Toby D. (bookswapper) reviewed Flirt (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 18) on + 188 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 4
Interesting book. Although I like the longer novels a bunch, I think she popped out a pretty credible shorter novel here, much better than the Strange Candy anthology, more in the same vein as Micah. Has some memorable scenes, good characterizations. Think maybe this one may grow on me too - when the book Micah came out I was disappointed it was short but it is now one of my favorite in the series. Was surprised that this arrived in Hardcover, thought it was going to be paperback, also has a intro and afterward (23 pages), with some drawings in the back related to the book production process. Definitely read the book first, do not flip thru the back of the book or skim ahead until later! Expect a quick read, speeds by...
Helpful Score: 3
It is with books like this one where I wish I read really slowly. I was so looking forward to this book (keeping up the Anita adventures), but it was over in only a mere 2 hours! For what was there I enjoyed the heck out of it, I just wished it lasted longer. Micah was brought in more than he has been in the past couple books, which I loved to see, and Anita's lion side is the main animal crawling for attention in this one. Would have been nice to have an update on more of the men in Anita's life, it seems like each book focuses on maybe 2 or 3 main guys, but what can you do. Overall a SHORT but enjoying read.

Helpful Score: 2
Classic Anita Blake - lots of violence, lots of sex, and another new permanent lover added to the mix.
This book was a little shorter than usual, but it was a great story.
None of the boring jealousy and in-fighting that we often get.
There's a bonus section at the end where Laurell Hamilton describes how she got the idea for the book, including a cartoon of the event. I thought that was a really neat addition to the book.
This book was a little shorter than usual, but it was a great story.
None of the boring jealousy and in-fighting that we often get.
There's a bonus section at the end where Laurell Hamilton describes how she got the idea for the book, including a cartoon of the event. I thought that was a really neat addition to the book.
Helpful Score: 1
It was alright. It feels like she is waiting for the another story line to hit her, because the major one played itself out in the last book. Eagerly awaiting for the next one.

Helpful Score: 1
I am a die hard Anita fan. I thought it was a good short story. Another character is introduced into her life it wasn't chosen but it was something she had to do to save the ones she loved!!
Helpful Score: 1
I've read every single thing that Laurell K Hamilton has published from short stories to the book she did in the Star Trek Series. This is the first book that I literally finished reading and threw across the room because I hated it THAT much.
There was just about no point to this book, it easily could've been added on to another Anita Blake novel and been just as if not more effective in 'furthering' the next to nothing plot that we've had for several books now. She raised some zombies, that's really great, we haven't seen her raise the dead in quite a while. The means by which it was done however had a faint resemblance to an earlier book where she raised the dead under very similar circumstances. I kind of felt like I had read that part already.
So we also get more relationship... stuff. I think Anita's story has become one that's more for the romance readers then for the horror, suspense, sci-fi, and fantasy types.
There was just about no point to this book, it easily could've been added on to another Anita Blake novel and been just as if not more effective in 'furthering' the next to nothing plot that we've had for several books now. She raised some zombies, that's really great, we haven't seen her raise the dead in quite a while. The means by which it was done however had a faint resemblance to an earlier book where she raised the dead under very similar circumstances. I kind of felt like I had read that part already.
So we also get more relationship... stuff. I think Anita's story has become one that's more for the romance readers then for the horror, suspense, sci-fi, and fantasy types.

Helpful Score: 1
I'm an Anita Blake fan from book one. This was a very short read (158 pages) in comparison to other books in the Anita Blake series. It was an enjoyable read, reminding me of the early books in the series when they seemed to be more plot based. I found the troop of preternatural characters popping up like whack-a-moles (after book seven) could become overwhelming. I was very happy to see Anita shine brilliantly once again as necromancer extraordinaire, albeit only the one time in this story.

