Helpful Score: 4
I've waited YEARS for this book...And I must admit I'm a little disappointed. Well, I actually liked the action and humor in this book. But the ROMANCE between Izzy and Eibhear was almost non-existent. And after the build up for this couple over the last few books, it could have/ should have been so much more!
From previous books, we've watched Izzy grow from a passionate teenager to a mighty warrior in Annwyl's army. She's strong, skilled, and a great fighter. But her father Briec still sees her one of his "Perfect Perfect Daughters". It's been 10 years since she's seen Eibhear. And in that time, they both have matured...well, somewhat.
Eibhear has become a member of the Queen's Hit Squad, the Mi-Runach. He's good at what he does and has no complaints. He realizes that he was wrong for the way he treated Izzy years ago and wants her forgiveness. But, it wouldn't be Izzy if she didn't make him sweat a little first. They go on a quest together to try to find someone to help train Izzy's younger sister Rhi. During this time, we find out more about Eibhear and Izzy and their abilities.
Like all G A. Aiken/Shelly Laurenston books, it was HILIARIOUS!!! I couldn't stop laughing. It's always funny when the dragon brothers fight and Eibhear plays the victim. And Izzy using Rhi's hugs as a form of torture for some of the family members had me in tears. The action was great also. I loved seeing strong women work together, defend themselves, and those around them.
But my problem with this book is that the romance that I had been waiting for WAS NOT THERE!!! We've watched Izzy and Eibhear dance around their attraction for each other through several books. And now that they have their own book, we spend more time reading about the side characters and their issues. To me, it felt like Eibhear and Izzy probably had 3 romantic chapters total out of the whole book!!! So now, I can't help but feel...."I waited YEARS for this???" I truly feel the Eibhear and Izzy's book was hijacked by Rhi and the twins. I liked finding out how they were doing, but I wouldn't have minded seeing less of them and more romantic interactive between the main couple. The sex without the romantic build-up and passion seemed flat to me.
***Possible Spoiler***
To me, it seemed like there was information given that went nowhere. For example, Queen Rhiannon's strategic insults to Izzy had no purpose. The couple never talked about or even thought about it afterwards. Eibhear's secret talent never came into play in the actual battles. And once again, we were cheated out of the actual mating and branding, just told about it afterwards. But I think the biggest issue I have besides the limited amount of romance is that there was NO family discussion or conversation afterwards. While we know certain members of the family are okay with Eibhear and Izzy being together as a couple, we never actually saw how Annwyl, Talaith, Dagmar and a few others reacted to the news.
From previous books, we've watched Izzy grow from a passionate teenager to a mighty warrior in Annwyl's army. She's strong, skilled, and a great fighter. But her father Briec still sees her one of his "Perfect Perfect Daughters". It's been 10 years since she's seen Eibhear. And in that time, they both have matured...well, somewhat.
Eibhear has become a member of the Queen's Hit Squad, the Mi-Runach. He's good at what he does and has no complaints. He realizes that he was wrong for the way he treated Izzy years ago and wants her forgiveness. But, it wouldn't be Izzy if she didn't make him sweat a little first. They go on a quest together to try to find someone to help train Izzy's younger sister Rhi. During this time, we find out more about Eibhear and Izzy and their abilities.
Like all G A. Aiken/Shelly Laurenston books, it was HILIARIOUS!!! I couldn't stop laughing. It's always funny when the dragon brothers fight and Eibhear plays the victim. And Izzy using Rhi's hugs as a form of torture for some of the family members had me in tears. The action was great also. I loved seeing strong women work together, defend themselves, and those around them.
But my problem with this book is that the romance that I had been waiting for WAS NOT THERE!!! We've watched Izzy and Eibhear dance around their attraction for each other through several books. And now that they have their own book, we spend more time reading about the side characters and their issues. To me, it felt like Eibhear and Izzy probably had 3 romantic chapters total out of the whole book!!! So now, I can't help but feel...."I waited YEARS for this???" I truly feel the Eibhear and Izzy's book was hijacked by Rhi and the twins. I liked finding out how they were doing, but I wouldn't have minded seeing less of them and more romantic interactive between the main couple. The sex without the romantic build-up and passion seemed flat to me.
