Evangeline F. (Angel13) reviewed Incubus Dreams (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 12) on + 8 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 4
Anita Blake Vampire executioner used to be a very moral person and the heat between her and the guys she likes was great; but now she screws anything and everyone. Love scenes are very graphic and take chapters and chapters and by the time you finish with one you get a little snippit of a plot and its back into the bedroom. This series has degenerated from being novels to borderline soft porn.
Prudence D. (PrueD) reviewed Incubus Dreams (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 12) on + 153 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 4
If you are looking for the combination horror-mystery-romance, action/adventure book that was typical of the pre-"Narcissus In Chains" books of this series, you're going to be sadly disappointed. Up until page 385, there's only 10 - count 'em 10 - pages devoted to the crime that is highlighted on the book jacket blurb. The rest of the pages are devoted to Anita agonizing about her various relationships and having intercourse or near-intercourse with five (or was it seven - I'm already losing track of them) different characters. And, let's not forget the metaphysical rolling beasts - what would an Anita Blake book now be without them? Forget that the whole concept still doesn't make any sense. With the exception of the ardeur, none of the plot threads left hanging at the end of Cerulean Sins have been picked up. The Mother of Darkness is non-existent, the vampire children are nowhere to be found, Belle Morte has apparently lost interest in Anita, etc.
Londa K. (gmcwife) reviewed Incubus Dreams (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 12) on + 76 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 3
Devout followers of Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake saga who think that they have the sexy vampire executioner finally figured out are in for a big surprise in Incubus Dreams, the 12th -- and steamiest! -- installment in the wildly popular series.
Already metaphysically connected to master vampire Jean-Claude and to Richard, the Ulric of the St. Louis werewolf pack, Anita finds herself in another supernatural triumvirate, this one with the seductive, shape-shifting stripper Nathaniel and the beautiful bloodsucker Damian. With so many preternatural bonds, Anita finds herself struggling to come to grips with the potentially deadly disadvantages -- and the mind-blowing benefits -- of the complicated arrangement. As Anita is just beginning to understand how to utilize her newfound powers, a series of brutal strip club murders forces her to come face to face with her most terrifying foe to date: her own conscience.
Already metaphysically connected to master vampire Jean-Claude and to Richard, the Ulric of the St. Louis werewolf pack, Anita finds herself in another supernatural triumvirate, this one with the seductive, shape-shifting stripper Nathaniel and the beautiful bloodsucker Damian. With so many preternatural bonds, Anita finds herself struggling to come to grips with the potentially deadly disadvantages -- and the mind-blowing benefits -- of the complicated arrangement. As Anita is just beginning to understand how to utilize her newfound powers, a series of brutal strip club murders forces her to come face to face with her most terrifying foe to date: her own conscience.
Helpful Score: 3
Book 12 in the series, very typical of what the series morphed into in the later books. Light on detecting and crime, heavy on relationships and angst.
Sharon E. (Sharonae44) reviewed Incubus Dreams (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 12) on + 52 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 3
Dear Laurell Hamilton:
Please! more story, less sex!
Please! more story, less sex!
Mikki C. (mikki) reviewed Incubus Dreams (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 12) on + 3 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 2
has strong sexual and language but an extremly good book!!
Helpful Score: 2
the best read very erotic

Helpful Score: 2
My favorite paranormal romance novel writer. But, I like her Anita Blake series best.
Helpful Score: 2
My least favorite of the series so far. It felt like the author was bored with writing this character. Very disappointing. I may also be annoyed because she calls vegans, "Rabid fundamentalist vegetarians". I am a vegan and have never once been rabid. My husband gets me all of my shots.
Helpful Score: 1
Too much sex, but otherwise interesting (if not confusing).

Helpful Score: 1
I am so let down by this book. This has been such a great series. I feel like I've run into a brick wall. I kept reading and reading and waiting for something interesting to happen.
I hope the rest of the series isn't like this one.
I hope the rest of the series isn't like this one.
Teresa G. (tagray41) reviewed Incubus Dreams (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 12) on + 33 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
Excellent Book.

Helpful Score: 1
I am a huge Laurell K. Hamilton fan but this is most definitely not one of her best. It was hard for me to get through.

Helpful Score: 1
better than the one before it and after it, but i think i'm getting tired of the same old, same old....
Helpful Score: 1
Unfortunately, for me, this book was a wallbanger. Probably my first--I'm usually pretty strict about finishing books I start. I felt like it lacked plot because the constant sex with many, many partners, some of whom we (and Anita) just met in this book. The earlier books were excellent, but I'm afraid this series lost me this time. BUT, maybe it's just not my sort of book. Erotica is hot these days.

