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Topic: Free Padded Bags - San Francisco - Sonoma, CA

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sfnativegal avatar
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Subject: Free Padded Bags - San Francisco - Sonoma, CA
Date Posted: 5/11/2017 5:45 PM ET
Member Since: 1/22/2007
Posts: 7
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Attn San Francisco and Sonoma, CA members

I was mailing out and receiving a book every 7 -10 days.  When a membership charge was required the flow of books to me came to a dead stop.  I stopped listing books on my bookshelf because I already had 100 points and didn't need more since none of my wishes were being filled.  I have saved every padded envelope I received a book in and saved even more from my job.   I also have a lot of thick plastic bags that are good for mailing.   If you live in SF or Sonoma and are still sending and receiving books and could use these bags send me an email and we arrange pick up.  I am a big recycler and don't want to throw them in the trash.


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Standard Member medalFriend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 8/9/2017 11:50 AM ET
Member Since: 5/10/2005
Posts: 2,956
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Good for you!

I went through the community directory at one poitn to find people near me. I found one and gave her a couple boxes of envelopes, because my stash had outgrown its shelf and they needed to go!   We were both thrilled.

Not sure if that could work anymore since you'd have to find someone who was also a paid member to do PMs.  Depends I suppose on how many people nearby--since they'd have to be in the directory and paid now.