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An Impartial Examination of the Second Volume of Mr. Daniel Neal's History of the Puritans
An Impartial Examination of the Second Volume of Mr Daniel Neal's History of the Puritans Author:Zachary Grey General Books publication date: 2009 Original publication date: 1736 Subjects: History / Europe / Great Britain History / United States / Colonial Period (1600-1775) Religion / Christianity / Anglican Religion / Christianity / History Religion / Christianity / Denominations Notes: This is a black and white OCR reprint of the origi... more »nal. It has no illustrations and there may be typos or missing text. When you buy the General Books edition of this book you get free trial access to where you can select from more than a million books for free. Excerpt: 177 to that Church, and a happy finifhing of your Liturgy, and Health to my Brethren the Bi- fhops, I leave you to thd Grace of God, and reft,' Tour Lord/hips very . Lumbeth, April, Loving Friendr, and Brother 20. 1636. -;;, W. Cara Mr: Collier, and Bifhop Guthry, give a different Account of this Matter, from Mr. Neal's. ' This Advice (fays the former might probably have been follow'd, in cafe the Scotch Bifhops had been better agreed, and acted un- animoivfly ; but fome of thofei of this Order lately preferr'd, having-an over-ballance of Heat and Spirits, refus'd to cpncur w. ith their Brethren of better Experience: Inftead of managing with this Precaution, they went itj . with the Earl of Vrajtiair's Sentiment, and prefs'd for Execution- and Difpatch. By the way, this Nobleman, . who was Lord-Treafurer, had a:bottom D-fign, . which they were by no means aware of. His BufiHefs was to promote unacceptable Meafures, to pufh Things to Extremities, and ruin the Bifhops. He1 was apprehenfive, it feems, that thefe Men might grow too big for his Intereft ; and particularly, that Maxwell, Bifhop of Rofs, endqavour'd to fup- plant him in his Poft, and grafp'd at the Trea- furer's Staff: And believing the reft of the Bifhops inclined to fecond Maxwell In his Ambition, he prov'd a mortal (tho' a fecret) Enemy to the whole Order. And the King exprefles himfelf upon this Occafion as follows...« less