One of Goodnight's Brothers' Bond series, this moving story is about Drew Michaels and his estranged wife, Larissa. God's love ultimately brings much needed healing--a touching and enjoyable read.
Good read. This is Book #3 of "The Brothers' Bond" trilogy. It can stand alone--but is best read after you read the first two books: #1. A Season for Grace and #2. A Touch of Grace. Very interesting to see what happens to each brother after they are separated as children.
A mixture of mystery and unconditional love are just a few facets to this story. Ms. Goodnight developed these fictional stories from a true event that she witnessed while working as an elementary school teacher.
A mixture of mystery and unconditional love are just a few facets to this story. Ms. Goodnight developed these fictional stories from a true event that she witnessed while working as an elementary school teacher.
This book is the third in a series of three, about three brothers who were separated at a young age. I read "A Touch of Grace", which is the second in the series, before I knew that it was a part of a series. I then ordered "A Season for Grace", the first one and "The Heart of Grace", the last one. These books are hard to put down once you start reading. I highly recommend each of these books, but make sure you read them in the right order.
A good read !!