humorous for me was Lula and Grandma Masur trying to make barbecue sauce. That plot line did have its moments, but for the most part, Finger Lickin' Fifteen is just Evanovich going to the barn to milk the cash cow again. If she'd only put that milking stool by the bull, perhaps we'd be treated to something new, fresh and truly hilarious.
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 4 more book reviews
This wasn't her best. Stephanie and her on again off again boyfriend are OFF again and she ends up staying with Ranger....there's no steam, there's not as much jostle back and forth in the relationships. Frankly, the plot left it open to be much more complicated and it just fell flat.
orchid7 avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 269 more book reviews
*Sigh*... This book was good for a few laugh-out-loud moments, but it really was disappointing overall. Even some of the funny scenes seemed to be of the "bathroom variety", crude even for Stephanie Plum (and that's saying a lot!)

The plot line is weaker than it normally is... if there was one. The book seems to cling VERY loosely to some sort of outline, but goes all over the place. The ending is totally weak as well.

Sadly, I feel that it really is time to retire this series. I'll miss it, but I'd rather see it end than die a painful death. It probably should have ended a few books ago.
And Stephanie... Choose a guy already!!
bookworm23 avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 2 more book reviews
Fast reading, humorous as always with a little bit of intrigue as a bounty hunter and her ongoing conflicts with Morelli and Ranger.
Pop avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 16 more book reviews
Funny as usual. Love it when Ranger has a big part. ;-)
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 31 more book reviews
I was so glad to find 15
as i have been following SP and the gang for all the adventures

15 did not disappoint
Driving around in a variety of cars and eating fried chicken
who could complain?
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 8 more book reviews
I love Stephanie Plum, Ranger and Morelli but this book's storyline was way too focused on Lula. Janet Evanovich makes Lula out to be a caricature, not even closely resembling a real life person. I like the exaggeration and the play that goes on but when everything is over the top, well it just gets tedious. I found myself longing for more about Stephanie and her relationship with Ranger and Morelli. I found myself wanting Janet E. to stick with something and develop it instead of a constant splattering. I also found myself scanning pages rather than reading towards the end of the book because it was so ridiculous. The earlier books were good stuff- funny and developed characters and storyline - this book was just okay at best.
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on
As usual Janet Evanovich delivers another great Stephanie Plum adventure. Not as good as some of the past editions, but still really funny and eventful.
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 10 more book reviews
always a great story.. this series.. I've read all of them.. and then some.. Plum lovin was another of JE books i recommend!!
KellitaJ avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 550 more book reviews
This is a hilarious series of funny storied books. I read one book and then had to find them all.
Unfortunately Janet doesn't know how to turn on the heat for the romantic side of her stories... and how come Stephanie is never compensated for her losses, and is always just an out of luck victim?? Her new brother in law could be suing these guys for her.
irishjere avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on
As usual, Ms. Plum is experiencing an inordinate amount of exploded cars wherever she goes. While she has sworn off men, her heart still leans toward Joe. I enjoyed the book. It was a quick read and very entertaining.
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 6 more book reviews
Another fun Evanovich book! Great beach read!
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on
This series is awesome,quick and fun read, perfect for a summer day at the beach. Stephanie Plum, Grandma Masur, Ranger and Morelli,Lula, the entire cast of characters are hilarious!!!
tabithia62526 avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on
I have to say this is one of my favorite Stephanie Plum books yet! Absolutely hilarious, and I hope to see more of Larry in future books, he is an interesting character!
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 4 more book reviews
another good one
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on
preditable but funny of course.
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 4 more book reviews
Funny as always, easy read. Nothing too thought provoking, but good summer book. Good traveling book. I would recommend Janet Evanovich.
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on
As with all the number series books..very witty and an easy read.
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 4 more book reviews
I enjoyed reading this book, It was lighthearted and I chuckled endlessly.
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 141 more book reviews
I am a confessed Stephanie Plum addict. I have read almost all of this Janet Evanovich's series but a few years ago decided to quit reading more of them because they were so similar in detail. Recently my daughter gave me this one and I couldn't resist reading it. Happy to say I loved it and even though I recognized the same old situations over and over again it was just new enough for me to enjoy Lula and the gang. This series is like a guilty pleasure to me in my old age!! Genny Sikes
bichonmom avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 22 more book reviews
pigwoman avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 82 more book reviews
Stephanie Plum, LuLu and Grandma are up to their tricks and stumbling upon bodies again what a great book. Can't wait for the next to see what they find.
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on
Another fun read in the Plum series
GlendaMaphis avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 3 more book reviews
Anyone who has read any of the Stephanie Plum series knows how funny and witty the books are. The reading goes fast and your left wishing for more. I just adore the way this whole series has gone. Hoping for lots more in the future.
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 5 more book reviews
In typical Evanovich form...laugh out loud funny.
Wildflower avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 126 more book reviews
I've read them all....from number one, to the in-between books, the mini "Last Peep", and now "Finger Lickin' Fifteen". I've listened to them all on audio, stood for hours in line to meet Ms, Evanovich a couple years ago, and even have a, "I (heart) Ranger" bumper sticker on my car.