Helpful Score: 1
it was okay seemed a bit disjointed and a lot of new vamps all appear in this book like she had been writing then she remembered oh i need to show her going to her mans place of work or she just needed a place to showcase nathaniel anita was her rude self as usual sex with a lot of new vamps and a lot of threesomes. half hearted vampire hunt case all in all the usual jumbled work

Helpful Score: 1
I loved this book, as I love all of LKH's books. The only problem I would have with this particular book...aside from the usual "there is SO not enough Jean-Claude" comment...is that I agree the book was a little more on the erotic side. I never did like Richard - but he has become quite unbearable. I find myself groaning every time he enters a chapter. I wish there were more vampires - more Jean-Claude and Asher, and I REALLY need to know more about Wicked and Truth. I hope there are more of them in the upcoming books...and I would like to see more of the real Jean-Claude, Master of the City, not Jean-Claude another one of Anita's boyfriends.

Helpful Score: 1
Book 12 of the Anita Blake series. I'm such a fan of this series, but I have to say that I hated this book. The first 400 pages are all about Anita dealing with the ardeur, her complicated love life, and raunchy sex scenes. Too many threesomes and random shagging with complete strangers - just my opinion. Please LKH - show us some more plot!

Helpful Score: 1
Definitely NOT my favorite Anita Blake book...
From my post on amazon.com:
"I just finished "Incubus Dreams" and at about page 300 when Anita hadn't even left her house for the day, yet, I have to say that I can see what everyone was talking about as far as the new sexual displays go. I don't think that it started with "Narcisuss in Chains" because I actually really enjoyed that one because it was just naughty enough but still had plenty of fight scenes and action other than the bedroom. "Incubus Dreams" is the first LKH book I actually considered not finishing. When you get to the second hand of how many men Anita has done, it's a little ridiculous. I had to actually keep myself from saying, "right on" when someone called her a whore!
The sex wasn't even what got on my nerves, though. I am really getting sick of Richard either being such a whining little wuss or an absolute bastard. What happened to the guy you kind wanted her to marry??? Why, all of a sudden, is Jean Claude becoming such a weenie? Who wants a sensitive vampire? Why does Anita get to act like such an outrageous bitch in this book and just about everyone is fighting to get to her bed (or the floor, or the backseat of the Jeep, or the tub)?"
From my post on amazon.com:
"I just finished "Incubus Dreams" and at about page 300 when Anita hadn't even left her house for the day, yet, I have to say that I can see what everyone was talking about as far as the new sexual displays go. I don't think that it started with "Narcisuss in Chains" because I actually really enjoyed that one because it was just naughty enough but still had plenty of fight scenes and action other than the bedroom. "Incubus Dreams" is the first LKH book I actually considered not finishing. When you get to the second hand of how many men Anita has done, it's a little ridiculous. I had to actually keep myself from saying, "right on" when someone called her a whore!
The sex wasn't even what got on my nerves, though. I am really getting sick of Richard either being such a whining little wuss or an absolute bastard. What happened to the guy you kind wanted her to marry??? Why, all of a sudden, is Jean Claude becoming such a weenie? Who wants a sensitive vampire? Why does Anita get to act like such an outrageous bitch in this book and just about everyone is fighting to get to her bed (or the floor, or the backseat of the Jeep, or the tub)?"
Helpful Score: 1
Twelfth book in the Anita Blake vampire killer series. This book is definitely steamy, gets a bit too graphic for my taste. Still well-written and witty.
Brad C. (bcondray) reviewed Incubus Dreams (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 12) on + 55 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
Very explicit but very well written.
Lysandra M. (confusedbutcute) reviewed Incubus Dreams (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 12) on + 42 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
Hamilton is getting more into writing about sex in this book, but it's great sex!
Helpful Score: 1
Yeah, this one is pretty much 722 pages of sex scenes. Which can be fun, but personally I sort of miss the books having a plot to hang all of Anita's relationship drama on.

Helpful Score: 1
You know...this is the third Anita Blake book I've tried. Even though I normally really enjoy vampire/paranormal stories, I have serious trouble with her books. They just don't "grab" me for some reason. I couldn't get through this one.

Helpful Score: 1
I enjoyed this book
Beth B. (snowgems) reviewed Incubus Dreams (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 12) on + 103 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
Anita is back and kicking a..! Racy new one from Laurell K. Hamilton is hard to put down.

Helpful Score: 1
More about the ardeur than actual plot.

