This book was a great re-read. It's a favorite series of mine, even though a couple of the characters aren't my favorite as Wulfgar's too full of himself and Regis just has few morals and I find he usually gets what's coming to him. But, Drizzt, Cattibrie and Bruenor are great heroes and the assassin, Entreri, an intriguing villain.

This series continues to prove itself a mere step above Burroughs "Mars" series, in terms of predictability and tropes. But at least this is palatable.
Of course, everyone heals like nobody's business and Wulfgar might as well be a demigod. I still enjoy reading this stuff, spaced out between other books though. Kind of like circus peanuts. A few at a time taste really good and sweet, more than a handful and you feel sick to your stomach.
Of course, everyone heals like nobody's business and Wulfgar might as well be a demigod. I still enjoy reading this stuff, spaced out between other books though. Kind of like circus peanuts. A few at a time taste really good and sweet, more than a handful and you feel sick to your stomach.