Lindsey G. (LinzluvsGJ) reviewed How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk on + 112 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 7
Having grown up in a home that communicated poorly and I inherited those techniques, I found this book a breath of fresh air. Rather than just pointing out where I was going wrong with communicating with my children, this book gave advice on how I could go RIGHT! The methods in the book and the illustrations helped me to see where I was using a negative manner in trying to communicate my feelings with my child and turn them into a positive experience instead. I recommend this book to all parents!
Nathaniel W. (Ithelrand) reviewed How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk on + 9 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 7
I just finished How to Talk so Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish. I'm happy to say that it was excellent all the way to the end, and I want to give the authors a standing ovation. Sometimes I thought things like "That's so true, I actually used that skill to good effect," or "Yep, my parents made that same mistake with me, and I felt rebellious just like the kid in the example." Other times I thought, "Aha! That's a good way to deal with that situation. I always did feel my previous solution didn't solve the problem satisfyingly. Now I know what to do!" (I don't have kids of my own yet, but as the oldest of ten children, I got a lot of experience in dealing with kids.)
I definitely like the detail and clarity the authors use in describing how to use the skills they teach. The examples really drive the point home. It helps that there are so many of them and that they are real life experiences of the authors and people they worked with in their parenting workshops. I also like how comics are used to illustrate what to do and what not to do. They're cute, relatable, and to the point.
They also have a lot of empathy for parents new to using the skills, and often say things such as, "I know for myself the process of change didn't come easily. I'd hear myself using the old, unhelpful ways- 'What's wrong with you kids? You never remember to turn off the light in the bathroom!' Then I'd get annoyed at myself. I'd resolve never to say that again. Then I'd say it again. Remorse. I'll never learn this stuff... How else could I have said that? ... I know ... I should have said, 'Children, the light's on in the bathroom.' Or better still, 'Kids, the light!' Then I'd worry that I'd never have the chance to say it. I had nothing to worry about. They always left the light on in the bathroom. But the next time I was ready for them:'Kids, the light!' Someone ran and turned it off. Success!"
Main points:
Help children deal with their feelings by listening attentively, acknowledging their feelings, naming their feelings, and giving their desires in fantasy.
Engage cooperation by describing the problem, giving information, summing it up in a word, talking about your feelings, or writing a note.
Instead of punishment, point out a way to be helpful, express strong disapproval without attacking character, state your expectations, show how to make amends, give a choice, take action, and/or allow the child to experience the consequences of misbehavior.
Solve disagreements by talking about your child's feelings and needs, talking about your feelings and needs, brainstorm together to find a mutually agreeable solution, write down all the ideas without evaluating, and then decide which suggestions you like, which you don't like, and which you plan to follow through on.
Encourage independence through giving children choices, showing respect for the child's struggle, not asking too many questions, encouraging children to use sources outside the home, and not taking away hope.
Praise is more effective when praiseworthy behavior is described instead of evaluated. Describe what you see, what you feel, and/or sum up the behavior in a word.
Free children from negative roles by looking for opportunities to give the child a new picture of himself, putting them in situations where they can see themselves differently, letting them overhear you say something positive about them, modeling the behavior you want to see, remembering and reminding them about special moments and things they do right, and stating you expectations when your child acts according to the old label.
I've been making my way through a number of parenting books with the plan of giving the best one or two to my sister and her husband for Christmas. (They have a 1-year old girl and are expecting a new baby next year.) How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen so Kids Will Talk is the best I've read yet. It doesn't cover every situation, but it is very effective at what it tries to do, and I recommend it to everyone who is a parent or expects to be one someday.
I definitely like the detail and clarity the authors use in describing how to use the skills they teach. The examples really drive the point home. It helps that there are so many of them and that they are real life experiences of the authors and people they worked with in their parenting workshops. I also like how comics are used to illustrate what to do and what not to do. They're cute, relatable, and to the point.
They also have a lot of empathy for parents new to using the skills, and often say things such as, "I know for myself the process of change didn't come easily. I'd hear myself using the old, unhelpful ways- 'What's wrong with you kids? You never remember to turn off the light in the bathroom!' Then I'd get annoyed at myself. I'd resolve never to say that again. Then I'd say it again. Remorse. I'll never learn this stuff... How else could I have said that? ... I know ... I should have said, 'Children, the light's on in the bathroom.' Or better still, 'Kids, the light!' Then I'd worry that I'd never have the chance to say it. I had nothing to worry about. They always left the light on in the bathroom. But the next time I was ready for them:'Kids, the light!' Someone ran and turned it off. Success!"
Main points:
Help children deal with their feelings by listening attentively, acknowledging their feelings, naming their feelings, and giving their desires in fantasy.
Engage cooperation by describing the problem, giving information, summing it up in a word, talking about your feelings, or writing a note.
Instead of punishment, point out a way to be helpful, express strong disapproval without attacking character, state your expectations, show how to make amends, give a choice, take action, and/or allow the child to experience the consequences of misbehavior.
Solve disagreements by talking about your child's feelings and needs, talking about your feelings and needs, brainstorm together to find a mutually agreeable solution, write down all the ideas without evaluating, and then decide which suggestions you like, which you don't like, and which you plan to follow through on.
Encourage independence through giving children choices, showing respect for the child's struggle, not asking too many questions, encouraging children to use sources outside the home, and not taking away hope.
Praise is more effective when praiseworthy behavior is described instead of evaluated. Describe what you see, what you feel, and/or sum up the behavior in a word.
Free children from negative roles by looking for opportunities to give the child a new picture of himself, putting them in situations where they can see themselves differently, letting them overhear you say something positive about them, modeling the behavior you want to see, remembering and reminding them about special moments and things they do right, and stating you expectations when your child acts according to the old label.
I've been making my way through a number of parenting books with the plan of giving the best one or two to my sister and her husband for Christmas. (They have a 1-year old girl and are expecting a new baby next year.) How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen so Kids Will Talk is the best I've read yet. It doesn't cover every situation, but it is very effective at what it tries to do, and I recommend it to everyone who is a parent or expects to be one someday.

