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Topic: Hot & Steamy eBooks VB *UNMOD* - Receiving prizes!

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Subject: Hot & Steamy eBooks VB *UNMOD* - Receiving prizes!
Date Posted: 6/29/2012 2:07 PM ET
Member Since: 11/11/2008
Posts: 16,558
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"This is an UNMODERATED challenge. Unmoderated means that no Games Mods are supervising this challenge, and gamers are playing at their own risk. If something should happen (no prize recevied), the gamers will not have the assistance of the Games Moderators or the PBS Team to resolve the problem."

***DISCLAIMER: THIS IS A STEAMY CHALLENGE. WE MAY POST PICTURES, USE COLORFUL LANGUAGE AND TALK ABOUT DIRTY TOPICS. IF THIS OFFENDS YOU, THIS VB MAY NOT BE FOR YOU.*** When posting such pictures, please remember the PBS guidelines. No butt, no genitals and if you can tell how big something is, a link is best.

In this challenge, you will gain points by reading ebooks from your TBR pile and bonus points for various other activities. ANY AND ALL GENRES ARE ALLOWED.




Quick Links


You must check-in on each date to be eligible for the prizes. HERE IS THE FORM FOR SUBMISSIONS. If you read 0 ebooks for that week, submit a form anyways and put your name and "none" for where text is required, select the "short story" option and choose "no" for the bonuses.


CHECK-IN DATES (by 11:59 PM):

SUNDAY, JULY 8 (for books read during July 1st - July 7th)

SUNDAY, JULY 15 (for books read during July 8th - July 14th)

SUNDAY, JULY 22 (for books read during July 15th - July 21st)

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1 (for books read during July 22nd - July 31st)


Point Breakdown:

Short Story - 0 to 50 pages: 25 points

Novella - 51 to 110 pages: 50 points

Novel - 111 to 250 pages: 100 points

Super Novel - 251 to 360 pages: 150 points

Super Plus Novel - 361 pages and greater: 200 points

If there is a print version of your ebook, use that number for your page count. If your book does not have a print version OR the equivalent page number on a reputable site, we will use the following formula - WORD COUNT/280. This number will equal your page count. If you can not find either a page count or a word count, the book cannot be used for the challenge. Word counts can be found at a variety of sites: All Romance, Fictionwise, BookStrand, etc.

I am figuring this out by pulling the word count that Total-e-Bound uses to distinguish their types of books and using the formula (rounding to something sensible). The number 280 came from pulling 20 random books that were available in print and ebook, dividing their word count by the number of pages in the book. Then I averaged all of them to get an average words per page. Since we don't have WL info or stuff like that that most challenges use, I am having to use the page count for points.


Bonus Points:

Buddy Bonus: 50 points - Before we begin, I will buddy up participants and have each pick and post 4 novel sized TBR books for their buddy to read. In addition to the regular base points, 50 bonus points will be added for each book read.

Secret Book Bonus: 50 points - Again, before we start I will select one novel sized book from each player's TBR. If that book is read during the challenge, in addition to the base points, 50 bonus points will be added. This book will not be a buddy book.

Review Bonus: 10 points - For every book that is reviewed, whether it's here on PBS's description page, Amazon, B&N, Goodreads, etc, you will receive 10 bonus points. These do not have to be large reviews. Why did you like the book, what did you dislike? How many stars?

Lending Bonus: 10 points - if you purchased a book because it was specifically on someone's wish list, whether picked or not, give yourself 10 bonus points. NON-VB PLAYERS NOT ELIGIBLE

I don't want to make it difficult to track and I want a pretty laid back challenge so we will not be having minis for each week.


Total standing will be determined each week (and for the final) by:

Totaling up your points standing (person with the most points at the end of the week will get 1, second gets 2, etc) and adding it to your page standing (determined by totaling up number of pages read - rank again, person with most pages read will get a 1 and so on). The person with the lowest total number (both page and points added together) will be the winner. In the case of a tie, total pages read will be the tiebreaker.

Prizes will not be determined until the end of the challenge. Final standings (1-14) will get first pick, next will be the people who placed first in each of the weeks starting with week 1, then week 2 and finally week 3. Then there will be the people who placed second in each of the weeks.



Please submit information on ALL books you read during the challenge. You CANNOT pick and choose the books you read, it can screw up the ranking.

Print books can be read during the challenge without penalty, but points cannot be issued for them.

If you would like to participate in the buddy or secret book bonus, please post a link to your TBR. Due to these being ebooks, you probably want to create one offsite (away from PBS).

To make a TBR on Goodreads, just mark your books with the "to read" option. I had created a separate shelf called "to read ebooks" so that I could find those quicker.

You can also go on Amazon and create a Wish List and just add the books that you already have to it. Login to Amazon and click the Wish List button at the top right. This will bring up your Wish Lists. To the left, under your name, there will be a button that says "create another wish list" or something like that. Click that. Name it whatever you want. I would name it something like - Books To Be Read. Then, make sure to either mark it as public or shared. Shared means that it wil be private and only those with a link can view it. If you mark it private, only you will be able to see the list. Public means everyone out in the world can see it.

There is also Library Thing and Shelfari. Though I am not on there and have no idea how they work. I'm not sure of others.


PRIZES: Instead of prizes being pre-selected for winners, we will be having a prize bank and winners can chose in order which prize they would like.


  • $10 gift card to winner's choice store (Courtney)
  • Winner's choice of any book from any of the major e-book retailers ($10 or less) (Gina)
  • Baked goodies (she makes some awesome Oreo cookie brownies!) (Jessica)
  • Home made tea bag sampler with a variety of teas and wrapped up with care (Mary)
  • WL ebook (Angela)
  • WL ebook (Christine)
  • WL ebook (Courtney)
  • WL ebook (Missy)
  • WL book off amazon up to $15.00 (Alicia)
  • Book from the player's print TBR (Courtney)
  • Bitch bag (Courtney)
  • Either a print or ebook from the winner's WL, up to $10 (Susan)
  • 2 PBS credits OR an Amazon or B&N ebook (up to $5) (Anne)
  • ebook of up to a $5 value at either Amazon or B&N (Renee)
  • $15 gift certificate to the winner's e-book retailer of choice (Margaret)
  • Credit (Christine)
  • Credit (Angela)
  • Credit (Jamie)
  • Credit (Jamie)
  • Credit (Anne)
  • Credit (Courtney)
  • Credit (Ellen)

