In the year 2028, a young African soccer player enters the United States, with his teammates, for a World Cup exhibition match. With him comes a virus that has been quietly decimating populations in other parts of the world. Within ten years over six billion have died from the 'Flu.' In the year 2038 the world population is down to 300 million. And the virus is still alive and well. Not everyone, however, dies from the Flu. Some Survive, but at a cost. This is the story of four teens--one is a Survivor--living on, and in, the Grand Canyon. How will they continue to live in a world ravaged by death? How can they escape the 'Kinka'--a group of Survivors bent on "cleansing the world and creating a new future."? Could the answer lie in an ancient Hopi myth? ... I was enthralled by this highly possible apocalyptic scenario. It was an excellent book from cover-to-cover, told in the first person by each of the four main characters. A very good read for teens and adults.