Helpful Score: 1
I thought Flirt was a waste of time even for such a "short story". The story line of a man threatening Anita so she'll raise the dead has been done before and she did it better. And I am so tired of the sex to get her strength back. Just an excuse for writing erotica. Give me a sensitive LOVE scene any day not this boring junk.
Then there was the whole how I get my ideas written by LKH. It felt self-indulgent and really not interesting. I started reading the comic and stopped because I was not enjoying it at all.
Then there was the whole how I get my ideas written by LKH. It felt self-indulgent and really not interesting. I started reading the comic and stopped because I was not enjoying it at all.
Helpful Score: 1
This was a good book, very quick read. Was not a lot of sex, which I was glad for but there is another man added to the stable. Anita has proven once again that she is not the motherf@#$%@ to mess with. All the bad people are hurt, those that arent killed are fuc*& mentally. Can't wait for the next real Anita Blake book to come out, cause seriously this was just a short story. All in all it was a good book but there is no way I would pay almost $24 for a book with only 158 pages. Did anybody else notice that the chapters were not numbered or given any visual indentifier besides starting halfway down the page. Weird.
I was very disappointed with this one. As a rule I love Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake series. This 158 page book cost $24 and was basically just a very short story. I don't begrudge the auther her due but the book promises so much more than it delivers.
After the short story is a rambling account of how the author came up with the book's basic idea (which had little to due with the really storyline). Then a comic drawn by her friend. Both were incredibly boring.
Not your typical Anita Blake book. But, like "Micah" another short story sold as a complete novel. It used to be this would have been included in a larger novel but then that was before the author became so popular.
Don't get me wrong - it's not a bad little story. Just don't pay full price for it - pick it up used (there's bound to be some around) or check it out of your local library. It's a quick afternoon read.
After the short story is a rambling account of how the author came up with the book's basic idea (which had little to due with the really storyline). Then a comic drawn by her friend. Both were incredibly boring.
Not your typical Anita Blake book. But, like "Micah" another short story sold as a complete novel. It used to be this would have been included in a larger novel but then that was before the author became so popular.
Don't get me wrong - it's not a bad little story. Just don't pay full price for it - pick it up used (there's bound to be some around) or check it out of your local library. It's a quick afternoon read.
This one was to short...
It was great to finally have the return of the old Anita, but just when I was really getting into it the book ended.
I know there have been some who complained that Laurell K. Hamilton lost her way the the Vampire Hunter series, and there were a few time and a few books were I would have agreed. This book restored my hope in the series.
There was good plot lines and bad guys, and not chapters of only bedroom scenes. There was finally some twists and turns and surprises that I didn't see coming. Not just the obvious that I had come to expect... like the endless back story, consent arguments over the same things, and the self hatred over things that can't be changed.
It was great to finally have the return of the old Anita, but just when I was really getting into it the book ended.
I know there have been some who complained that Laurell K. Hamilton lost her way the the Vampire Hunter series, and there were a few time and a few books were I would have agreed. This book restored my hope in the series.
There was good plot lines and bad guys, and not chapters of only bedroom scenes. There was finally some twists and turns and surprises that I didn't see coming. Not just the obvious that I had come to expect... like the endless back story, consent arguments over the same things, and the self hatred over things that can't be changed.

Short and sweet! Had she more time...this could have been a fantastic full length novel!
I enjoyed this book however I would not have purchased it. It was more of a short story for an Anita Blake book. The book in total was only about 160 pages. I did like the story line though and it seemed to flow effortlessly. There was no confusin plot line it was straight forward and to the point. Anita Gets herself kidnapped which isn't unusual for her, LOL. The question is how will she survive and what weird things can she get into why she is at her kidnappers mercy. I think the people who dont like the fact that Anita sleeps around with too many men will like the fact that she is trying harder to control herself and is succeding at it. She does however have a slip and has to take a new lover. But there is only one sex scene in the whole book and it was part of the plot. No porn with out a plot. If you love Anita as much as I do this book is a must read. It wont take you that long to read. It reminded me of the length of Micha if that helps out any.
I was really disappointed in this book, and I normally love Laurell Hamilton's books. I feel that this was a waste to read, and feel sorry for those who actually purchased this book. It should have been a short story in an anthology-that's it. I just did not care about the situation or the characters, and you really did not learn anything new about any of them. I'm a big fan of the relationship between Richard, Anita & Jean-Claude, and since it did not include either of the 2 main guys, I was just not interested and bored. I found myself skimming the book, looking for interesting sections (which were few and far between).

