I'm familiar with Frankel's work in magazines and the like, so I was really interested in reading this. I think she should have stuck with magazines.
This was all over the place. The tone changes from chapter to chapter, there's never any real sense of progress or cohesion, and instead of some (ANY) revelation to go along with the chapters about people she's found it hard not to hate, I got the strong feeling this book was more about airing her the grievances of her personal relationships than finding balance in life. Maybe the concept would have worked better distilled down into an article, but as a book it was so tedious and grating I gave up half way through.
This was all over the place. The tone changes from chapter to chapter, there's never any real sense of progress or cohesion, and instead of some (ANY) revelation to go along with the chapters about people she's found it hard not to hate, I got the strong feeling this book was more about airing her the grievances of her personal relationships than finding balance in life. Maybe the concept would have worked better distilled down into an article, but as a book it was so tedious and grating I gave up half way through.