Last Edited on: 8/8/12 12:36 PM ET - Total times edited: 45
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Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Subject: PLAYERS, TBR LINKS & Buddy Bonus Book Selections
Date Posted: 6/29/2012 2:07 PM ET
Member Since: 11/11/2008
Posts: 16,558
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PLAYERS, TBRs and Buddy Book Selections:

Alicia C. (longhornfan) - Courtney picked - Alicia's eBook TBR

  1. C791 (Cyborgs: More Than Machines) by Eve Langlais
  2. F814 (Cyborgs: More Than Machines) by Eve Langlais
  3. Bunny And The Bear (Furry United Coalition) by Eve Langlais
  4. Bear Necessities by Dana Marie Bell

Angela (angelinagrl) - Margaret picked - Angela's On Deck Reading List 

  1. Captain Kate (Galaxy Elite Fleet  #1) by Sophie Angmering
  2. Delicate Freakn' Flower (Freakn' Shifters #1) by Eve Langlais
  3. Pets: Bach's Story by Darla Phelps
  4. Brandy's Bikers (The Dirty Dozen #1) by Marla Monroe

Anne (booklover6) - Jamie picked - Anne's Summer Reading List

  1. Darkfever (Fever, #1) by Karen Marie Moning
  2. Slave to Sensation (Psy-Changeling #1) by Nalini Singh
  3. Lover Eternal (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #2) by J.R. Ward
  4. Frostbite (Vampire Academy, #2) by Richelle Mead

Christine T. (DestinysAngel) - Anne picked - Christine's Steamy TBR

  1. The Emperor's Wolf by J.C. Owen
  2. Love Means... No Shame by Andrew Grey
  3. Force of Law by Jez Morrow
  4. Broken Boundaries by Evangeline Anderson

Courtney(coco1019) - Gina picked - ebooks I Need to Read Before I Die

  1. Danger Zone (Hawkeye, #1) by Sierra Cartwright
  2. Club Mephisto by Annabel Joseph
  3. Bunny and the Bear (Furry United Coalition, #1) by Eve Langlais
  4. Comfort Food by Kitty Thomas

Ellen (gremlin) - Renee picked - Ellen's July ebook TBR

  1. Beneath the Skin (de La Vega Cats, Bk 3) by Lauren Dane
  2. Bear Necessities (Halle Shifters, Bk 1) by Dana Marie Bell
  3. Rocky Mountain Desire (Six Pack Ranch, Bk 3) by Vivian Arend
  4. Wolf Hills (Brotherhood of Blood, Bk 6) by Bianca D'Arc

Gina (bibliobuff) - Missy picked - Gina's Hot & Steamy EVB Challenge List

  1. Fatal Heat: A Navy SEAL Novella by Lisa Marie Rice
  2. Sold to the Highest Bidder by Donna Alward
  3. Taken by Selena Kitt
  4. Slaves to Love by Claire Thompson

Jamie B. (vampobsessed) - Angela picked - Jamie's Ebook Challenge List

  1. Insatiable (Federation Chronicles, #3; Phantom Corps, #1) by Lauren Dane
  2. Primal Hunger (Pendragon Gargoyles, #1) by Sydney Somers
  3. Strangers by Barbara Elsborg
  4. A Little Harmless Sex(Harmless, #1) by Melissa Schroeder

Mandy P.(mpyff) - Christine picked - Mandy's July Steamy TBR

  1. Master of the Mountain (Mountain Masters, #1) by Cherise Sinclair
  2. Club Mephisto by Anabel Joeseph
  3. Nailed to the Wall (Powertools, #5)  by Jayne Rylon
  4. Playing Doctor  by Frances Stockton

Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) - Susan picked - Margaret's Kindle TBR

  1. Rocky Mountain Haven by Vivian Arend
  2. Secured Mail by Kate Pearce
  3. The Courage to Love (Brothers in Arms, Book One) by Samantha Kane
  4. Hidden Talents (Hidden Series) by Emma Holly

Mary L.(MsRight) - Alicia picked - Mary's Smut Challenge TBR

  1. Hidden Talent by Bianca D'Arc
  2. A Deadly Whisper by Stacey Kennedy
  3. The Scarab Prince by Rebecca Goings
  4. Dance of the Seven Veils by Cris Anson

Melissa H. (missyh) - Ellen picked - Missy's July ebook TBR

  1. Bad Company by K A Mitchell
  2. Hidden Talents by Emma Holly
  3. Into the Crossfire (Protectors, Bk 1) by Lisa Marie Rice
  4. Behind Closed Doors (McCloud Brothers, Bk 1) by Shannon McKenna

Renee C. (4ukcats) - Mary picked - Renee's ebook TBR

  1. Claimed (Dark Protectors, #2) by Rebecca Zanetti
  2. Beg Me by Shiloh Walker
  3. Dangerous Grounds (Seattle Steam, #1) by Shelli Stevens
  4. The Dom of My Dreams: A BDSM Novel by M. F. Sinclair

Susan P. (sneyers11) - Mandy picked - Sue's ebook TBR

  1. Mystery Man by Kristen Ashley
  2. Friday I'm in Love by Mari Carr
  3. Chosen by Sin by Virna De Paul
  4. The Reluctant Nude by Meg Maguire

Last Edited on: 7/9/12 9:47 PM ET - Total times edited: 10
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Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 6/29/2012 2:07 PM ET
Member Since: 11/11/2008
Posts: 16,558
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 Week 1 Details and Results - my spreadsheet details

Player Books Read Total Points Points Rank Total Pages Page Rank TOTAL RANK STANDING
Susan P. (sneyers11) 12 1720 1 2911 1 2 1
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) 9 1440 2 2536 2 4 2
Renee C. (4ukcats) 9 1290 3 1954 3 6 3
Melissa H. (missyh) 5 850 4 1408 4 8 4
Anne (booklover6) 3 670 6 1014 5 11 5
Ellen (gremlin) 7 645 7 977 6 13 6
Angela (angelinagrl) 5 700 5 891 8 13 7
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) 5 550 9 918 7 16 8
Gina (bibliobuff) 5 600 8 836 9 17 9
Mandy P.(mpyff) 4 550 10 548 10 20 10
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) 4 300 12 479 11 23 11
Alicia C. (longhornfan) 2 330 11 330 12 23 12
Mary L.(MsRight) 1 110 13 208 13 26 13
Courtney (coco1019) 0 0 14 0 14 28 14
TOTALS 71 9755   15010      