***Possible Spoiler***
To me, it seemed like there was information given that went nowhere. For example, Queen Rhiannon's strategic insults to Izzy had no purpose. The couple never talked about or even thought about it afterwards. Eibhear's secret talent never came into play in the actual battles. And once again, we were cheated out of the actual mating and branding, just told about it afterwards. But I think the biggest issue I have besides the limited amount of romance is that there was NO family discussion or conversation afterwards. While we know certain members of the family are okay with Eibhear and Izzy being together as a couple, we never actually saw how Annwyl, Talaith, Dagmar and a few others reacted to the news.
Helpful Score: 1
How to drive a reader crazy. That's what the title should have been for this book.
This book was a bit of a disappointment. What happened to the sweet Eibhear of previous books? That's what made him unique and different from his brothers. Now, he's just like them. *sigh* The romance between Izzy and Eibhear was disappointing. After all the build-up from previous books this is it?
This series has grown so much there is a list of characters in the beginning of the book. This list is very helpful as there are so MANY characters it can be hard to remember who is who. Not to mention, more are introduced in this book not on said character list (yes, that's right. More.). That said, that is my favorite part about this series. I enjoy the world building. The interactions between everyone. It makes reading this series fun, if not confusing at times.
Good setup for future books with the next generation.
This book was a bit of a disappointment. What happened to the sweet Eibhear of previous books? That's what made him unique and different from his brothers. Now, he's just like them. *sigh* The romance between Izzy and Eibhear was disappointing. After all the build-up from previous books this is it?
This series has grown so much there is a list of characters in the beginning of the book. This list is very helpful as there are so MANY characters it can be hard to remember who is who. Not to mention, more are introduced in this book not on said character list (yes, that's right. More.). That said, that is my favorite part about this series. I enjoy the world building. The interactions between everyone. It makes reading this series fun, if not confusing at times.
Good setup for future books with the next generation.
I was so looking forward to Eibhear's story, and so disappointed in it. I thought I was reading a pre-teen romance and a badly written children's monster book. The book finally caught my interest in the final 100 pages, but not in the area of Eibhear and Izzy. Aiken did provide interesting background and characters for future books. Also I highly recommend reading Aiken's previous Dragon Kin books prior to reading this one or you will be lost.

About time! I have been waiting for Izzy and Eibhear's book since Briec and Tailaith's, book, which was book two.
This, as all the rest, was a great story. I love having watched Iseabail grow up from being a princess into a warrior. Who she is now totally fits her. But I was surprised in the direction Ms. Aiken took Eibhear. He too is now a total warrior, and part of the Mi-Runach, which is the Dragon Queen's... as Izzy put it, berserker elite. Eibhear has become quite rough and tough, although who he was is still there... kind of.
Izzy and Eibhear are headed back to Garbhan Isle, after years of being at battle, and once they get there, they immediately set off for the Desert Lands to find help for Rhianwen, Izzy's younger sister, who is having trouble controlling her magicks.
While in the Desert Lands, Rhydderch Hael makes an appearance, and tasks Izzy with saving Vateria, a dragon Queen she had fought in the past.
The romance between Izzy and Eibhear has always been tumultuous, and this was no different. They bickered, and they fought it, and Izzy tormented him, but in the end, they couldn't resist each other. I loved watching them fall. But, will they fall for good? Neither one seems to want more than just a night... or two.
This is a great book, and fans of Izzy and Eibhear will rejoice at finally getting what they've been waiting for. My only complaint with this book is that like Ms. Aiken's other books, the majority of this book is faced on the romance between the two characters, and then at the very end, BOOM! Action, action, action. Still, I can't wait for the next book in the series, because I just can't get enough of these dragons!
This, as all the rest, was a great story. I love having watched Iseabail grow up from being a princess into a warrior. Who she is now totally fits her. But I was surprised in the direction Ms. Aiken took Eibhear. He too is now a total warrior, and part of the Mi-Runach, which is the Dragon Queen's... as Izzy put it, berserker elite. Eibhear has become quite rough and tough, although who he was is still there... kind of.
Izzy and Eibhear are headed back to Garbhan Isle, after years of being at battle, and once they get there, they immediately set off for the Desert Lands to find help for Rhianwen, Izzy's younger sister, who is having trouble controlling her magicks.
