In one book, JR gives us new and old, easy and difficult, and a huge variety of patterns, designs, and themes in between. She labels each set of individual instructions "average complexity", "time-consuming", "quick and easy", "kid-friendly", "challenging", etc. , all of which I found accurate. She includes computer-aided and recycled materials as well as feminine, masculine, and ideas for multiple cards. It really is A to Z--each card technique includes a materials list, bulleted instructions , a clear and good-sized picture(s) and sometimes even personal notes from her experience that increase the reader's ability to copy and/or adapt the design to your needs. And, best of all for my 50-plus (don't ask) eyes, all the print is easy to read! These 74 (!) projects will keep me busy for months. Wish I had bought this instead of several other books in my card-making books collection--I could have stopped here and saved myself a lot of money.