Name/PBS User Name Book
Alicia C. (longhornfan) C791 by Eve Langlais
Alicia C. (longhornfan) Bunny and the Bear by Eve Langlais
Angela (angelinagrl) Scandalous Desire by Lana Dare (Leah Brooke)
Angela (angelinagrl) Brandy's Bikers by Marla Monroe
Angela (angelinagrl) Pets: Bach's Story by Darla Phelps
Angela (angelinagrl) The Slipstream Con by S.Reesa Michelle & Herbertha Moore
Angela (angelinagrl) Delicate Freakn' Flower by Eve Langlais
Anne (booklover6) Frostbite by Richelle Mead
Anne (booklover6) Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning
Anne (booklover6) Fury by Laurann Dohner
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Amor en Retrogrado by A.M. Riley
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Force of Law by Jez Morrow
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Talker by Amy Lane
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Wanting by Piper Vaughn
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Cowboys Down by Barbara Elsbo
Ellen (gremlin) Some Like It Haunted by Moira Rogers
Ellen (gremlin) Genesis (Heaven Sent #5)  by Jet Mykles
Ellen (gremlin) Last Minion Standing  by Eve Langlais
Ellen (gremlin) Broomstick Breakdown by Eve Langlais
Ellen (gremlin) Moonshine by Moira Rogers
Ellen (gremlin) The Iron Daughter (Iron Fey, Bk 2) by Julie Kagawa
Ellen (gremlin) Bear Necessities by Dana Marie Bell
Gina (bibliobuff) The Renegade's Woman by Nikita Black
Gina (bibliobuff) Promises by Marie Sexton
Gina (bibliobuff) Sold to the Highest Bidder by Donna Alward
Gina (bibliobuff) Fatal Heat by Lisa Marie Rice
Gina (bibliobuff) His Wayward Ward by Kate Harper
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Willing Victim by Cara McKenna
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Master of the Mountain (Mountain Masters, #1)  by Cherise Sinclair
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) A Little Harmless Sex (Harmless #1)  by Melissa Schroeder
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Primal Hunger (Pendragon Gargoyles, #1)  by Sydney Somers
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Wild Man (Dream Man, #2)  by Kristen Ashley
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Law Man (Dream Man, #3)  by Kristen Ashley
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Strangers  by Barbara Elsborg 
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Mystery Man (Dream Man, #1)  by Kristen Ashley
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Motorcycle Man (Dream Man, #4)  by Kristen Ashley
Mandy P.(mpyff) Playing Four Keeps by Kris Norris
Mandy P.(mpyff) Hearts in Darkness by Laura Kaye
Mandy P.(mpyff) Nailed to the Wall by Jayne Rylon
Mandy P.(mpyff) Club Mephisto by Annabel Joseph
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Rocky Mountain Haven by Vivian Arend
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Cattle Valley: The Sound of White by Carol Lynne
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Cattle Valley: Gone Surfin' by Carol Lynne
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Cattle Valley: The Last Bouquet by Carol Lynne
Mary L.(MsRight) Blood and Circuses by Kerry Greenwood
Melissa H. (missyh) Bad Company by KA Mitchell
Melissa H. (missyh) Hidden Talents by Emma Holly
Melissa H. (missyh) Hotter than Wildfire (Protectors, Bk 2) by Lisa Marie Rice
Melissa H. (missyh) Nightfire (Protectors, Bk 3) by Lisa Marie Rice
Melissa H. (missyh) Into the Crossfire (Protectors, Bk 1) by Lisa Marie Rice
Renee C. (4ukcats) Safe With Me (Safe With Me, Bk 6) by Shaina Richmond
Renee C. (4ukcats) Safe With Me (Safe With Me, Bk 7) by Shaina Richmond
Renee C. (4ukcats) Hearts in Darkness by Laura Kaye
Renee C. (4ukcats) Deep in the Woods by Annabel Joseph
Renee C. (4ukcats) Fortune by Annabel Joseph
Renee C. (4ukcats) Beg Me by Shiloh Walker
Renee C. (4ukcats) Safe With Me (Safe With Me, Bk 8) by Shaina Richmond
Renee C. (4ukcats) The Dom of My Dreams by M. F. Sinclair
Renee C. (4ukcats) To Command and Collar (Masters of the Shadowlands, Bk 6) by Cherise Sinclair
Susan P. (sneyers11) Zeke by Beth Williamson
Susan P. (sneyers11) Friday I'm In Love by Mari Carr
Susan P. (sneyers11) Wolf Hills by Bianca D'Arc
Susan P. (sneyers11) The Reluctant Nude by Meg Maguire
Susan P. (sneyers11) An Alpha's Path by Carrie Ann Ryan
Susan P. (sneyers11) Private Property:Hauberk Protection, Book 1 by Leah Braemel
Susan P. (sneyers11) Boots and Chaps by Myla Jackson
Susan P. (sneyers11) Wild Man by Kristen Ashley
Susan P. (sneyers11) Samson's Lovely Mortal (Scanguard Vampires, Bk 1) by Tina Folsom
Susan P. (sneyers11) Law Man by Kristen Ashley
Susan P. (sneyers11) Motorcycle Man by Kristen Ashley
Susan P. (sneyers11) Mystery Man by Kristen Ashley


Last Edited on: 7/10/12 10:51 AM ET - Total times edited: 6
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Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 6/29/2012 2:07 PM ET
Member Since: 11/11/2008
Posts: 16,558
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 Weekly Challenge Breakdown and Details


Week 2 Standings
Player Books Read Total Points Points Rank Total Pages Page Rank TOTAL RANK STANDING
Renee C. (4ukcats) 10 1400 1 2544 1 2 1
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) 13 1230 3 2055 2 5 2
Ellen (gremlin) 13 1290 2 1973 3 5 3
Susan P. (sneyers11) 10 1105 4 1845 4 8 4
Melissa H. (missyh) 7 1020 5 1742 5 10 5
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) 7 795 6 979 7 13 6
Gina (bibliobuff) 4 640 8 1153 6 14 7
Angela (angelinagrl) 9 710 7 857 9 16 8
Alicia C. (longhornfan) 3 470 11 860 8 19 9
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) 5 560 10 789 10 20 10
Anne (booklover6) 5 575 9 724 11 20 11
Mandy P.(mpyff) 3 390 12 521 12 24 12
Courtney (coco1019) 0 0 13 0 13 26 13
Mary L.(MsRight) 0 0 14 0 14 28 14
TOTALS 89 10185   16042      



