This novel is quite different for Buchan. The first part, set in Scotland, plods through the leisurely life of our hero. We learn little of his adventurous past, other than he has had one. Of course, he falls head over heels in love withyou guessed itthe most beautiful woman in the country. But, alas he is thwarted by his own self-doubt. He runs for political office (in a half-hearted way) and is defeated by politically and romantically by the same nemesis. While Part 1 was dull, Part 2 gains a little, but not to the level of excitement for which Buchan is noted. In consolation, he accepts an assignment for British Intelligence in India. Will Britain never stop meddling with the Indians? So off he goes to win and come home in glory, or to lose and be renounced by his homeland. So much for giving ones all for the king! Lots of rhetoric throughout; not much action.