An excellent book by an excellent writer.
Tannenbaum again shows his talent for interweaving several plot lines and multiple characters into a complex and riveting thriller.
I started reading Tannenbaum's books with the first one, and have read them in sequence up to this one. In the last two or three, I've noticed a disappointing tendency for the plots to get less and less credible. I know this is fiction, but he seems to be "jumping the shark" as they say about a TV series which is on its last legs and starts to present more and more outlandish stunts in an attempt to attract a new audience. If you think you'd like to meet Butch Karp and Marlene Ciampi, try to find book 1 ("No Lesser Plea") and follow the saga from there; he has added lots of new characters over the years, and the two main protagonists have worked together, fallen in love, shacked up, got married, and started raising a family. Their oldest child is now in her late teens, so you can see where this has gone on for a while. My ratings of these books over the years have fallen from five stars to four stars, and lately to three. I still enjoy them, but less and less as the years roll by. I hope the author gets hold of himself eventually since I still have five or six I haven't read yet... Guess I'll stop buying new ones for a while.
This is a fast paced, action packed book. I really enjoyed the characters, which I had read in some of this authors previous books. I would highly recommend this book to other readers.
Mr. & Mrs Karp are great fun.