Helpful Score: 1
The latest in the Anita Blake series. Life gets even more complicated for the Executioner.
Helpful Score: 1
Tricia L. (frugalswapper) reviewed Incubus Dreams (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 12) on + 29 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
This was one of the better Anita blakes.
Helpful Score: 1
Conflicted about this book.
***Spoilers in this review***
On the negative side - I'm re-reading this series and I've concluded that the whole series is beyond boring. My measure of a good book is that I enjoy reading it as much the second time as I did the first. many of my favorite books are actually better on second or third reading. These books - ugh. I can barely get through them. There is so much boring, repetitious, extraneous detail about what people are wearing or what Anita is thinking or her opinions about other people and the constant stopping of action for her boring run on thoughts or even worse, these stupid conversations that lead absolutely nowhere. No, these books are not good. I think they were titillating (to me) when I first read them, and I cared enough about some of the characters to keep reading. Truthfully, I don't like Anita at all. I hate Richard, Jean-Claude I could take or leave. But I became invested in Nathaniel, Damien, and later characters and they kept me reading. They'll probably keep me re-reading.
And more negative - also I find on the second read that I find LKH's gender-switching with the characters much more unpleasant. All the men are very short - I mean under 5'6" - which is even shorter than the national average. They're all effeminate, they have unmanageably long hair and "pretty" faces. She tries to make them masculine, but they really don't sound all that masculine. I'm fine with that, but let's call a spade a spade. And I don't know how Anita only knows short men. I know hundreds of men. Probably four of them are shorter than me. Anita wants a "wife", she wears a tuxedo, she's totally the "man" in relationships - at least as men are defined by LKH. Anita has fantasies about seeing her boyfriend in a high ponytail wearing nothing but a frilly apron? Is she an in-the-closet lesbian? Does she protest too much in her heterosexuality? Sometimes it seems so much less like we are learning about Anita the character and what she does and it is more about LKH writing out her own secret sexual fantasies. Honestly, I find it creepy. So much happens that is irrelevant to the story or characters.
On the positive side - I was glad to see the progress in Anita's relationship with both Damien and with Nathaniel. I think both were a long time coming. This book is a standout in the series. Not because of the plot or mystery, but because of Damien and Nathaniel. I thought the sex scene with Damien was hot (with plenty of downsides don't get me wrong) and the scene with Anita and Nathaniel in her office was awesome. Although LKH writes Anita to be the man half the time and has her silly ideas of what dominant/submissive relationships are about - I did like how Nathaniel took charge and dominated Anita when the chips were down. It made much of what followed much more palatable for me.
***Spoilers in this review***
On the negative side - I'm re-reading this series and I've concluded that the whole series is beyond boring. My measure of a good book is that I enjoy reading it as much the second time as I did the first. many of my favorite books are actually better on second or third reading. These books - ugh. I can barely get through them. There is so much boring, repetitious, extraneous detail about what people are wearing or what Anita is thinking or her opinions about other people and the constant stopping of action for her boring run on thoughts or even worse, these stupid conversations that lead absolutely nowhere. No, these books are not good. I think they were titillating (to me) when I first read them, and I cared enough about some of the characters to keep reading. Truthfully, I don't like Anita at all. I hate Richard, Jean-Claude I could take or leave. But I became invested in Nathaniel, Damien, and later characters and they kept me reading. They'll probably keep me re-reading.
And more negative - also I find on the second read that I find LKH's gender-switching with the characters much more unpleasant. All the men are very short - I mean under 5'6" - which is even shorter than the national average. They're all effeminate, they have unmanageably long hair and "pretty" faces. She tries to make them masculine, but they really don't sound all that masculine. I'm fine with that, but let's call a spade a spade. And I don't know how Anita only knows short men. I know hundreds of men. Probably four of them are shorter than me. Anita wants a "wife", she wears a tuxedo, she's totally the "man" in relationships - at least as men are defined by LKH. Anita has fantasies about seeing her boyfriend in a high ponytail wearing nothing but a frilly apron? Is she an in-the-closet lesbian? Does she protest too much in her heterosexuality? Sometimes it seems so much less like we are learning about Anita the character and what she does and it is more about LKH writing out her own secret sexual fantasies. Honestly, I find it creepy. So much happens that is irrelevant to the story or characters.
On the positive side - I was glad to see the progress in Anita's relationship with both Damien and with Nathaniel. I think both were a long time coming. This book is a standout in the series. Not because of the plot or mystery, but because of Damien and Nathaniel. I thought the sex scene with Damien was hot (with plenty of downsides don't get me wrong) and the scene with Anita and Nathaniel in her office was awesome. Although LKH writes Anita to be the man half the time and has her silly ideas of what dominant/submissive relationships are about - I did like how Nathaniel took charge and dominated Anita when the chips were down. It made much of what followed much more palatable for me.
Helpful Score: 1
Even though good, this was my least favorite of the series, simply because-shock!-the number of pages devoted to sex scenes just got repetitive. If Anita is going to have to get it on every time she needs to save someone, as it seems lately, she's going to be one sore chicky. She may also have to start carry gift-certificates for a dry cleaning place to replace clothes for the guys she encounters.
I do continue to get a kick out of how the author has Anita talk about little day-to-day things that we my consciously acknowledge, but don't talk about out loud (i.e. what makes a comfy thong).
It was also nice to not have to see the word "sociopath" dozens of times withing the same book. Hopefully the author is going to learn that readers may be getting sick of redundancy.
I will continue to read on in the series though, because for any of it's faults, I enjoyed the main story and series overall.
I do continue to get a kick out of how the author has Anita talk about little day-to-day things that we my consciously acknowledge, but don't talk about out loud (i.e. what makes a comfy thong).
It was also nice to not have to see the word "sociopath" dozens of times withing the same book. Hopefully the author is going to learn that readers may be getting sick of redundancy.
I will continue to read on in the series though, because for any of it's faults, I enjoyed the main story and series overall.
As customary with the Anita Blake series, this book was amazing. it was filled with lots of action that we have all grown to love. i enjoyed this book immensely and recommed it to anyone who enjoys a good action thriller.

