This is my first John Lescroart book and I was not impressed. Whereas the storyline was good and the characters were well developed, the book centered around the characters more than the crime(s) and the solving of them. I found myself wanting to fast forward through the CDs just to get to the "point" of the story. Perhaps I should have gone with the "abridged" version instead. The ending of the story was good, with a twist thrown in, but once again, the author had to muddy up the storyline and ending by adding more character non-related interaction. Needless to say, once the criminal(s) had been dealth with, and the inconsenquential story continued, I popped the last CD out and considered the story done. I probably won't read another Lescroart story, but if you like more of the novel-type who-done-its, this one will be right up your alley.