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Topic: Hello and Introduction

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Subject: Hello and Introduction
Date Posted: 6/13/2020 1:08 PM ET
Member Since: 4/20/2011
Posts: 5
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Hi everyone,  back on PBS after a lengthy abscence. I just completed my student teaching and will start my first year of teaching high school English (9th and 12th) in the fall in Los Angeles, CA. I just started to hit up the library book sales to purchase books for my classroom library, but that option no longer available. I am looking for other ways to purchase books cheaply. Check out my books lists and happy to trade if I have anything you are interested in.

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Subject: Books
Date Posted: 9/29/2020 8:11 PM ET
Member Since: 11/12/2005
Posts: 1,381
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Hi, I saw that you were looking for books.  I am offering an unlimited 2-1 on all books that are not romance or Children's books.  Send me a message if you are interested in anything.