I have really enjoyed the series from beginning to end. Yes, the characters are getting too predictable and the laugh-out-loud moments are way fewer than they used to be, but like a good light hour-long comedy on TV, these books are fun to read and picking up this book was like stopping by an old friend's house for coffee and a sweet roll.

The book was silly at times (c'mon--a hot dog outfit? I was seeing Justin Timberlake from "Saturday Night Live" when I read that part of the book). The death of two Porshe Cayennes, a Ford Focus, the infamous Firebird, and Stephanie's couch (once again) was expected, and Ms. Evanovich did not disappoint with the outlandish behaviors of Lula and Grandma Mazur.

Was this her best in the series? Nope. But it was better than "Fearless Fourteen". Is the series waning? Probably. But I don't care. I will keep picking up the Plum books until Janet stops writing them. Why? Because in all honesty I am waiting for Ranger to finally get another shot. We almost had Stephanie this time. ((sigh))
SuzanneB avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on
Again, the author does not return to the hilarity of some of her earlier titles in this series. Although I liked it better than the last one, I feel the author could do more to keep her fans interested. It felt like the same old, same old to me.
duffeybooks avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 59 more book reviews
drgldy76 avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 125 more book reviews
It was just as funny and silly as all the other Stephanie Plum serial books. Loved it!
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 1163 more book reviews
I laughed so hard tears came to my eyes! If you enjoy the series you'll love this one. All the favorites are here - Ranger, Morelli, Joyce, Grandma, and the guys Stephanie's mom invites to dinner in an attempt to set her up. Even more car explosions than usual, mishaps with the apprehensions, and a hot dog costume round out this fun caper. Enjoy!
J avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on
I have been looking forward to reading this since I finished 14 last June! I had preordered it and received it in the mail today. It took all of about 2 hours to read. I think this book was a bit cruder than her previous books - not overly so, but the fart jokes, etc. were funny to begin with, but after a while they were just annoying. This book was filled with your typical Plum misadventures and explosions. Nothing different than what we are used to, but weaker than the earlier books. I didn't really laugh out loud reading this. The only thing I did out loud was groan and yawn.

Having said all that, I know I'll still be anxiously awaiting 16 when it comes out next June. We've been with this series this long, I can't just stop reading it!
wdwilson3 avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 8 more book reviews
The 15th Stephanie Plum humorous mystery is pretty standard fare to those familiar with the series. Thats not all bad; its a quick, breezy read that makes you smile every few pages. As far as plot goes, this isnt one of the best, with fairly obvious culprits and motives. And as for character development, well, have you noticed that there really hasnt been any change in Stephanies situation, or that of any of the main characters, since day one? I doubt if well ever see her get good at her job or settle down with either of the men in her life, or even have to replace her hamster (whos pretty elderly by now). The faithful probably wouldnt have it any other way. Its pretty much a long-running written sitcom now, and why upset the audience? Go here for a beach read, or a subway time-passer.
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 28 more book reviews
Love Janet Evanovich 's Stephanie Plum series. There is no match in the book world
today. She has a plot, hilarious laugh out loud characters. This series is the best.
Of this series "Lickin' Fifteen" is great.
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 54 more book reviews
Oh thank goodness this was sooo much better than last years fearless Fourteen. Lula and Grandma are hilarious. I really don't know where Stephanie gets her will power when it comes to Ranger. It is all just so disfunctional that it works!! It was a "can't put down"
sfc95 avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 686 more book reviews
I thought this was a great addition to the series, filled with great laughs, some suspense and good character interaction
robinmy avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 2138 more book reviews
Celebrity Chef Stanley Chipotle is in Trenton for a BBQ cook-off when someone cuts off his head. Lula witnesses the murder and plans on collecting the million dollar reward for information leading to the arrest of the killers. She recruits Stephanie Plum and Grandma Mazur to join her in the BBQ cook-off where she is sure the killers will show up. Meanwhile, Stephanie is also helping Ranger figure out who is breaking into homes and offices protected by Rangeman Security.

