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Topic: Historical Mystery/Romance, WL Suggestions?

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jayelsee avatar
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Subject: Kerrigan Byrne - Fiona Mahoney Mysteries
Date Posted: 4/3/2024 7:38 PM ET
Member Since: 4/20/2009
Posts: 822
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This is the THIRD time I've tried to post and managed to delete this message, so let me be brief:

"A Vocation of Violence" the third book in Kerrigan Byrne's " Fiona Mahoney" mystery series was released in March.

Last Edited on: 4/3/24 7:52 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
jayelsee avatar
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Subject: Kerrigan Byrne - Fiona Mahoney Mysteries
Date Posted: 4/3/2024 7:51 PM ET
Member Since: 4/20/2009
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(READ the message above this one first)....

Now for the chatty part....I know some of us have been reading this series, and although it's a little dark (what can you expect from a heroine whose job is cleaning up after murdered corpses in Victorian London) I have really enjoyed it and grown to love the main characters.  There was a three-year period between release of the second book (A Treacherous Trade) and this one, so I may have to skim through the second one again.  It ended on a bit of a cliff-hanger, or shall we say a failure to resolve an important issue.  So, I'm curious about what comes next.

I have found it easier to read electronic versions of books in recent years (ability to control light and type-size), so I've been very grateful to libraries who have Libby and Hoopla, and I recently subscribed to Kindle Unlimited.  I was happy to see that all three books in this series, including the new one, are available there for free (after the monthly subscription cost, of course).

Last Edited on: 4/3/24 8:13 PM ET - Total times edited: 2
Jerseygirltoo avatar
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Date Posted: 4/4/2024 6:27 AM ET
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Kerrigan Byrne is a little dark for me. That being said, I am reading another historical mystery,series, which is quite dark and has lots of violence, the Nell Sweeney series by P.B. Ryan. The first book was Still Life With Murder, and I am now reading the second one, Murder in A Mill Town. But the characters are great, the setting is 1860's Boston. I'll be swapping it here as soon as I'm done, if anyone is interested.

jayelsee avatar
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Date Posted: 4/4/2024 12:16 PM ET
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I read P.B. Ryan's Nell Sweeney series a few years ago, really enjoyed it.  If anyone is looking for a lighter read, I recently discovered Claudia Gray's new "Mr. Darcy and Miss Tilney" mystery series featuring characters from Jane Austin's books in a fun and creative way.  The main characters, and mystery solvers, are Jonathan Darcy (son of the Darcy's from Pride and Prejudice) and Juliet Tilney (daughter of Catherine and Henry from Northanger Abbey).  If you like Jane Austen, you'll be happy to know that Gray remains true in her representation of Austin's original characters.  (First book is "The Murder of Mr. Wickham).