Anita Blake finally has a few days to rest and reconnect with her many men. Flirting and just having fun until she is forced at gunpoint to animate a zombie for a crazy man. The clincher is the heavies are werelions - the only animal that resides inside Anita for which she hasn't found a mate. This makes for an interesting and exciting dilemma. But don't look for Jean-Claude or Asher in this one because neither makes an appearance. This book is strictly about the shifters. It's a very short book (only 171 pages) but there really isn't enough action, danger or sex to stretch any further. Enjoyable but not worth the price of the hardcover book. I purchased it because I want me Anita Blake collection to be complete so that when I reread them, I won't miss a single word.
I enjoyed this book but it felt more like a long short story to me. I was excited to get back to Anita's world but I was disappointed to have none of my fav characters making any appearances. I love Anita so I will probably always read this series, even tho, in my opinion, they got a bit overly sexual for a while, but the last one (Akin Trade) seemed more an old school Anita book to me. I am hoping they continue on that way.

I got this book from the library to read (as I have done with all recent Hamilton books). I am glad I did because this book was mostly so-so. I definitely wouldn't shell out money for a hardcover for this. It is very short (took maybe 2 hours to read) and doesn't advance the story much.
Anita is actually working again in this book, I know that's a shocker. She has two clients in a row that want their spouses raised for different reasons, both of which are wrong. She refuses to do either of the animations. As a result she is kidnapped during lunchtime and the lives of her harem of men are put in danger.
There isn't a ton to say about this book. It is a lot like the rest of the recent books, except short and more wordy in the beginning. The beginning of the book is slow and full of more of Anita angsting about her morals and how she's is, or is not, comfortable with all the men in her life. The last third of the book is actually very engaging and fairly action packed (keep in mind the last third is maybe 50 pages in this case).
It is nice to see Anita working at her job...kind of. It is also nice to have her raising the dead again and using her necromancer powers. Unfortunately Anita manages to add another man to her ever increasing harem and there is the usual poorly written sex scene.
I was disappointed that, as has been the case with the last few books, Jean Claude is again shoved out of the story. Why has he become such a minor character in Anita's life? His place is taken by a fresher crowd...mainly Micah, Jason, and Nathaniel.
This is a very short book, took maybe 2 hours to read. Then there is an Afterword in which Hamilton tries to justify why she wrote this book. It was okay, the writing style itself is solid even if the content and Anita's rambling make for bad pacing and a loose plot. I didn't mind reading it. I think if it had been a longer book or if I had actually shelled out money for it I would have been pissed. But as it was, it only took an 1.5 hours of my time and was I thought it was okay.
So, my suggestion would be to get this one from the library. Or just skip it all together. You won't miss a ton of the story if you do. If you decide to read it, just go in to it expecting what you've gotten from previous book and you shouldn't be too annoyed.
Anita is actually working again in this book, I know that's a shocker. She has two clients in a row that want their spouses raised for different reasons, both of which are wrong. She refuses to do either of the animations. As a result she is kidnapped during lunchtime and the lives of her harem of men are put in danger.
There isn't a ton to say about this book. It is a lot like the rest of the recent books, except short and more wordy in the beginning. The beginning of the book is slow and full of more of Anita angsting about her morals and how she's is, or is not, comfortable with all the men in her life. The last third of the book is actually very engaging and fairly action packed (keep in mind the last third is maybe 50 pages in this case).
It is nice to see Anita working at her job...kind of. It is also nice to have her raising the dead again and using her necromancer powers. Unfortunately Anita manages to add another man to her ever increasing harem and there is the usual poorly written sex scene.
I was disappointed that, as has been the case with the last few books, Jean Claude is again shoved out of the story. Why has he become such a minor character in Anita's life? His place is taken by a fresher crowd...mainly Micah, Jason, and Nathaniel.
This is a very short book, took maybe 2 hours to read. Then there is an Afterword in which Hamilton tries to justify why she wrote this book. It was okay, the writing style itself is solid even if the content and Anita's rambling make for bad pacing and a loose plot. I didn't mind reading it. I think if it had been a longer book or if I had actually shelled out money for it I would have been pissed. But as it was, it only took an 1.5 hours of my time and was I thought it was okay.
So, my suggestion would be to get this one from the library. Or just skip it all together. You won't miss a ton of the story if you do. If you decide to read it, just go in to it expecting what you've gotten from previous book and you shouldn't be too annoyed.
$23.95 for this short story? I really felt robbed by the 170 pages which included a bla bla bla about how she writes, and they used large type print.. for a couple hour's read of an Anita Blake story. Read and done the same afternoon I bought it!
I feel like Laurell K. Hamilton is in it for the money and not in it to give her supporting fans their money's worth.
I feel like Laurell K. Hamilton is in it for the money and not in it to give her supporting fans their money's worth.
It was a good story, but what I consider "Fluff." NOt great. Not Amazing. Nothing special. A 2 hr fluff read I'd bring to the beach. **Shrug**

