Helpful Score: 5
I had an Orson once but his name was Tippy. The two had a lot in common. I'd love to tell you about Tippy but that would be my story not Jon Katz. If you are a dog lover, you will laugh, you will cry, and most of all, you will identify.

Helpful Score: 4
I loved this book, but I had one of these highly eccentric, intelligent dogs for 14 years. If you like dogs at all, you will enjoy this book.
Helpful Score: 3
Probably the best book I have read in a long time. I feel a connection with Jon. Not only his life experience but his conflicts in dealing with the right and wrong, the moral vs. the humane vs. the socially acceptable. I felt Jon's pain and ecstasy. This is an amazing read, but the reader needs to be prepared for the emotion. So well written.

Helpful Score: 3
This is a powerful yet touching book about the author's relationship with his dog, Orson. Great companion piece to "The Dogs of Bedlam Farm". This book with resonate with anyone who has shared their life with, and loved, a "difficult" dog. A beautiful read, although painful at times. Highly recommended to anyone to anyone who has relationships with dogs.

Helpful Score: 3
I don't think I like this author very much as a person. The story itself was a real tear jerker for me but I had trouble relating to his view of things. I am now finding myself avoiding his other books.