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Topic: A good book on grieving the loss of a pet?

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catsndogsnbooksohmy avatar
Subject: A good book on grieving the loss of a pet?
Date Posted: 1/9/2013 5:45 PM ET
Member Since: 3/10/2011
Posts: 405
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Can anyone recommend a good book on getting through the death of a pet?  We lost one of our dogs in November, and while we are all still hurting and feeling the loss, I'm worried about my hubby.  Molly was mostly "daddy's girl", and he is just unable to deal with the guilt and emptiness.  He says whenever he thinks of her, he thinks of watching her die, instead of being able to picture the happy memories.  She passed very quickly and suddenly of a stroke or series of strokes.  While she was seizing, I held her and loved on her and told her how much I loved her and how much she meant to us, but he had to leave the room. 

There are so many books about the impact pets have on our lives, and I've read that losing a pet is often harder than losing a person, but I really need to find something about how to get through the loss.  These are more than pets - they are our "fur babies," our family.

AZnightowl avatar
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Date Posted: 1/24/2013 2:36 PM ET
Member Since: 4/28/2009
Posts: 1,363
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Hi Lori - I've been thinking about you since you last PM'd and was wondering how you and your husband were doing. 

I haven't read it yet, but there's a book out there that has gotten some great reviews if you look at Amazon or Google it:

Cold Noses At The Pearly Gates
Author: Gary Kurz
ISBN 13:
Take care, Ann Marie