"God Is Not Fair, and other Reasons for Gratitude" by Daniel Horan is a collection of short essays and reflections (?) about various topics relating to being a Christian in the modern world. Modern world meaning a society where it is too easy to be distracted, too easy to accept a simplified, diluted, and comforting portrait of Jesus and his teachings. Part admonition, part encouragement, Horan covers various topics in brief 2-5 pages that often left me with mixed feelings. On one hand many of the topics could require great depth, nuanced theological analysis, and I was left feeling wanting more. Yet, maybe that was one of the points. Out culture tends to over analyze, over think, over justify and not just accept. Some of the topics I fully agreed with Horan; others, not. While an easy read, I felt an overall tone of subtle condescension that disturbed me - even more so when I realized that this perception was likely mostly my own projection. Something to think about. [3/5]