While in the Desert Lands, Rhydderch Hael makes an appearance, and tasks Izzy with saving Vateria, a dragon Queen she had fought in the past.
The romance between Izzy and Eibhear has always been tumultuous, and this was no different. They bickered, and they fought it, and Izzy tormented him, but in the end, they couldn't resist each other. I loved watching them fall. But, will they fall for good? Neither one seems to want more than just a night... or two.
This is a great book, and fans of Izzy and Eibhear will rejoice at finally getting what they've been waiting for. My only complaint with this book is that like Ms. Aiken's other books, the majority of this book is faced on the romance between the two characters, and then at the very end, BOOM! Action, action, action. Still, I can't wait for the next book in the series, because I just can't get enough of these dragons!

** From the Reading Cafe**
Back Cover Copy:
Some things never go away, like vile enemies, bad ale, and annoying kin. Honestly, though, I thought I was finished with the one dragon Id have done anything for: Éibhear the Blue, a big, gorgeous, blue-haired beast who thinks the world belongs to him. The world and, apparently, me.
If Éibhear wants to play the caring hero and travel into the most forsaken of Gods forsaken lands to protect the one woman who doesnt need it namely me Ill let him. Because while Im trying to fulfill a ridiculous quest for a pushy god, Im going to draw this overconfident warlord much too close, rekindle his fires, and enjoy every minute of his delicious defeat
This book is about Eibhear the Blue and Izzy. For me it was a great book to read. I had to force myself to put the book down to get some sleep or else I would have stayed up all the night and next day to read it. Warning: IT A PAGE TURNER. If you been following along with the previous books you will love this. This book will change from the different characters form the other books, like mostly you will be reading form Izzy's point of view, the Eibhears, also the teenage twins, Rhi, also a few from The queens and many more, I had a lot of laughing out loud moments through out the book. I cant wait for the next book to come out. Until then I will reread all the previous ones in order and reread this book again, just in case I misread or skipped something.
Back Cover Copy:
Some things never go away, like vile enemies, bad ale, and annoying kin. Honestly, though, I thought I was finished with the one dragon Id have done anything for: Éibhear the Blue, a big, gorgeous, blue-haired beast who thinks the world belongs to him. The world and, apparently, me.
If Éibhear wants to play the caring hero and travel into the most forsaken of Gods forsaken lands to protect the one woman who doesnt need it namely me Ill let him. Because while Im trying to fulfill a ridiculous quest for a pushy god, Im going to draw this overconfident warlord much too close, rekindle his fires, and enjoy every minute of his delicious defeat
This book is about Eibhear the Blue and Izzy. For me it was a great book to read. I had to force myself to put the book down to get some sleep or else I would have stayed up all the night and next day to read it. Warning: IT A PAGE TURNER. If you been following along with the previous books you will love this. This book will change from the different characters form the other books, like mostly you will be reading form Izzy's point of view, the Eibhears, also the teenage twins, Rhi, also a few from The queens and many more, I had a lot of laughing out loud moments through out the book. I cant wait for the next book to come out. Until then I will reread all the previous ones in order and reread this book again, just in case I misread or skipped something.
I know this book was billed as the romance of the long awaited Izzy and Eibhear, but really it's not. Yes, they end up together (I don't think I'm spoiling anyone's expectations by telling you this) but it isn't the typical romances you read. It's more like Izzy and Eibhear's story was a by-product of everything going on.
This book was really a continuation of the series. It showed you what happened to the kids (Rhi and the twins). It gave you a glimpse of what everyone you have read about was doing. In full, it allows you to revisit all the old characters you loved.
As usual, the book was laugh out loud funny and an extremely quick read. All the characters are crazy and violent in a cartoon kind of way. I absolutely loved it and didn't really miss the "romance" aspect of it.
I really can't wait to read about the paths Rhi and the twins take, along with the very clever Frederik.
This book was really a continuation of the series. It showed you what happened to the kids (Rhi and the twins). It gave you a glimpse of what everyone you have read about was doing. In full, it allows you to revisit all the old characters you loved.
As usual, the book was laugh out loud funny and an extremely quick read. All the characters are crazy and violent in a cartoon kind of way. I absolutely loved it and didn't really miss the "romance" aspect of it.
I really can't wait to read about the paths Rhi and the twins take, along with the very clever Frederik.