This just isn't for me at all - it seems silly and stupid to be blunt. If I'm going to read about anything supernatural it needs to be along the lines of how Rhiannon Frater writes. Maybe it's because I picked this up without reading the previous books but I don't think so. I could tell from page one that I wasn't going to get into it. I did give it a decent shot though I think.
I'll say this - had I spent $23.95 on this I would be PISSED. As it happens, I spent all of 50 cents on it at Goodwill. :D
I'll say this - had I spent $23.95 on this I would be PISSED. As it happens, I spent all of 50 cents on it at Goodwill. :D

I feel like it was kind of short personally but maybe I just read it to fast because I couldnt put it down. I have read most of this Anita Blake series so the first few chapters where she is reintroducing all the related characters gets to be a bit boring but once the story line gets started its good.
I must admit I've been very dissapointed in the last few Anita Blake books but this one was pretty good, short and sweet, no drawn out segments like some others, good plot, small steamy chapter, and goes back to the zombie raising which is what I missed ( I was a bit sick of all the vampire drama). If you've been down and out with Anita, check this one out.
Between the largish print, blank pages between chapters, and only 158 pages of story, I don't feel like I got my money's worth on this one. Sure, there's also an Introduction and an Afterword, but if I really wanted to know what inspires an author and all that, I'd look for a free article on the internet. I hate when things like this are used to "pad" a book when the story is so short.
This one managed to have a nice variety of zombies, sex, and new characters, but it just wasn't enough. It was more like reading a short story than an actual full-sized book. Although, we did also get another sentimental and weepy moment where Anita feels like she's still an unattractive step-child, which was a bit unnecessary as that plot device has really worn thin.
Overall, though, what there was of a story was good. But I'm still really disappointed at it's length.
This one managed to have a nice variety of zombies, sex, and new characters, but it just wasn't enough. It was more like reading a short story than an actual full-sized book. Although, we did also get another sentimental and weepy moment where Anita feels like she's still an unattractive step-child, which was a bit unnecessary as that plot device has really worn thin.
Overall, though, what there was of a story was good. But I'm still really disappointed at it's length.

I used to be a big fan of Laurell Hamilton's earlier books when she was a working woman. Then later came all the sex books which are a big snore. I borrowed this book from a friend and am glad I did not spend money on it. I tried to like it, but is was the same old junk without any real substance. Too bad, she use to be so good.
Anything Anita is worth reading!! This one is no exception.