What a wonderful, powerful book! A heartbreaking but true, saying-what-should-be-broadcast-everywhere look at the American economy. And while there are real-life villains aplenty in this book, the names of some that I intend to remember are Carl Icahn, and the founders of Monomoy Capital Partners: Stephen Presser, Daniel Collin, Justin Hillenbrand, and Philip Von Burg; I wouldn't be surprised to hear that any or all have been invited by the White(s Only) House to be advisors. So just be aware, corporate robber barons: some of us are watching & keeping track. And to the reviewers on Amazon who found this book to be "typical left-wing, liberal propaganda", don't forget the police officer Alexander interviewed who said that the social contract that kept the American dream running was "gone." When asked by Alexander what happened to the social contract, the officer replied, "Corporate America." (People working in law enforcement unfortunately get called a lot of things, but I don't think that too many get called "typical, left-wing, liberal propagandists.")