While I LOVE this series, this was my least favorite. Hamilton writes great steamy sex scenes, but in each book Anita Blake crosses more and more of her "lines" with regard to sex. This book was pretty much of a non-stop sex-a-thon, though. There was so much sex I kept forgetting what crime she was trying to solve. Not a lotta plot in this one. I can't believe I'm complaining about too many sex scenes, but it's a long book and it really needed more plot time. I did enjoy it and had a hard time putting it down though. I love this series and have the next couple volumes ready to read!

I read the first 100 pages and am already sick to death of this book. If she isn't horny she is dying to eat someone alive or suck all their blood out.
sorry but the sex is getting old and its not even sex its Anita thinking about it constantly.
Oooh a dead body, wonder what (insert name here) is doing and if they are horny?
sorry but the sex is getting old and its not even sex its Anita thinking about it constantly.
Oooh a dead body, wonder what (insert name here) is doing and if they are horny?
Great, as usual

Okay I was really into this series collected them all before starting and when I got to this book I was bored stiff. Way too much sex with way too many people I couldnt keep track. I was skipping over pages trying to find the plot and never found one. The book before this one at least had action, sex, a plot and left you hanging. Thinking this book would continue where the others left off (as they were doing) I was very disapointed. not sure what the writer was doing when she wrote this one but its not one I can recommend. I will continue to read hoping the next one is better.

Anita Blake is called in on what appears to be a case involving a vampire serial killer who may be preying on strippers. But her professional judgment may be clouded by a conflict of interest. After all, she is the consort of Jean-Claud, the ever intoxicating Master Vampire of the City. Surrounded by suspicion, overwhelmed by her attempts to control the primal lusts that continue to wrack her as a result of her passionate contact with vampire, werewolf and the shapeshifter Micah, Anita is pushed to her limits...and beyond. Another great one in this series. Never a dull page.
Maryann O. (Romance-fan) reviewed Incubus Dreams (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 12) on + 189 more book reviews
Great book. As the review on the cover says "A thrill ride."
Mardy W. (kodiakbear1994) reviewed Incubus Dreams (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 12) on + 17 more book reviews
This was the best in the series yet!
Anastasia S. (slaugha2) reviewed Incubus Dreams (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 12) on + 4 more book reviews
I'm not even done with this book yet and it is my least favorite. I have maybe 100 or so pages yet and there is nothing but SEX in this book, it's pretty much straight up porn. I don't mind it but I've forgotton what the plot of the book is and I don't like that. I will continue reading the series but this book kinda stinks. Usually I finish my Anita Blake books in 2 to 3 days but this has taken me 2 weeks to finish.

The focus turns from Richard and Jean Claude to Anita's were lovers Nathaniel and Micah. These two are endearing characters, and in this episode Anita really starts to understand Nathaniel's darker past. It's a very steamy read, but also a little sad because part of you wants to say "what about Jean Claude"?
it was wonderful.
Eleni P. (justleni) reviewed Incubus Dreams (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 12) on + 127 more book reviews
My least favorite of the Hamilton books so far. Why did she ahve to turn her books into Harlequins/smutty sex books?

last book of anita i think
Linda A. (Springfieldreader) reviewed Incubus Dreams (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 12) on + 458 more book reviews
The longer this series goes on, the less I like it. Howerver, I keep buying the books. I guess I am still hopefull.
Jennifer S. (jayejaye) reviewed Incubus Dreams (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 12) on + 42 more book reviews
Love, love, love this series! very hot and steamy as usual-fantastic book!
Mollie G. (amethystlover) reviewed Incubus Dreams (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 12) on + 330 more book reviews
I enjoyed this so much.
Divina D. (divineone) reviewed Incubus Dreams (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 12) on + 8 more book reviews
One of her best ever!
Here is book 12.....yummy!

Another 5-star for LKH!
good read
Love, Love, Love ALL the Anita Blake series!
Jonathan H. (bigjohn84) reviewed Incubus Dreams (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 12) on + 36 more book reviews
haven't read yet
I liked it but theres not dust jacket