I was very disappointed with this book. Mr. Schiff is an excellent proponent for free market and I am sure knows his 'stuff' regarding economics. However perhaps this is the root of the problem for him, his understanding interfered with being able to present this topic in a way that wasn't muddled.
Economics is NOT a 'hard science'. Its more a reflection of an instant in time and conditions. Yes there can be statements about assumed cause-and-effects, but not in the manner that physics is able to. The need to stop crediting the 'wizards' is more important than if this or that theory is correct.
Economics is NOT a 'hard science'. Its more a reflection of an instant in time and conditions. Yes there can be statements about assumed cause-and-effects, but not in the manner that physics is able to. The need to stop crediting the 'wizards' is more important than if this or that theory is correct.