Name/PBS User Name Book
Alicia C. (longhornfan) Hunted (Brides of the Kindred) by Evangeline Anderson
Alicia C. (longhornfan) F814 by Eve Langlais
Alicia C. (longhornfan) Collective Memory by Tielle St Clare
Angela (angelinagrl) Embracing Silence (Project Alpha 01) by NJ Walters
Angela (angelinagrl) Candy's Daddy by Lee Cherry
Angela (angelinagrl) Taken! by Rory Black
Angela (angelinagrl) The Starlight Rite by Cherise Sinclair
Angela (angelinagrl) Cum for Bigfoot (01) by Virginia Wade
Angela (angelinagrl) Lady Doctor Wyre by Joely Sue Burkhart
Angela (angelinagrl) Cum for Bigfoot (02) by Virginia Wade
Angela (angelinagrl) Have Mercy  by NJ Walters
Angela (angelinagrl)  Captain Kate (Galaxy Elite Fleet  #1) by Sophie Angmering
Anne (booklover6) No Escape by Jaid Black
Anne (booklover6) Sage by Shiloh Walker
Anne (booklover6) Demand to Submit by Jaci Burton
Anne (booklover6) King of Cups by Bianca D'Arc
Anne (booklover6) Slave to Sensation by Nalini Singh
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Fire Balls by Tara Lain
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Our December by Diane Adams
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Offside by Ryan Loveless
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Party Whip by Barry Lowe
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Broken Boundaries by Evangeline Anderson
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) The Emperor's Wolf by J C Owens
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Love Means...No Shame by Andrew Grey
Ellen (gremlin) True Colors (Elder Races #3.5) by Thea Harrison
Ellen (gremlin) Wild Card (Down & Dirty #1)  by Moira Rogers
Ellen (gremlin) Claiming Her Geeks by Eve Langlais
Ellen (gremlin) Natural Evil (Elder Races #4.5)  by Thea Harrison
Ellen (gremlin) If I Die (Soul Screamers #5) by Rachel Vincent
Ellen (gremlin) Cynful (Halle Shifters #2) by Dana Marie Bell
Ellen (gremlin) Easy Pickings by C.E. Murphy & Faith Hunter
Ellen (gremlin) Cowboy Casanova (Rough Riders #12) by Lorelei James
Ellen (gremlin) Dragon Tide (Liaden Universe Chapbooks #13) by Sharon Lee, Steve Miller 
Ellen (gremlin) Devil's Gate (Elder Races #4.6) by Thea Harrison
Ellen (gremlin) Rocky Mountain Desire (Six Pack Ranch #3)  by Vivian Arend
Ellen (gremlin) Beneath the Skin (de La Vega Cats #3)  by Lauren Dane
Ellen (gremlin) Serengeti Sunrise (Serengeti Shifters #4) by Vivi Andrews
Gina (bibliobuff) The Gamble by Kristen Ashley
Gina (bibliobuff) Love Slave for Two: Beginnings by Tymber Dalton
Gina (bibliobuff) Courtesan by Louisa Trent
Gina (bibliobuff) Taken by Selena Kitt
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Unleashed (Ross Siblings, #1)  by Cherrie Lynn 
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Seven Nights of Sin  by Lacey Alexander 
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Rock Me (Ross Siblings, #2)  by Cherrie Lynn
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Ink Spots (Simple Need, #3)  by Lissa Matthews 
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Ride with Me  by Ruthie Knox
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Simple Need (Simple Need, #1)  by Lissa Matthews
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Carnal Ecstasy (Simple Need #2)  by Lissa Matthews
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Club Mephisto  by Annabel Joseph
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) The Gamble (Colorado Mountain, #1)  by Kristen Ashley 
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Kamikaze (Last Call, #1)  by Moira Rogers 
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Hurricane (Last Call, #2)  by Moira Rogers
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Tequila Sunrise (Last Call, #3)  by Moira Rogers
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Til We Meet Again  by Stacey Kennedy
Mandy P.(mpyff) 31 Flavors by Cari Silverwod & Leia Shaw
Mandy P.(mpyff) Try Me by Olivia Cunning
Mandy P.(mpyff) Game Misconduct by Biance Sommerland
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Pricks and Pragmatism by J.L. Merrow
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Secured Mail by Kate Pearce
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) The Courage to Love by Samantha Kane
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Hidden Talents by Emma Holly
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Red and the Wolf by Evangeline Anderson
Melissa H. (missyh) Succubi Are Forever by Jill Myles
Melissa H. (missyh) Finding Home by Lauren Baker, Bonnie Dee
Melissa H. (missyh) Bad Boyfriend by KA Mitchell
Melissa H. (missyh) Second Chances by Carolyn Faulkner
Melissa H. (missyh) Bared to You by Sylvia Day
Melissa H. (missyh) Rock Me by Cherrie Lynn
Melissa H. (missyh) Mercy by Annabel Joseph
Renee C. (4ukcats) Tender Mercies by Kitty Thomas
Renee C. (4ukcats) The Auction by Kitty Thomas
Renee C. (4ukcats) The Last Girl by Kitty Thomas
Renee C. (4ukcats) More Than Meets the Ink by Elle Aycart
Renee C. (4ukcats) Comfort Object by Annabel Joseph
Renee C. (4ukcats) Caressa's Knees (Comfort Series, Bk 2) by Annabel Joseph
Renee C. (4ukcats) Take This Regret by A.L. Jackson
Renee C. (4ukcats) Night Seeker (Indigo Court, Bk 3) by Yasmine Galenorn
Renee C. (4ukcats) Grave Memory (Alex Craft, Bk 3) by Kalayna Price
Renee C. (4ukcats) The Isis Collar (Blood Singer, Bk 4) by Cat Adams
Susan P. (sneyers11) Taken by Selena Kitt
Susan P. (sneyers11) She's Gotta Be Mine by Jennifer Skully
Susan P. (sneyers11) Annabelle Lee by N J Walters
Susan P. (sneyers11) Taking Instruction (Taboo) by Cheyenne McCray
Susan P. (sneyers11) Dane by Liliana Hart
Susan P. (sneyers11) Hour of the Lion by Cherise Sinclair
Susan P. (sneyers11) Wild Card by Moira Rogers
Susan P. (sneyers11) In Heat (book 1) by Felicity Heaton
Susan P. (sneyers11) Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble by H P Mallory
Susan P. (sneyers11) A Wanton's Thief by Titania Ladley


