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Topic: My garden is blooming!

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craftnut avatar
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Subject: My garden is blooming!
Date Posted: 5/6/2012 11:42 AM ET
Member Since: 7/10/2011
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My Garden

Lots of things are blooming, some are done.  My seedlings died in the unexpected late freeze, so I had to buy vegetable seedings at the garden center.  The bleeding hearts are going crazy, getting huge and blooming beautifully.  Potted plants are growing well, the strawberries have bloomed and are making fruit.  Bought a fuschia yesterday and will put it in one of the hanging baskets today.

How's your garden going?

tkhooper avatar
Date Posted: 5/6/2012 2:47 PM ET
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My garden and I are very confused.  Most all of the spring bulbs bloomed really early this year.  Now the peonies are blooming at their normal time and the roses have just busted out in blooms.  But the weeds are doing the best of all.  And with a broken lawn mower the grass is hip high.  So it's been a mixed blessing this year.

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Date Posted: 5/7/2012 12:32 AM ET
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My Strawberries are blooming and peas are growing good . The greenhouse is full of tomatoes & peppers. We don't grow to much early stuff it goes  from real cold to hot  here.

louieg avatar
Date Posted: 5/23/2012 5:35 PM ET
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Finally finished planting everything yesterday evening. Several of my tomato and pepper plants made it out to the garden that I started from seed - thanks to the advice of people here in the gardening forum! We had a very strange late winter/early spring but it seems like it's back to normal now so I don't think wacky weather will be a problem.

MSCOZY avatar
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Date Posted: 5/24/2012 3:14 AM ET
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Got lots of strawberries fruiting and blooming as well as some veggies. We had a late spring then temps went high like summertime and so some cool weather veggies are bolting. Potatoes look great and so do my blueberries. Lots of flowers coming and blooming. I need to fertilize! Clematis has not bloomed yet but the roses are full of buds.
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Date Posted: 5/29/2012 10:07 PM ET
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Well, my strawberries WERE blooming, but something has eaten all the blooms!  Just bare stems there now; grrrrrrr!!  We have some rabbits in the backyard, so I suppose they are the culprit.

Lots of flowers in bloom, though!