I expected more than just a list of charities. If I wanted a list of charities I could have just used google.
Good review of Clinton's views.

Very inspiring...makes you want to be a better person!
This book is a good book to keep forever as a reference. It has fantastic ideas and is well written. It is here where I found out about Kiva.org, the micro-lending opportunity site. I use it regularly for gifts. Clinton rocks!

I enjoyed the book, much like Clinton's other works, he lists a great number of people who are an inspiration to him and to the writing. I was most impressed with the first half of the book, I found it more realistic and inspiring, the latter part was filled with global awareness and appreciation for the earth, as I am not opposed to that, I find the suggestions harder to implement as not every city and state is financially or emotionally ready for those changes. Overall I enjoyed the book and find Clinton a good author and powerful "messenger."