Helpful Score: 3
The author makes some very good points. One is that children should get the consequences of their actions, not necessarily the punishment. Protecting children against consequences of their actions is harmful and sets them up for failure in the adult world.

Helpful Score: 3
Many successful parenting workshops have been led by Faber and Mazlish. The book is written with a lot of dialog, role playing, and cartoons to illustrate their points. Well-written and a classic for parenting.
Lynne L. (homescoolmom) reviewed How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk on + 34 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 2
A classic parenting guide no home should be without. Faber and Mazlish remind parents to model active listening, so our children will be open to listening to us.
BRITTNEY E. (BrittE) reviewed How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk on + 176 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 2
provides communication methods to help cope with a child's negative feelings, like frustration, disappointment, anger, etc...also methods for expressing anger without being hurtful, and for engaging a child's willing cooperation...

Helpful Score: 2
This book really works! I highly recommend it.
Rachel J. (bibliosopher) reviewed How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk on + 92 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 2
Very helpful, particularly with sibling rivalry issues.

Helpful Score: 2
I have two boys, 7 & 8 and this book was so helpful to me. It helps you speak to your children like people instead of talking down to them.
Paula M. reviewed How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk on + 4 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
This is a great book. It's useful for parenting children of all ages, and really the techniques discussed work well with adult interactions as well. It seems to be Non Violent Communication techniques specifically geared to dealing with children. It was helpful to me with my toddler recently and I recommended it to a friend who was dealing with a very difficult older teen. Worked well for both ages. it's a quick read and has practical strategies.
Alex N. (bioluminescence) reviewed How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk on + 94 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
The teacher version ( kids can LEARN) was HUGELY helpful when I started teaching K/1st grade. Although I certainly would advocate using other parenting methods as well, this is the #1 parenting book I recommend. When you are frustrated about common interactions that don't go well, the cartoons showing the old/new way of dealing with certain behaviors are GREAT and easy to refer to. These authors have a GREAT book like this for teens now too, and I give their other book Siblings Without Rivalry as 2nd baby gifts.

Helpful Score: 1
Will bring about more cooperation from children than all the yelling and pleading in the world!
Helpful book.
Nancy B. reviewed How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk on + 36 more book reviews
"...will give you the know-how you need to be more effective with your children- and more supportive of yourself. Enthusiastically praised by parents and professionals around the world, the down-to-earth, respectful approach of Faber and Mazlish makes relationships with children of all ages less stressful and more rewarding."
Sarah L. reviewed How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk on + 13 more book reviews
A classic parenting book with great advice that I continue to use with my now grown kids.
Heather B. (MyThreeBoys) - , reviewed How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk on
This book is wonderful. It really opens your eyes on how to communicate to younger people. It gives you excercises to practice the different techniques. I couldn't be more thrilled with the results this book is already providing. I have already ordered "How To Talk So Kids Can Learn" I cant wait to read it :-)
Mary Ann P. (MaryAnn1228) reviewed How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk on + 39 more book reviews
Faber and Mazlish take parenting books to a fun and life changing level. I laughed and learned. It's a book I pick up whenever I see a good used copy... I love to share it with others. All of their books make great gifts for new parents.
Jana W. (banana527) reviewed How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk on + 27 more book reviews
straight forward advice on how to interact with children and adolescents. Lots of exercises and opportunities to practice skills.
Carolyn M. reviewed How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk on + 18 more book reviews
The authors, Faber and Mazlish, give advice on raising your children. They give situations that may occur in your family and how to talk and handle your child in that situation.
Elaine B. (Lily) reviewed How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk on + 206 more book reviews
Common sense advice for parents looking for tools for relating to their children.
A great book on communication and empathy

Both as a parent and a school psychologist, I've found the communication tips in this book extremely valuable. Highly recommended.
Heidi F. (dutchgirl) reviewed How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk on + 1019 more book reviews
Well worth reading!

Flew through this because it was due back at the library and now I just need to buy it and read it all over again. You would not know it was written so long ago and while it seems as though the content should be common sense it isn't. Too many years of talking to our kids like we were talked to and what they write about acknowledging feelings (both good and bad), helping kids problem solve and work out conflicts with siblings, those are such important things. I am already saddened at how I have talked to my infant sometimes and she isn't even a year old yet. So glad I read this now so I can spend years perfecting my new skills.
Dawn R. (godblessourhome) reviewed How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk on + 518 more book reviews
recommended by a friend - too 'touchy-feely' of a parenting style for my husband and i. has some helpful suggestions even if you don't agree with philosophy.

works for some maybe but not for us.