The Great and Secret Show starts out with sinister promise but becomes a drawn-out, dull affair. Barker is original in some of his ideas, but his style is not enjoyable and the story itself held little interest for me. I will admit that I didn't finish the book, but life is finite and I don't have time to read everything that I come across. This book didn't make the cut for me.

As many stories, this one is about good and evil. More specifically, it is about what good and evil feel they must do to reach their own ends, and the outward ripple of events that their decision causes upon the world. It's a story about love, another predominant theme, and, like with good and evil, one that is utilized into a "Romeo and Juliet"-esque situation between those on the side of good and those on the side of evil. It's an old story,but in Barker's penmanship and style, one that you've never read before.