Last Edited on: 7/31/12 5:50 PM ET - Total times edited: 4
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Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 6/29/2012 2:07 PM ET
Member Since: 11/11/2008
Posts: 16,558
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Weekly Challenge Breakdown and Details


Week 3 Standings
Player Books Read Total Points Points Rank Total Pages Page Rank TOTAL RANK STANDING
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) 10 1200 1 2342 1 2 1
Renee C. (4ukcats) 10 1025 2 1630 2 4 2
Ellen (gremlin) 9 950 3 1623 3 6 3
Courtney (coco1019) 7 820 4 1278 5 9 4
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) 7 770 6 1414 4 10 5
Angela (angelinagrl) 10 805 5 1278 6 11 6
Susan P. (sneyers11) 4 710 7 1263 7 14 7
Anne (booklover6) 3 550 9 956 8 17 8
Gina (bibliobuff) 5 600 8 936 9 17 9
Melissa H. (missyh) 3 530 10 856 10 20 10
Alicia C. (longhornfan) 3 450 11 813 11 22 11
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) 4 290 12 320 12 24 12
Mandy P.(mpyff) 2 245 13 275 13 26 13
Mary L.(MsRight) 0 0 14 0 14 28 14
TOTALS 77 8945   14984      



Name/PBS User Name Book
Alicia C. (longhornfan) All the king's men by Lacwy savage
Alicia C. (longhornfan) Kissing' Tell by Lorelei James
Alicia C. (longhornfan) Bear Necessities by Dana Marie Bell
Angela (angelinagrl) His Forbidden Submissive by Brandi Evans
Angela (angelinagrl) Dominance and Deception by Amy Valenti
Angela (angelinagrl) The Lawgivers: Gabriel by Kaitlyn O'Connor
Angela (angelinagrl) Chain of Kisses by Angela Knight
Angela (angelinagrl) Tattooed Tryst by Cynthia Sax
Angela (angelinagrl) Galactic Inferno by Mel Teshco
Angela (angelinagrl) Forced Awakening by Bree Bellucci 
Angela (angelinagrl) Under His Hands  by Michelle Fox
Angela (angelinagrl) Hot, Rich and Dominant by Amy Valenti
Angela (angelinagrl) A Million Little Pieces  by James Frey
Anne (booklover6) San Diego 2014: The Last Stand of the California Browncoats by Mira Grant
Anne (booklover6) Redemption by Susannah Sandlin
Anne (booklover6) Lover Eternal by J. R. Ward
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Moonlight Becomes You by Piper Vaughn
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Ice Cream on the Side by Wren Boudreau
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Beyond Moonlight by Piper Vaughn
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) More Than Moonlight by Piper Vaughn
Courtney(coco1019) Burn For You by Annabel Joseph
Courtney(coco1019) Molly's Lips: Club Mephisto Retold by Annabel Joseph
Courtney(coco1019) Club Mephisto by Annabel Joseph
Courtney(coco1019) Rinse and Repeat by Amberly Smith
Courtney(coco1019) Bloodlust (Nightshade, Bk 2) by Michelle Rowen
Courtney(coco1019) Dare to Believe (Gray Court, #1)  by Dana Marie Bell
Courtney(coco1019) Bunny and the Bear (Furry United Coalition, #1) by Eve Langlais
Ellen (gremlin) Swan and the Bear by Eve Langlais
Ellen (gremlin) A Touch of Fae by Lauren Dane
Ellen (gremlin) Dare to Believe by Dana Marie Bell
Ellen (gremlin) Never to Sleep (Soul Screamers #5.5)  by Rachel Vincent
Ellen (gremlin) Finding Forgiveness (Poconos Pack #1) by Dana Marie Bell
Ellen (gremlin) A Dark Kiss of Rapture by Sylvia Day
Ellen (gremlin) Wolf Line (Granite Lake Wolves #5) by Vivian Arend
Ellen (gremlin) Tricked (Iron Druid Chronicles #4)  by Kevin Hearne
Ellen (gremlin) The Iron Queen (The Iron Fey #3) by Julie Kagawa
Gina (bibliobuff) Comfort Object by Annabel Joseph
Gina (bibliobuff) Game for Love by Bella Andre
Gina (bibliobuff) Hearts in Darkness by Laura Kaye
Gina (bibliobuff) Pushing Penny by Cheryl Dragon
Gina (bibliobuff) Double Dare by Jeanne St. James
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Playing for Keeps (A Neighbor from Hell, #1)  by R.L. Mathewson
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) The Last Girl  by Kitty Thomas 
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Perfection (A Neighbor from Hell, #2)  by R.L. Mathewson
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Devil's Gate (Elder Races #4.6)  by Thea Harrison
Jamie B. (vampobsessed)  Tequila Sunset (Last Call #4.5)  by Moira Rogers
Jamie B. (vampobsessed)  Moonshine (Mystic Valley, #1)  by Moira Rogers
Jamie B. (vampobsessed)  Game Misconduct (The Dartmouth Cobras, #1)  by Bianca Sommerland
Jamie B. (vampobsessed)  Tall, Dark & Lonely (Pyte/Sentinel, #1)  by R.L. Mathewson
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Rock Chick (Rock Chick #1)  by Kristen Ashley
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Sweet Dreams (Colorado Mountain #2)  by Kristen Ashley
Mandy P.(mpyff) What Happened in Vegas by Sylvia Day
Mandy P.(mpyff) Master of the Mountain by Cherise Sinclair
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Rocky Mountain Desire by Vivian Arend
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Angel 1089 by C.C. Bridges
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Splash and Elegance by Gabrielle Evans
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) The Geek Job by Eve Langlais
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Seregeti Heat by Vivi Andrews
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Rock Me by Cherrie Lynn
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Enemy Overnight by Robin L. Rotham
Melissa H. (missyh) Diving In Deep by KA Mitchell
Melissa H. (missyh) Collision Course by KA Mitchell
Melissa H. (missyh) Behind Closed Doors by Shannon McKenna
Renee C. (4ukcats) Desperate Thoughts (Victoria Wilde, Bk .5) by Ian Dalton
Renee C. (4ukcats) Secret Thoughts (Victoria Wilde, Bk 2) by Ian Dalton
Renee C. (4ukcats) Dark Kiss of Rapture by Sylvia Day
Renee C. (4ukcats) Try Me (One Night With Sole Regret, Bk 1) by Olivia Cunning
Renee C. (4ukcats) Lynda's Lace by Lacey Alexander
Renee C. (4ukcats) Wild Card (Down and Dirty, Bk 1) by Moira Rogers
Renee C. (4ukcats) Kamikaze (Last Call, Bk 1) by Moira Rogers
Renee C. (4ukcats) Game Misconduct by Bianca Sommerland
Renee C. (4ukcats) Inappropriate Thoughts (Victoria Wilde, Bk 1) by Ian Dalton
Renee C. (4ukcats) A Hunger So Wild by Sylvia Day
Susan P. (sneyers11) Wild Irish by Jennifer Saints
Susan P. (sneyers11) Hammered (Iron Druid, book 3) by Kevin Hearne
Susan P. (sneyers11) Chosen by Sin by Virna DePaul
Susan P. (sneyers11) Winter of the Wolf by Cherise Sinclair