This is another addition to the Stephanie Plum series, but there is no real originality anymore. For the last several books, it feels like Janet Evanovich is just following a formula. Still, it is an amusing story and a good way to pass the time. My rating: 4 Stars.
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 5 more book reviews
Another hysterically funny tale in the life of Stephanie Plum. I have never read a set of books that makes me laugh so hard as these books do.
isitfriday avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 170 more book reviews
i like the stephanie plum books, so of course i was happy to get #15.. i wont lie, it was far from the strongest of the series, and the end felt very much like a let-down,quite rushed and not a good payoff for the storylines.. fun quick read.
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on
Very funny!
Scooby2 avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 96 more book reviews
I enjoy reading all of the Stephanie Plum books. This one doesn't disappoint and has several laughs in it. You never know what to expect when it comes to Stephanie, Lula, Morelli, Ranger and Grandma Mazur.
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 18 more book reviews
Another great one from Janet Evanovich!
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 9 more book reviews
I just love this whole series. It's one of the few that will consistently make me laugh out loud.
Stephanie Plum is an incompetent bounty hunter that gets herself in such situtations. And Grandma is a real hoot!
Can't wait to see the next one!
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 22 more book reviews
Stephanie Plum, bounty hunter, takes the reader on another hilarious adventure involving, as usual, blown up cars and dead bodies, as well as the ever present romantic entanglements of Stephanie. An enjoyable, quick read for those looking for mystery and a laugh.
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on
Stephanie Plum is one wild chick and Finger Lickin' Fifteen is another wild adventure. I was surprised that the "incident" in this book was gruesome (not the description, just what happened to the victim!) but that didn't detract from my imagination of her relations with Ranger and Joe. Ranger is a bigger part of this book -- and I wish I had details to spare. Joe and Steph are on the outs again -- so Ranger is the man-factor.
Sweet dreams readers -- in-between the action of bounty-hunting! Yay Stephanie Plum and gang!
desertkate avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 3 more book reviews
Makes you want to crank up the grill.
teefer avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 33 more book reviews
In this book it seems like she's starting to lack on the story lines. It seems very repetitive and running out of steam for Stephanie Plum. She might want to leave this series and get started on a whole new series that has nothing to do with stephanie. The Full Series was great she needs to branch out!
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 55 more book reviews
Standard Plum Style...entertaining.
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 6 more book reviews
Fun, fast read. If you've enjoyed her other books, you'll certainly like this one. She makes me smile!
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 282 more book reviews
Laugh out loud funny.
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 3 more book reviews
Loved it....very funny. Was the best one so far.
2manyb00ks avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 203 more book reviews
Great series!
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 157 more book reviews
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on
Loved this book as well as the rest of this series
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on
As usuAL I loved this Evanovich book. They make me laugh every time. I alternate more serious books to keep a balance in my life.
IndulgeYourself avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 100 more book reviews
This was one of the better books in the series I thought. I laughed out loud like I did while reading the first few books. I can't wait for the movie of "One For the Money" to come out next week. To see these lovable characters come to life should be a treat.
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 223 more book reviews
This is another round of fun and games with Stephanie Plum, Lulu, Joe Morelli, and Ranger. Good entertaining book.
LeahG avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 320 more book reviews
I've read the entire series of Stephanie Plum up to and through this book. I've enjoyed every single one. You can count on Stephanie (and Janet) to keep things lively and humorous. This one was especially good.
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 988 more book reviews
Its the spiciest, sauciest, most rib-sticking Plum yet RECIPE FOR DISASTER Celebrity chef Stanley Chipotle comes to Trenton to participate in a barbecue cook-off and loses his headliterally. THROW IN SOME SPICE Bail bonds office worker Lula is witness to the crime, and the only one shell talk to is Trenton cop Joe Morelli. The reward for capturing Chipotles killers: One million dollars.
tephanies working overtime tracking felons for the bonds office at night and snooping for security expert Carlos Manoso, aka Ranger, during the day. Can she hunt down two killers, a traitor, and five skips, keep her grandmother out of the sauce, and solve Rangers problems and not jump his bones?
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 17 more book reviews
Janet Evanovich is a guilty pleasure for me, and I love Stephanie Plum (the main character). Glad to see movies are finally being made from this series!!!
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 21 more book reviews
I have read all the other books Janet Evanovich has written in these series, and this has been one of the funniest one's. It is hilarious and you laugh out loud and some of the stuff that goes on. It is a real fun book to read. I read it in 2 days!
IlliniAlum83 avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 183 more book reviews
Janet's fun characters continue in this crime story with Grandma, Lula,& Ranger highlighted. The introduction of a new cross-dressing character, Mr Clucky,is over the top!
Stephanie Plum, bounty hunter, continues to hunt down the bail jumpers with an unloaded gun while living with her pet hamster Max in an apartment that once again gets fire-bombed--- though this time the bad guys are after Lula who is the sole witness to a decapitation murder. Lula evades multiple murder attempts while trying to perfect a BBQ sauce recipe, with grandma's help, to win the big cook-off prize. Steff sets a record for number of vehicles torched in a single book in this series---I wouldn't want to pay her car insurance premiums!
Steff's relationship with Morelli takes a back seat in this novel, but feelings for Ranger require her to think through the pros and cons of staying with Morelli.
AmandaLee avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on
First off let me say I love all the Plum books. Even thought as the series progesses it has not gotten better, but instead each book has gotten weaker and weaker story and plot lines. That being said they are still good books and worth the read! Here is a discription of this book from the jacket cover:


