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Healing Mind, Healthy Woman: Using the Mind-Body Connection to Manage Stress and Take Control of Your Life
Healing Mind Healthy Woman Using the MindBody Connection to Manage Stress and Take Control of Your Life Author:Alice D. Domar, Henry Dreher Every woman has access to the most powerful health care in the world. It's not a pill or a hospital or a test. It's her own mind.Dr. Alice Domar, director of women's health programs at Harvard Medical School's famous Division of Behavioral Medicine, is a national expert in the use of mind-body methods for improving health, and has proven the eff... more »ectiveness of these techniques with her groundbreaking research. Writing with noted science and health writer Henry Dreher, Dr. Domar explains how these techniques can be used for reducing stress and enhancing wellness.Dr. Alice Domar explains the solid scientific grounding behind mind-body methods, and then examines how they helped real women with common situations such as menopause, eating disorders, and PMS.And there's only one known side effect to Dr. Domar's methods: peace of mind.« less