Great evils plague our world. Terrorists fly planes filled with innocent travelers into occupied buildings and carry out suicide attacks in crowded public places. Political leaders mastermind vicious acts of genocide. Executives mismanage money, destroying the life savings of hard-working employees and stockholders.Religious leaders use their positions to exploit vulnerable children and adults. Parents abuse children,and spouses abuse each other.
We have all been sinned against, sometimes in terrible ways, sometimes in smaller, but still hurtful ways. Can we forgive, and even pray for those who hurt us? What if the offender does not or will not repent? Do we forgive anyway?
Honesty also requires us to admit that we sometimes are the ones who inflict the pain. We all sin: against God, and against other people.We may try to deny, repress, or rationalize our actions, but our hearts know that we have wronged others; usually,it's those we love most.
Gary Inrig says that forgiving cannot be a mere intellectual exercise;it requires you to face people and situations you'd rather ignore. And he offers no simple formulas. His insights and wisdom will stretch your understanding of what forgiveness really is, and will open your heart to the cleansing, liberation, and transformation that true and appropriate forgiveness brings.
We have all been sinned against, sometimes in terrible ways, sometimes in smaller, but still hurtful ways. Can we forgive, and even pray for those who hurt us? What if the offender does not or will not repent? Do we forgive anyway?
Honesty also requires us to admit that we sometimes are the ones who inflict the pain. We all sin: against God, and against other people.We may try to deny, repress, or rationalize our actions, but our hearts know that we have wronged others; usually,it's those we love most.
Gary Inrig says that forgiving cannot be a mere intellectual exercise;it requires you to face people and situations you'd rather ignore. And he offers no simple formulas. His insights and wisdom will stretch your understanding of what forgiveness really is, and will open your heart to the cleansing, liberation, and transformation that true and appropriate forgiveness brings.