Recipe for disaster:

Celebrity chef Stanley Chipotle comes to Trenton to participate in a barbecue cook-off and loses his head --literally.

Throw in some spice:

Bail bonds office worker Lula is witness to the crime, and the only one shell talk to is Trenton cop, Joe Morelli.

Pump up the heat:

Chipotles sponsor is offering a million dollar reward to anyone who can provide information leading to the capture of the killers.

Stir the pot:

Lula recruits bounty hunter Stephanie Plum to help her find the killers and collect the moolah.

Add a secret ingredient:

Stephanie Plums Grandma Mazur. Enough said.

Bring to a boil:

Stephanie Plum is working overtime tracking felons for the bonds office at night and snooping for security expert Carlos Manoso, A.K.A. Ranger, during the day. Can Stephanie hunt down two killers, a traitor, five skips, keep her grandmother out of the sauce, solve Rangers problems and not jump his bones?


Habanero hot. So good youll want seconds.
butchsmom avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 23 more book reviews
What's not to love about another Stephanie Plum adventure. It is great to get lost in her antics. This one was a very quick read and a great escape. Enjoy.
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 2 more book reviews
I wanted it to be great... no such luck. While funny in spots I spent most of my time wondering what Ranger and Morelli see in Stephanie and why on earth does she spend so much time with Lula. All the same gags are there and getting mighty stale. The plot... hmmm... what plot. Not worth buying and not worth keeping.
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on
loved it it was great cant wait for the next book
VCD3 avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 196 more book reviews
Quick teen read - funny - after one or two in the series it gets old for an adult.
reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 17 more book reviews
fast shipping--book in nice shape--well pleased!!--God bless
dimari avatar reviewed Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Stephanie Plum, Bk 15) on + 105 more book reviews
Stephanie catches her fta's with Rangers help... because he asked her for help solving a security problem... Lula was a witness to a murder, then there's the BBQ Cook-off and Stephanie's crazy car karma. Joyce appears and gets shot, nothing too serious. She keeps running into Morelli and they are off again because the argue all the time. Lula's two murderous goons have decided to tie up loose ends and her Firebird turns to ash along with Ranger's Cayenne. Stephanie solves the Rangeman break in's done by two teenage goofs...