Last Edited on: 7/31/12 6:01 PM ET - Total times edited: 5
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Date Posted: 6/29/2012 2:08 PM ET
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Week 4 Standings
Player Books Read Total Points Points Rank Total Pages Page Rank TOTAL RANK STANDING
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) 12 1620 2 3143 1 3 1
Ellen (gremlin) 17 1855 1 2982 2 3 2
Renee C. (4ukcats) 9 1515 3 2825 3 6 3
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) 14 1460 4 2566 4 8 4
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) 14 1410 5 2438 5 10 5
Susan P. (sneyers11) 6 900 7 2188 6 13 6
Melissa H. (missyh) 7 1010 6 1843 7 13 7
Gina (bibliobuff) 5 700 8 1442 8 16 8
Anne (booklover6) 9 610 9 1087 9 18 9
Angela (angelinagrl) 8 590 10 1042 10 20 10
Alicia C. (longhornfan) 2 250 11 548 11 22 11
Courtney (coco1019) 1 150 12 326 12 24 12
Mandy P.(mpyff) 0 0 13 0 13 26 13
Mary L.(MsRight) 0 0 14 0 14 28 14
TOTALS 104 12070   22430      



Name/PBS User Name Book
Alicia C. (longhornfan) Game misconduct  by Bianca Somerland
Alicia C. (longhornfan) Iron Dominance by Cari Silverwood
Angela (angelinagrl) Afterlife by Joey Hill
Angela (angelinagrl) Signs of Devotion by Karly Maddison 
Angela (angelinagrl) Beck And Call by Abby Gordon 
Angela (angelinagrl) Satin Sheets in Space  by Jessica Subject
Angela (angelinagrl) Trusting the Cowboys (Riverbend, Texas Heat, 1)  by Marla Monroe
Angela (angelinagrl) Living Doll 1 by Carlanime Bligh
Angela (angelinagrl) Living Doll 2 Make it Rough by Carlanime Bligh
Angela (angelinagrl) Something Wicked This Way Comes, Volume 1  by various
Anne (booklover6) The Abandoned by Amanda Stevens
Anne (booklover6) King of Clubs by Bianca D'Arc
Anne (booklover6) Dementia by Jaid Black
Anne (booklover6) Never a Slave by Jaid Black
Anne (booklover6) Sin's Daughter by Eve Silver
Anne (booklover6) Seducing the Sheik by Carol Lynne
Anne (booklover6) To Bed a King by Carol Lynne
Anne (booklover6) Lover Awakened by J. R. Ward
Anne (booklover6) Completing the Circle by Carol Lynne
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Balls and Chain by Mia Watts
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Great Restorations by Libby Drew
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Where the Allegheny Meets the Monongahela  by Felicia Watson 
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Long Tall Drink by LC Chase
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Jailhouse Rock  by LC Chase & Xara X. Xanakas 
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Open Tackle by LC Chase
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Texas Winter by RJ Scott
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Bring The Heat by ML Rhodes
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Armed & Dangerous by Abigail Roux
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Hair of the Dog by Ashlyn Kane & Morgan James
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Frat Boy & Toppy by Anne Tenino
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) The Missing Butterfly by Megan Derr
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Sex, Lies and Wedding Bells by E M Lenley
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) Slap and Tickle by Drew Zachary
Nobody's Angel (Rescue Me #2) by Kallypso Masters
Ellen (gremlin) Before I Wake (Soul Screamers #6) by Rachel Vincent
Ellen (gremlin) Summer's Crossing (The Iron Fey #3.5) by Julie Kagawa
Ellen (gremlin) Kamikaze (Last Call, #1) by Moira Rogers
Ellen (gremlin) Kissin' Tell (Rough Riders #13) by Lorelei James
Ellen (gremlin) Rachel's Totem by Marie Harte
Ellen (gremlin) Wilder's Mate (Bloodhounds #1) by Moira Rogers
Ellen (gremlin) Tangled Tinsel by Vivian Arend
Ellen (gremlin) Noble Blood (Gray Court #2) by Dana Marie Bell
Ellen (gremlin) Hurricane (Last Call, #2) by Moira Rogers
Ellen (gremlin) Tequila Sunrise (Last Call, #3) by Moira Rogers
Ellen (gremlin) The Iron Knight (The Iron Fey #4) by Julie Kagawa
Ellen (gremlin) Wolf Hills by  Bianca D'Arc
Ellen (gremlin) Last Hope (Mystic Valley #5) by Moira Rogers
Ellen (gremlin) Vengeance Due (Witches Knot #3) by Lauren Dane
Ellen (gremlin) Artistic Vision (Gray Court #3) by Dana Marie Bell
Ellen (gremlin) Promises by Marie Sexton
Ellen (gremlin) Dragon Mate (Supernatural Bonds #5) by Jory Strong
Gina (bibliobuff) Sweet Dreams by Kristen Ashley
Gina (bibliobuff) Slaves to Love by Claire Thompson
Gina (bibliobuff) Lady Luck by Kristen Ashley
Gina (bibliobuff) Kept by Carolyn Faulkner
Gina (bibliobuff) Awakening by Kitty Thomas
Jamie B. (vampobsessed)  Lady Luck (Colorado Mountain, #3)  by Kristen Ashley
Jamie B. (vampobsessed)  Knight (Unfinished Hero, #1)  by Kristen Ashley
Jamie B. (vampobsessed)  For You (The 'Burg, #1)  by Kristen Ashley
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) The Reluctant Dom  by Tymber Dalton
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Virgin Daiquiri (Last Call, #4)  by Moira Rogers
Jamie B. (vampobsessed)  Breathe (Colorado Mountain, #4)  by Kristen Ashley
Jamie B. (vampobsessed)  Dane (The MacKenzie Brothers Quartet #1)  by Liliana Hart 
Jamie B. (vampobsessed)  Scorched (Turn Up the Heat, #1)  by Desiree Holt
Jamie B. (vampobsessed)  Rock Chick Rescue (Rock Chick, #2)  by Kristen Ashley
Jamie B. (vampobsessed)  Lynda's Lace (City Heat, #1)  by Lacey Alexander 
Jamie B. (vampobsessed)  A Safe Harbor (Building Sanctuary, #1)  by Moira Rogers 
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) Beyond Eden (Eden #1)  by Kele Moon
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Club Shadowlands by Cherise Sinclair
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) More Than Chemistry by Kate Sherwood
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Bareback by Chris Owen
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Rush of Darkness by Rhyannon Byrd
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Seeking Kokopelli by Shelley Munro
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Alien Mate 1 by Eve Langlais
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Bounty of Love by Scotty Cade
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Dirty Deeds by Lorelei James
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Wolf Line by Vivian Arend
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) The Pharoah's Concubine by Z.A. Maxfield
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Alcandian Quest by Mary Wine
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Ral's Woman by Laurann Dohner
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Blind Pass by Stephani Hecht
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) Change on the Fly by Stephani Hecht
Melissa H. (missyh) The Reluctant Dom by Tymber Dalton
Melissa H. (missyh) No Souvenirs by KA Mitchell
Melissa H. (missyh) Generational Sins by Samantha Blair
Melissa H. (missyh) Anything But Vanilla by Madelynne Ellis
Melissa H. (missyh) Honor Student by Teresa Mummert
Melissa H. (missyh) Honor Thy Teacher by Teresa Mummert
Melissa H. (missyh) The Dom of My Dreams by M.F. Sinclair
Renee C. (4ukcats) Taken by Kelli Maine
Renee C. (4ukcats) Revealing Thoughts by Ian Dalton
Renee C. (4ukcats) Second Thoughts (Victoria Wilde, Bk 4) by Ian Dalton
Renee C. (4ukcats) Breathe (Colorado Mtn, Bk 4) by Kristen Ashley
Renee C. (4ukcats) Dangerous Grounds (Seattle Steam, Bk 1) by Shelli Stevens
Renee C. (4ukcats) The Riding Crop by Karyn Gerrard
Renee C. (4ukcats) Rock Chick Rescue by Kristen Ashley
Renee C. (4ukcats) Rock Chick Redemption by Kristen Ashley
Renee C. (4ukcats) Rock Chick Renegade (Rock Chick, Bk 4) by Kristen Ashley
Susan P. (sneyers11) Master at Arms by Kallypso Masters
Susan P. (sneyers11) The Gamble by Kristen Ashley
Susan P. (sneyers11) I Only Have Eyes For You by Bella Andre
Susan P. (sneyers11) If You Were Mine by Bella Andre
Susan P. (sneyers11) Lady Luck by Kristen Ashley
Susan P. (sneyers11) Sweet Dreams by Kristen Ashley


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Date Posted: 6/29/2012 2:09 PM ET
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FINAL Standings
Player Books Read Total Points Point Rank Total Pages Page Rank Total Rank Standing
Jamie B. (vampobsessed) 44 5490 1 10076 1 2 1
Renee C. (4ukcats) 38 5230 2 8953 2 4 2
Susan P. (sneyers11) 32 4435 4 8207 3 7 3
Ellen (gremlin) 46 4740 3 7555 4 7 4
Melissa H. (missyh) 22 3410 5 5849 5 10 5
Margaret G. (tiger-in-berlin) 30 3090 6 5248 6 12 6
Christine T. (DestinysAngel) 30 3045 7 4655 7 14 7
Gina (bibliobuff) 19 2540 9 4367 8 17 8
Angela (angelinagrl) 32 2805 8 4068 9 17 9
Anne (booklover6) 20 2405 10 3781 10 20 10
Alicia C. (longhornfan) 10 1500 11 2551 11 22 11
Courtney (coco1019) 8 970 13 1604 12 25 12
Mandy P.(mpyff) 9 1185 12 1344 13 25 13
Mary L.(MsRight) 1 110 14 208 14 28 14
TOTALS 341 40955   68466      



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Date Posted: 6/29/2012 2:39 PM ET
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PRIZES: Instead of prizes being pre-selected for winners, we will be having a prize bank and winners can chose in order which prize they would like. Each player will get something.


  1. $10 gift card to winner's choice store (Courtney)
  2. Winner's choice of any book from any of the major e-book retailers ($10 or less) (Gina)
  3. Baked goodies (she makes some awesome Oreo cookie brownies!) (Jessica)
  4. Home made tea bag sampler with a variety of teas and wrapped up with care (Mary)
  5. WL ebook (Angela)
  6. WL ebook (Christine)
  7. WL ebook (Courtney)
  8. WL ebook (Missy)
  9. WL book off amazon up to $15.00 (Alicia)
  10. Book from the player's print TBR (Courtney)
  11. Bitch bag (Courtney)
  12. Either a print or ebook from the winner's WL, up to $10 (Susan)
  13. 2 PBS credits OR an Amazon or B&N ebook (up to $5) (Anne)
  14. ebook of up to a $5 value at either Amazon or B&N (Renee)
  15. $15 gift certificate to the winner's e-book retailer of choice (Margaret)
  16. Credit (Christine)
  17. Credit (Angela)
  18. Credit (Jamie)
  19. Credit (Jamie)
  20. Credit (Anne)
  21. Credit (Courtney)
  22. Credit (Ellen)



  1. Jamie - $10 gift card to winner's choice store (Courtney) - RECEIVED
  2. Renee - WL book off amazon up to $15.00 (Alicia) - RECEIVED
  3. Susan - Winner's choice of any book from any of the major e-book retailers ($10 or less) (Gina) - RECEIVED
  4. Ellen - $15 gift certificate to the winner's e-book retailer of choice (Margaret) - RECEIVED
  5. Missy - Either a print or ebook from the winner's WL, up to $10 (Susan) - RECEIVED
  6. Margaret - WL ebook (Missy) - RECEIVED
  7. Christina - WL ebook (Courtney) - RECEIVED
  8. Gina - WL ebook (Angela) - Your Order Number: 428297445 - RECEIVED
  9. Angela - Baked goodies (she makes some awesome Oreo cookie brownies!) (Jessica) - 03112550000065709433 - RECEIVED
  10. Anne - 2 PBS credits OR an Amazon or B&N ebook (up to $5) (Anne) - RECEIVED
  11. Alicia - Book from the player's print WL (Courtney)
  12. Courtney - ebook of up to a $5 value at either Amazon or B&N (Renee) - RECEIVED
  13. Mandy - Home made tea bag sampler with a variety of teas and wrapped up with care (Mary) - 420535819101969010386881040730 - RECEIVED
  14. Mary - Credit (Christine)


  1. Susan - WL ebook (Christine) - RECEIVED
  2. Jamie - Credit (Jamie) - RECEIVED


  1. Renee - Credit (Courtney) - RECEIVED
  2. Jamie - Credit (Angela) - RECEIVED


  1. Jamie - Bitch bag (Courtney) - Order #61330440 - RECEIVED

  2. Renee - Credit (Anne) - RECEIVED


  1. Jamie - Credit (Jamie) - RECEIVED
  2. Ellen - Credit (Ellen) - RECEIVED

 Order to pick:

  1. Jamie
  2. Renee
  3. Susan
  4. Ellen
  5. Missy
  6. Margaret
  7. Christina
  8. Gina
  9. Angela
  10. Anne
  11. Alicia
  12. Courtney
  13. Mandy
  14. Mary
  15. Susan
  16. Renee
  17. Jamie
  18. Jamie
  19. Jamie
  20. Jamie
  21. Renee
  22. Ellen

Last Edited on: 8/30/12 3:38 PM ET - Total times edited: 13
sneyers11 avatar
Limited Member medalFriend of PBS-Gold medal
Date Posted: 6/29/2012 2:57 PM ET
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You could do a bonus for most total pages read, either weekly or total.  Maybe a sliding scale.  If you do contest totals, most pages read it could be:

Most pages read - 100 pt bonus

2nd most - 75 points

3rd most - 50 points

4th most  - 25 points

Just a thought!  Also, for my donation to the prize bucket, I will do either a print or ebook from the winners WL, up to $10.

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Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 6/29/2012 3:56 PM ET
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This will be the submission form. I will work on the tracking side in a bit. The kid just woke up.

Last Edited on: 6/29/12 3:58 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
gremlin avatar
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Date Posted: 6/29/2012 4:31 PM ET
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can anyone see this list? Ellen's July ebook TBR   and if not, does someone know goodreads enough to tell me what i need to change so it can be seen?  i can't find anything that says i can make the list public or private.

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Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 6/29/2012 4:35 PM ET
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We have to be your friend to see it. You must have your setting for friends only. I sent a request.
Generic Profile avatar
Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 6/29/2012 4:36 PM ET
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Top right, under your avatar on GR, click edit profile, click on the Settings tab and adjust it to what you want.
gremlin avatar
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Date Posted: 6/29/2012 4:57 PM ET
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ok, i set my profile so all goodreads members could see it.  will that do the trick?  if that works, i'll still be happy to accept the friend requests sent, since i'm going to want to tweak it back to friends only after the challenge.  i just didn't have any books or friends added before.  :)

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Date Posted: 6/29/2012 5:18 PM ET
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Yep, that worked.
angelinagrl avatar
Date Posted: 6/29/2012 5:27 PM ET
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Me Please.

Angela's On Deck Reading List 

I do believe you have to be friends with me at Goodreads to see it. So just let me know you are in Court's reading challenge when you request and I won't bite you. wink


I will throw in a credit and WL Ebook for the prize Bank Courtney. 

DestinysAngel avatar
Date Posted: 6/29/2012 5:30 PM ET
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I'm in

July Steamy TBR


I'm with Angela, a credit and wl ebook for the prize bank

booklover6 avatar
Date Posted: 6/29/2012 6:02 PM ET
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Ellen, if you have 2 books, then I can see your list.

I was thinking my prize offering can be 2 PBS credits OR an Amazon ebook (up to $5).


mpyff avatar
Mandy P. (mpyff) - ,
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Date Posted: 6/29/2012 6:05 PM ET
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I can do a prize if we need more. :) I love that Bitch Bag, Courtney! I'd love to find something like that on Etsy to gift as a prize... hmmmm...

tiger-in-berlin avatar
Date Posted: 6/29/2012 9:10 PM ET
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Courtney, I'll offer a $15 gift certificate to the winner's e-book retailer of choice.

bibliobuff avatar
Date Posted: 6/29/2012 10:19 PM ET
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Courtney, can you change my TBR link? I just tried it, and it just takes you to my GR homepage. Here's the link to my TBR: Gina's Hot & Steamy e-book list\

And can we continue to add to it during the challenge? Or should it be finalized before Sunday?

Last Edited on: 6/29/12 10:19 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
gremlin avatar
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Date Posted: 6/29/2012 10:38 PM ET
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Ellen, if you have 2 books, then I can see your list.

thanks Anne!  yep, it was 2 books at the time.  i've been adding more, and still have to work on the non-romance half of what i want to read in July.

i'm hoping we can keep adding to the lists during the challenge, as we might be inspired to shop.  i know i'm hoping to borrow Kissn' Tell through the box - but after i finally read Cowboy Casanova i'm not sure i'll want to wait.  ;)

missyh avatar
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Date Posted: 6/29/2012 11:57 PM ET
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Awesome hiding place Courtney! LOL

A couple questions. Can we go ahead and submit a form for the books as we finish them, or do we need to wait and submit them all on that weeks check-in day?

And how in depth do these book reviews have to be?  I dont think im too good at reviewing books.

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Date Posted: 6/30/2012 12:52 PM ET
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Aww that is what I get for not checking in for a few days. I miss a challenge :(

booklover6 avatar
Date Posted: 6/30/2012 12:56 PM ET
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Jamie it's not too late.

